Texas Embalmer Shares COVID Nightmare – Bodies Rotted from the inside, impossible stench

“I don’t know how much longer I can keep working this way,” the funeral professional told HuffPost, "We’ve had a lot of funeral professionals who have gotten COVID, and there have been several I know of who have died from it"


…They’re tremendously swollen. If they’ve been on a ventilator, that often completely runs down their immune system. It also opens them up to a lot of sepsis and secondary infections that tend to hang around hospitals, like penicillin-resistant staph infections.

These folks were so swollen they were completely unrecognizable. We were also getting sent a lot of people who had died from COVID in nursing homes back at that time, and many of them had not been dead very long at all. Generally when we embalm, we utilize a major artery to inject the embalming fluid and we use its adjoining vein for drainage. The blood tends to settle out because it’s no longer flowing and it’ll gravitate to the dependent part of the body. The longer a body sits, the more blood clots that they develop. I was having people that had only been dead for a few hours and there were major clotting issues. The clots were the size of pancakes ― you never, never see those with someone who didn’t die of COVID.

I’ve been doing this for 30 years and pretty much everywhere I’ve worked has been medium to high volume. I’m not one of those embalmers that works at a place that just does 50 or 60 bodies a year. So I’ve done this long enough and I’ve seen enough that I would know when something different pops up. COVID is unlike anything I’ve seen before.

Many of the people who were in the ICU were on ventilators, and they put adhesive patches on their cheeks. They can easily become septic and they drip that septic saliva on the sides of their faces and the skin in that area gets infected. We were literally receiving bodies with huge lesions on their cheeks or [patches that had gone] gangrene. The sad part is the families of these people, at that point, hadn’t been allowed to see their loved ones during the several weeks that they were in the ICU. So the body comes out in an almost unrecognizable condition, and then you have to explain to their family that their loved one doesn’t look anything like what they should.  Read more…



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  1. Why not dispose of the corpses by pushing them into trenches filled with burning fuel oil?

    Why would country whose Kriegsmarine (navy) could not sortie its surface ships in the last two years of the war due to lack of fuel oil use any other method?

  2. Remember, COVID-19 is a US bioweapon. It was first deployed in China, then Iran and Europe, and finally in the USA. The new Delta variant of this bioweapon is currently being deployed in red states, where it is decimating the unvaccinated population. Future historians will marvel at the Trumpsters’ gullibility and naïveté in believing his big con that COVID-19 is a hoax and the vaccine is poison, even when he himself got the vaccine right around the time that the bioweapon was first deployed in China.


  3. The high strangeness of the virus, from not affecting children, long haul covid, bizarre pain, and now pancake sized clots in the dead, this is not a game.

    Everything about this, imo, points to a uniqueness, in design. it is a persistent high strangeness. The last 4-5 days, intense pain in my shoulders (since feb2020) flares up, next day it is in the bicep, next day elbows, and then the forearm, then the wrist. Then relief for however long. very slowly getting better, very slowly, 5- 10% increase in mobility per month or so. It does not feel that the indication is full recovery. it feels like one of those old injuries that flare up depending on the weather. The only medication I have taken is the J vaccine. It was noticeable reduction in pain, then realization of slow improvement for the rest of the way. I have not had any respiratory symptoms, I smoke weed and tobacco. But I have noticed bouts of palpitations, a short period where I felt waves of dizziness or very lightheaded, (before the shot), and fatigue, which I really find annoying. My plan is to stay active as possible, and fight through it, it seems physical work helps, and sleep does not. Every morning is pain.

  4. Emmet Till. many times during extreme loss and grief, the family wishes to do anything they can to prevent it from affecting others. people need to see.

  5. The embalmer tells an interesting story. He sees the treatments that do not work.

    First, COVID-19 patient should receive little to no fluids. They should not be swollen. If they are swollen then either they received too much fluids or they became septic at the last minute and fluids were given to try to get the blood pressures up.

    Second, in regard to clotting…. COVID_19 patients should be anti-coagulated at least to the level of DVT prophylaxis. The level of clotting he describes is significant. There is plenty of data suggesting this is caused by the spike protein. Some COVID-19 patients create Antiphospholipid 6 antibodies which predisposes to further clotting.

    It should be mentioned that when you get the mRNA vaccine for the first time, for 2 weeks (14 days) you produce billions to trillion copies of spike protein.

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