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Tag: Crimea

Russian MoD Blames UK Royal Navy for Nord Stream Sabotage and...

Russian Ministry of Defense Blames by UK Royal Navy for Nord Stream Sabotage and Drone Attack on the Black Sea Fleet in Crimea. Grain Deal Stopped

Alleged Truck-Bomb Blown Up on Crimean Bridge (video). Ukrainian Officials: “This...

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio for VT Europe Russia Today and Sputnik News, a Kremlin-controlled network, support the thesis of a truck explosion, so the...

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and events in Ukraine April...

During the second phase of the special operation, Russian armed forces plan to establish full control over Donbas and southern Ukraine, to provide a corridor to Crimea. And Ukrainian saboteurs detained.

Caught: Romania, a NATO ‘partner’ Faces Attack for Hosting Ukrainian Combat...

SVPressa: Anyone who more or less systematically follows the course of the special operation of the Russian armed forces in Ukraine, I believe, could...

Vodka and Cocaine Speaking: Zelensky Talks About Partitioning Ukraine

Zelensky is not shy about giving interviews every day. Sometimes, however, he goes on the air either tipsy, or in a state of drug intoxication.

America Escalates its War Against Russia

In this World War III of NATO against Russia; Ukraine is enormously boosting the profits of U.S. and allies' defense contractors, such as Lockheed Martin, the world’s largest weapons seller.

Zhirinovsky, the Dead Prophet Speaks

A good while back, Zhirinovsky predicted current events that Russia is now facing with NATO in Kiev and in Crimea.

Analysis: Kyiv to Surrender as Odessa, Last Seaport, Becomes ‘Fight to...

Following the tents of Liddell Hart, the British military theorist, if Russia moves on Odessa, Kyiv will have to surrender.

Vladimir Putin to Every Russian Soldier, ‘Why We are At War’

The residents of Donetsk and Lugansk took up arms to defend their home and their lives, after the horror and tragedy of 2 May 2014 in Odessa where Ukrainian neo-Nazis burned people alive making a new Khatyn out of it?

US biolaboratories in Ukraine: Americans planned to poison Crimea and its...

Entire groups of infected living organisms were supposed to fall on the Crimean expanses from American laboratories beyond Perekop. This is the conclusion that the Russian defense department made after analyzing the unique trophies obtained as a result of a special operation in Ukraine. The bacteriological attack on the Crimea began even before the start of the current military events.

Why did Russia intervene in Ukraine and is Europe heading for...

Russians and Ukrainians are one people and almost every family in Russia has a relative in Ukraine.

Donetsk: Evidence of Ukraine attack plans found based on NATO data.

It is not far-fetched that Kiev has planned an attack on Crimea, and thus a war with Russia, because that is what President Selensky officially ordered by decree on March 24, 2021.