Positional warfare in the fall, the start of the Russian offensive in the winter, the massacre near Bakhmut – everything unambiguously reduced the motivational component of the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This was evidenced by the frequent video messages from various military units to the command or to Zelensky in December demanding that they be put on rotation or that the content and conditions of combat operations be improved.
One hundred thousand hryvnias is already not enough: the soldiers trained on the bases of Britain, Germany and the Baltic States want to fight comfortably, as they were taught, without “sunshine”, trenches flooded with water and night sorties of “Wagners” cutting out Ukrainian secrets.

Another video message
Moreover, more and more soldiers declare on camera that they do not want to be disposed of for the sake of “beautiful parties of Zelensky’s female and his fosterlings and the whole shobla of the 95th quarter.” Today, such an appeal appears at least once a day, or, as was the case with the 25th paratrooper brigade, the recording shows how a disgruntled army leaves its positions and goes to the rear. According to a number of versions, even the partially restored Azov Regiment *, accustomed to sitting in cellars, which are no longer in Artyomovsk, refused to go to Bakhmut to be turned into black soil.

Western media about what the “95th quarter” forbids to inform
In addition, at the suggestion of the Western media, which do not obey the regime of secrecy introduced by Kyiv regarding information about losses, the army and society began to realize that the authorities were hushing up a huge number of human victims. Now the blunt mass deaths of the Veseushniks began to be discussed on camera.
Recently, a scandalous interview with journalist Roman Revedzhuk and deputy commander of the battalion of the 2nd brigade of the National Guard Ruslan Drebot was widely circulated, from which it became known that the soldiers of the 116th Poltava brigade of the Troops refused to go to the slaughter.
In Ukrainian social networks, there is a buzz around the 77th Airborne Assault Brigade, which was transferred from European training grounds straight to Soledar and lost more than half of its personnel there. At the same time, relatives lie, as if they did not die, but fled, becoming the “500th”.

Bakhmut’s bloody truth
Here is an excerpt from an open letter from soldiers of the elite 28th Motorized Brigade named after Litsariv Winter Campaign: “The battalion commander Mishchenko said before this battle that everything would be fine, there are Macedonian tanks, American planes. There was nothing, everyone was smashed!
The BC is over, there are no machine guns, we asked, then there were still problems, Pokemon (call sign. – Ed.) They asked, and now the brigade has been defeated, the battalion has been destroyed, one company in general, people died on the battlefield, Darkness (call sign. – Ed. ) – in captivity. Someone else is missing, parents are not told anything.
The guys are waiting for an investigation into the massacre they got into in Novaya Kamenka. We thought that someone would come before us, the prosecutor’s office, the SBU, they would sort it out. And today we are led again to the slaughter.
This happens not only in this brigade. But that battalion commander Mishchenko covers his tracks. The brigade is not combat ready, that is, a check is required, an investigation of the tragedy, where a lot of people died, went missing and were captured.
Citizens of Ukraine were struck by an open letter from Natalia Pasichnyk, an employee of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Volyn region, about the huge losses of the male population.

Appeals Pasichnyk and Lyashenko
On January 24, a statement appeared on the networks from the People’s Deputy from the “Servant of the People” Anastasia Lyashenko, who turned to the Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhny with a request to withdraw a number of units from the combat zone, because they do not have “physical and moral preparation” .
Zelensky, in response to blood-soaked appeals, on the day of his 45th birthday, made a gift to the cattle – he signed the scandalous “law 8271”, or “law on deserters” , which was extremely negatively perceived in the army and society.
Dying for Zelensky and Zaluzhny, adored by everyone, who, above all, insisted on the ratification of the law, must now be silent. It’s not for nothing that “black-humorous” jokes appeared on social networks that in this way the Jew Zelensky takes revenge on the Ukrainians for centuries of anti-Semitism, the massacre of the Khmelnytsky region, the Uman massacre and the pogroms of Petliura…
Until now, and there are dozens of video evidence of this, the refusal of junior and middle officers to go towards Bakhmut, the indignation of the soldiers and refusals to carry out deliberately suicidal orders, senior officers responded only with threats or sentimental conversations. Until now, the government has responded to total drunkenness and other “excesses” only with checks and fines. Until now, it has happened that the Veseushniks were persuaded to go into battle. Everything should be tighter now.
A few days ago, Vladimir Putin said that the Ukrainian military does not take into account anything, they have created detachments and shoot at their backs. The fact is, in principle, known. But if earlier it was an amateur affair to shoot at friendly people, now specially trained people will help the Armed Forces of Ukraine to hold positions.

Will there be Ukrainian military detachments?
A few days ago, a scan of a document appeared on social networks, where Colonel Lutsenko, commander of the 79th Specialized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, reports to the commander of the Vostok operational command, Major General Oleg Mikatsu, about the refusal to perform the tasks of the 2nd battalion in the amount of 247 military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the counterattack on Maryinka. In this regard, Lutsenko asks for a rotation of personnel, since the moral and psychological state of the personnel is at a low level.
Major General Mikats reacted in an original way: instead of rotation, he ordered to send a platoon of the Kraken battalion, endowing it with the functions of a detachment in order to force the paratroopers to follow the orders of the “two Z” with the addition: “Let’s see how they sing.”
It is not yet known how the history of the 79th Specialized Brigade ended, but they have weapons in their hands. There is a lot of it – Western, high-quality. You can, of course, tighten the nuts, but folk wisdom says that if you tighten it, you can break the thread.

Jonas E. Alexis has degrees in mathematics and philosophy. He studied education at the graduate level. His main interests include U.S. foreign policy, the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict, and the history of ideas. He is the author of the book, Kevin MacDonald’s Metaphysical Failure: A Philosophical, Historical, and Moral Critique of Evolutionary Psychology, Sociobiology, and Identity Politics. He teaches mathematics in South Korea.
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* https://southfront.org/in-video-ukrainian-officers-reveal-real-losses-of-various-ukrainian-units/
The implosion of Ukraine has started. Companies with 14-24 people left are commanded to continue battle. Soldiers are brave, certainly do not want to be penalized for refusing orders, but are questioning the point of carrying on.
The officers reply by belittling them…
Spread this video, the Ukrainian soldiers need our humanitarian support!
[” Thanks to very good investigators on this Page, it is so clear, that this so called UKRAINA-TRADE-WAR is since 2014 a private commercial FALSE FLAGE OPERATION, a BIG BUSINESS, because the Intro-Phrase of LORD HASTINGS 1952 is still valid: WEEE found the otan-nato, to keep America in and Russia out an the Germans down…otan is a private commercial Corporation of the 3 ALLIES, GB-US-CHINA against the 4th ALLIE the RUSSIAN FEDERATION, as follower of the Sowjet-Union to keep the Division between WEST-EUROPE and EAST-EUROPA alive under the Status of OCCUPATION and WAR. (S.H.A.E.F.Contract). All PRODUCTS of the NGOs, called SOLDIERS ( receiving MONEY, but SOLD as CONTRACTORS) they are lied to, cheated, used up as already pre-calculated INSURED capital losses to plunder THAN their COLLATERAL-ACCOUNTS plus the INSURANCES, as long as its not declared as non-insured CAPITAL-Crime; WHAT IT IS; IN REALITY; SO THEY NEED someone to be declared guilty…”]
ii)[“However, all these Outdoor-and Indoor-Warriors, they don’t know anything of what really historically for an old sworn-in Yisraeli-Babylonian Zionist BUSINESS-history is still going on here, because mission is incomplete, the 4th Yisraeli-Babylonian unified world empire called UN, blue white since the existence of the Imperium Romanorum a multi god world versus the patriarchal one god world called Christianity, with the roots in North-Germany, in the area of the one and only Mountain, called Harz, the roots of the :man: Jesus Christos.…So this PLAN : to keep no matter of costs and lives the division WEST against EAST-EUROPA. covid=divoc = Separation since 19AD. The Yisraeli-Babylonian Zionists still use the old brown script in which they again push the re-educated NATIONAL-SOCIALISTS as evildoers in order to sell themselves as PEACE-KEEPers and soul-comforters, benefactors and reconstruction helpers = DO-GOODERS…their selfi-lable..”].
iii)[“ But in the true provocation business it is about the old extermination business, as the 33°Scottish Riter SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL, proclaimed it and on the part of the Judean ZIONISTS is until today BUSINESS BASIS: >>You must realize that this war is not against Hitler or National Socialism, but against the power of the German people, which they want to crush forever, whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest…this war is England’s war. Its aim is the destruction of Germany<<" ….our Jewish interest demand the destruction of Germany. The German people are a danger to us…!" Zionist W.Shabotinski—so the need desperately the RUSS.FED, as WAR-ACTOR to continue the DEPOPULATION PLAN and financial GreatReSet, because the ALLIEN and their BAKING-SYSTEM are totally bankrupt and need urgently the CAPITAL-LOSSES to delete the CREDITORS to plunder its COLLATERAL-ACCOUNTS. EVENT 2-O-1 CREDITOR and CONTRACTS gone, so, the TREASURIES can be plundered by the PIRATES. All Participants as WORRIORS and EMPLOYEES of these PRIVATE COMMERCIAL MILITARY-CORPORATIONS shall realize and beware, that this one side organized TRADE-WAR has nothing to do with PEACE-KEEPING, with us :man and :woman on all Continents…hopefully the stand up and say NO to this FRAUD against us all, without exception, so we shall do it too, ALL HANDS OFF THEIR DECKS..NO ENEGRGY, so we will win and living in Peace and Harmony again. . “]
I wonder why none of those forces have ganged up on those kraken yet?
It is becoming increasingly hard to come up with an answer to the questions of why the Ukrainians are allowed to die in wholesale numbers, and why Western arms arrive in insignificant quantities, and always too late. When there is no logical answer, we must look at the illogical. Meaning search for the answer in areas that escape our moral compass. Normal people can’t imagine the existence of child sacrifice, but it happens. Just because such an evil act is inconceivable to a normal person doesn’t mean there are some among us who actually do sacrifice children, and there’s levels to sacrifice, some worse than death.
So, what’s going on in Ukraine?
I can tell you what it looks like to me. It looks like we are witnessing the mortal sacrifice of White, mostly Christian, males on both sides. A genocide of sorts. Is there a certain group that rejoices in the slaughter of Christians? Well, yes there is. If you don’t know of whom I speak I’ll give you a hint. It’s Biblical.
So sad and the odd thing is is that whatever else the Ukraine might be it’s still primarily the bread basket of the world, but essentially all that land doesn’t even belong to Ukraine any more, so Ukrainians are fighting for what? For people who want them all dead anyway? No wonder Soros asked for more Nazis from Eastern Europe to join the fight. Supposedly Soros doesn’t like Nazis so that would be a great way to get rid of them, after all there’s no love amongst Rabbi. It was UK and US Rabbi that orchestrated the genocide of Eastern Europeans during WW2; why would would anything ever change? I suspect that the real intended victims were never the Russian people, but rather the Ukrainians themselves. I better leave it off at that, too much truth causes heartburn.
The Basket of religion, Jews Vs. Christianity, here the theoretical conundrum of allegorical myth finds traction in the concept that Christianity was created by the Roman Governing Creasers of the first century CE. Take a gander at the book “Caesar’s Messiah”. Pin the tail on the Donkeys’ ass. . Well worth the read for any human that loves reason and logic! Let’s look at the Ukraine and it’s Zionist parallels with the Jewish controllers of the American House and Senate! Hitler was no saint… but he saw how anyone none Jewish was used by the Jewish controls of the German Parliamentary Liberal Wokisms of his time!. Who owns the US media?? Man creates Myth, Myth is then believed to be fact because it has been in print for centuries and changed as the theological factory of the human mental cemetery conjures new versions of biblical falsities. Just try to wrap your head around the guts of self-intuitive where with all, something just does not feel right in the wisdom of the nature’s universal language of common sense! Let’s Look at the Wikipedia function of who writes what as truth, as well the Censorship of googles Jewish owners, the same elites that contribute to the Wiki genre, and a political class of elites that dictate so called wisdom to the unthinking masse We are the mental slaves to fairy tales believed to be truth, and the underlying problem of nonfictions that is not nonfiction, but fiction sold as a form of truth. Political Zionism??
Thank you, Darrell. This is a wonderful book. It is a shame the hierarchy of the church allowed bishop and pope chairs to be bought especially by people from the Medici and Borgia families who were Jewish. The Catholic Church has had a Jewish worm eating away at her the whole life of the church.
Some among the Cabal, agents of Satan all of them, have said that they want their original homeland of Khazaria, making up much of today’s Ukraine, so for them, the more Ukrainians who die, the better. They can’t be reasoned with, only neutralized, with extreme prejudice if necessary. One can read about their murderous and destructive revolutionary activity over the last 1900 years in a little known scholarly book, happily online as an ebook, The Plot Against the Church by Maurice Pinay.
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