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Assoc. for Defending Victims of Terrorism – 7th Conference in Iran

"So hurrah for the Iranians who honor their dead, killed in a dirty attempted subversion war by the US and its fellow travellers." - Jim W. Dean

Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism – May 5, 2022

"We must try to save the deceived workers from the clutches of such groups, and we call on the states to fight the terrorist groups and not allow the job-seeking workers to be deceived."

Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism seeks justice for assassination of...

Jim W. Dean - For those who continue these state sponsored assassinations, it is time to consider their continued UN membership, something long overdue.

ADVT – Human Rights in the Shadow

Every human being, regardless of religion, nationality, color, race and geography, has fundamental rights that cannot be degraded by any power and will not be taken away under any circumstances.

ADVT – Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare

Jim W. Dean - During my trip to Iran, I met the children and grandchildren that were hiding in the bomb shelters with chemical weapons being used on their cities.

Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism – Kurdistan, Iran conference

Jim W. Dean - We salute ADVT for another year of growth and success, and its unwavering commitment not only for those who have died, but for those who are going to in his fight.

ADVT – On the Terror attack on the Kabul girls’ school

...from the Assoc. for Defending Victims of Terrorism The Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism issued a statement condemning the terrorist attack at the Seyed...

Iran’s ADVT honors its victims of terrorism once again

Jim W. Dean - VT will always be a home for remembering who did what to whom...and why.

Iran’s terror victim organization ADVT address to the UN Human Rights...

Jim W. Dean - ADVT is in a way a version of an Iranian VT, focused on keeping the memory of their terror victims alive, and the hunt to publicly punish their murderers as well.

World Children’s Day in Iran – Association for Defending Victims of...

"Our effective response and strategy for the world is that we strengthen the protection of children which is supporting Children's Movement for Children."

Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism – 12-13-2020

Jim W. Dean - VT will always support the Association of Defending Victims of Terrorism, which by the way is not just for Iranian victims but for terror victims all over the world.

Iran’s victims of terrorism have become messengers for world peace

The Defending Victims of Terrosiam Association has dedicated itself to building an international organization for the families of all terror victims to represent their lost members without any geopolitical or religious leaning.

Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism – Day of Remembrance

Jim W. Dean - We are long past time in allowing Western State terror perpetrators, including Israel, to get by as easily as they have. The main hurdle has been our outdated United Nations structure.

US supported MEK terrorists kidnapped Iranians as slave workers

Jim W. Dean - With the world turning upside down with the Covid scourge and impending global recession descending upon us, it will be even tougher to save the MEK kidnapped slaves in Albania.