Blockbuster: Congress Outlines Criminal Charges Trump and Cohorts Will Face


DB: Former President Donald Trump personally engaged in a criminal conspiracy to defraud the very nation he led and then obstructed an official proceeding of Congress, the Jan. 6 Committee argued in a legal brief Wednesday night.

Although its year-long investigation isn’t over, the House panel investigating the Jan.6 insurrection revealed its most extensive and damning conclusions yet against the former president in court filings released Wednesday night, extensively documenting how Trump engaged in illegal behavior to try and stay in power.

The committee was responding to arguments from Trump legal adviser, Professor John Eastman about why his communications with the former president ought to be privileged and confidential. But in refuting those arguments, the committee tipped its hand on a much larger question: Did Trump break the law?

The Jan. 6 panel laid out reasons why it thinks the answer to that question is decisively yes.

“Evidence and information available to the committee establishes a good-faith belief that Mr. Trump and others may have engaged in criminal and/or fraudulent acts, and that [Eastman’s] legal assistance was used in furtherance of those activities,” the committee said in the filing.

The sweeping document coalesces much of the evidence that has slowly trickled out in the news over the past year, as witnesses speak to investigators, cooperators come clean, and accomplices make bewildering confessions to reporters.

Lawyers are not allowed to give advice in furtherance of a crime, and legal advice based on that premise is not privileged.

“The defendant obstructed, influenced or impeded, or attempted to obstruct, influence or impede, an official proceeding of the United States, and… the defendant did so corruptly,” the Jan. 6 Committee said.

The panel also argued that it has “a good-faith” basis to conclude the former president and members of his campaign engaged in a criminal conspiracy to defraud the United States.

“The evidence supports an inference that President Trump, Plaintiff [Eastman], and several others entered into an agreement to defraud the United States by interfering with the election certification process, disseminating false information about election fraud, and pressuring state officials to alter state election results and federal officials to assist in that effort,” the legal brief released Wednesday said.  Read more..


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  1. The most incarcerated country on the planet, is showing a clear Bias.
    It is time for the DOJ to review the declaration, and consider themselves as the recipient.
    And what of taxing the prince that has so comfortably plopped down on our shore ?
    The stench of favoritism is permeating our courts and halls.

  2. We live in an Oligarchy. We have learned that crimes of the wealthy are ignored, while the average citizen is subject to random civil asset forfeiture and excessive violence by LE.
    We have learned that the law is not applied equally and we appear to have Kings.

    “They” have learned they can get away with nearly anything including murder, sedition, insurrection, or treason. It is confirmed since Jan 7 2020, that there is no law. The will and government of the people has been usurped, by a protectorate of corporate wolves. We are becoming close to Fascist, or we are already there.

  3. Nov 6, Jan 6, Covid and now Ukraine hysteria! Brought to you by the US “Maytag” media. Washing ( as is brain washing ), laundering every ounce of “dirty truth” out before spinning the narrative to preserve our so-called democracy. Thank goodness VT proposes some counter narrative to the incessant mockingbirds chirping.

  4. Merrick Garland is waiting for the next shoe to drop, that horrible false-flag event that will be the end of the USA as we know it. Now that the war between the AngloZionist Empire and Russia has once again turned into a hot war, the real “powers that be” have decided to play their final card, the Samson Option.

    That will totally reshuffle the financial deck and most likely reduce the human population on the planet Earth dramatically. The Georgia guidestones explain this as, “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.” That was someone’s guess as to what is to come. 50 million US Christian Zionists explain it differently, Jesus will come riding in on an ICBM to turn everyone but them into cinder cakes. What a glorious end-times scenario that will be.

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