U.S. Lied About Funding “Dangerous Pathogen” Research in Secret Ukrainian Biolabs, Newly Leaked Documents Reveal


Newly Leaked Documents Reveal Pentagon Contractors Worked Under $80 Million Program Funded by Defense Department But Kept Hidden from Public

By Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, CovertActionMagazine.com

Leaked documents give new information about the Pentagon program in bio laboratories in Ukraine. According to internal documents, Pentagon contractors were given full access to all Ukrainian bio laboratories which handled dangerous pathogens, while independent experts were denied even a visit. The new revelations challenge the U.S. government stated that the Pentagon just funded bio laboratories in Ukraine but had nothing to do with them.

Last week U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Victoria Nuland confirmed that “Ukraine has biological research facilities” and the U.S. is worried that “those research materials” may fall into Russian hands. What “research materials” were studied in these laboratories and why are U.S. officials so worried that they may fall into Russian hands?

[Source: twitter.com]

The Pentagon activities in Ukrainian Biolabs were funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). DTRA allocated $80 million for biological research in Ukraine as of July 30, 2020, according to information obtained from the U.S. Federal Contractor Registration. U.S. company Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp. was tasked with the program.

[Source: dilyana.bg]

The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) awarded Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp. an $80 million contract under the Biological Threat Reduction Program (BTRP) in Ukraine in 2020.

Located in Overland Park, Kansas, Black & Veatch is an employee-owned engineering firm specializing in infrastructure development in power, oil and gas, telecommunications, mining and banking, and financial markets, which previously obtained more than $1 billion worth of contracts in Afghanistan. It obtained revenues of more than $3.7 billion in 2020,

It was sued by dozens of U.S. soldiers, injured in Taliban attacks, who accused Black & Veatch of violating the U.S. Anti-Terrorism Act by making illegal protection payments to the Taliban.

The lawsuit estimates that it cost the Taliban about $100 million to $155 million to launch attacks in 2011 and about $300 million to maintain the insurgency. The lawsuit said protection money was one the largest and most reliable sources of income for the Taliban.

[Source: foursquare.com]

Pentagon contractors gave full access to Ukrainian Biolabs

First constructed following a 2005 agreement spearheaded by then-Senator Barack Obama, the Ukrainian Biolabs were accessible to Pentagon contractors but not to independent experts, according to internal documents published on Reddit by an alleged former employee of the Ukrainian Ministry of Health. Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp. was given full access to freely operate in all Biolabs in Ukraine that was engaged in biological research activities under the DTRA program, according to a letter dated July 2, 2019, from the Ukrainian Minister of Health to DTRA in Ukraine.

A letter dated July 2, 2019, from the Ukrainian Minister of Health Ulana Suprun to DTRA in Ukraine gives Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp. full access to all bio laboratories in Ukraine involved in the U.S. military biological research program. Ulana Suprun is an American national and was conferred Ukrainian citizenship by former president Petro Poroshenko in 2015.

Ulana Suprun [Source: wikipedia.org]

Ukraine rejected a proposal for public control over the Pentagon-funded Biolabs

While Pentagon contractors were given full access to all Biolabs involved in the DTRA program, independent experts were denied such access under the pretext that these Biolabs were working with especially dangerous pathogens.

According to a leaked letter, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine denied experts from the scientific journal Problems of Innovation and Investment Development access to the Pentagon-funded laboratories. The ministry rejected the proposal made by the scientific journal and did not allow an independent public control group of experts to supervise these bio laboratories.

“The Ministry of Health of Ukraine considers it inappropriate to create a working group for public control and it is not possible to allow members of the group to enter the premises of laboratories of especially dangerous infections of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine,” according to a letter dated 21 October 2016 from the Ukrainian Deputy Minister for European Integration Oksana Sivak to the scientific journal “Problems of Innovation and Investment Development.”

Another DTRA contractor that operated in Ukraine was CH2MHill. Englewood, the Colorado-based company, which previously managed the $5.26 billion Panama Canal expansion project and provided management consultancy services for the Iraq Common Seawater supply project, was awarded a $22.8 million contract (2020-2023) for the reconstruction and equipment of two new bio laboratories:  the State Scientific Research Institute of Laboratory Diagnostics and Veterinary-Sanitary Expertise (Kyiv ILD) and the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection Regional Diagnostic Laboratory (Odesa RDL).

[Source: davisvanguard.org]

According to leaked documents, CH2MHill was tasked with an $11.6 million program “Countering Especially Dangerous Pathogen Threats in Ukraine.”

German-Ukrainian project on bird flu 

German and Ukrainian scientists conducted biological research on especially dangerous pathogens in birds (2019-2020). The project was implemented by the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine (Kharkov) and the Friedrich Loeffler Institute (Greifswald, Germany). According to the project’s description, the main goal of this project was to carry out sequencing of orthomyxoviruses (causative agents of avian flu) genomes, as well as to discover new viruses in birds.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, DTRA funded a similar project in Ukraine—UP-4—in 2020. The project’s goal was to research the potential of especially dangerous pathogens to be transmitted via migratory birds, including the highly pathogenic H5N1 flu, whose lethality for humans can reach 50%, as well as Newcastle disease. The use of migratory birds for possible delivery of pathogens was a major research program between the Smithsonian Institution and the U.S. Department of Defense in the past.

Links to Documents Pointing to Pentagon Funding of Biolabs in Ukraine

(Note: these documents were removed from the U.S. embassy in Kyiv—moved to Lviv on February 24, but have been made accessible by internet sleuths)

About Author: Dilyana Gaytandzhieva is a Bulgarian journalist and Middle East correspondent. Over the last two years, she has published a series of reports on weapons supplies to terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In December of 2016 while reporting on the battle of Aleppo she discovered and filmed underground warehouses full of heavy weapons with Bulgaria as their country of origin. They were used by Al Nusra Front (the Al Qaeda affiliate in Syria which is designated as a terrorist organization by the UN).

Diplomatic documents which were leaked to her revealed that these weapons were just a small part of a covert international weapons shipment network via 350 diplomatic flights for the armament of terrorists in the Middle East and Africa. It was organized by the United States Special Operations Command, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

Dilyana can be reached at info@dilyana.bg.


STATE.GOV – On March 9, 2022, the U.S. State Department issued an Official Press Statement refuting all Bio and Chemical Weapons claims made by Russia.

“The Kremlin is intentionally spreading outright lies that the United States and Ukraine are conducting chemical and biological weapons activities in Ukraine. We have also seen PRC officials echo these conspiracy theories. This Russian disinformation is total nonsense and not the first time Russia has invented such false claims against another country. Also, these claims have been debunked conclusively and repeatedly over many years.

As we have said all along, Russia is inventing false pretexts in an attempt to justify its own horrific actions in Ukraine. The United States does not own or operate any chemical or biological laboratories in Ukraine, it is in full compliance with its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention and Biological Weapons Convention, and it does not develop or possess such weapons anywhere. It is Russia that has active chemical and biological weapons programs and is in violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention and Biological Weapons Convention.

Finally, Russia has a track record of accusing the West of the very crimes that Russia itself is perpetrating. These tactics are an obvious ploy by Russia to try to justify further premeditated, unprovoked, and unjustified attacks on Ukraine. We fully expect Russia to continue to double down on these sorts of claims with further unfounded allegations.”

Read The Full Official Statement here at “State.gov – The Kremlin’s Allegations of Chemical and Biological Weapons Laboratories in Ukraine


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  1. This will likely come out altogether in Europe, hopefully even the American MSM will not be able to hide it. That this was begun in the first years of Senator Obama is quite disappointing. It confirms that he was bought and paid for (or owned, if you prefer) from the very git-go, the same as the rest of the DC swamp. No wonder the Russians called him the worst devil yet from the west. All the things that have culminated since his first years was carefully hidden or disguised from the public. Who would have believed that this paragon of virtue was in fact likely the worst ever seen since the Bush collection. At least this puts his very much undeserved (or actually, well deserved) Nobel merchant of death prize in perspective. As well, this also gives a look at the real Trump admin, who was aware of these goings on. He could have made points with Russia and US citizens…but he didn’t did he? It’s so strange that political enemies are identical in policy. NOT.

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