Tag: rothschild
The Rothschild Deep State Cabal Is Imploding
That same momentous year that kicked off the American Revolution, 1776 was also the year that ex-Jesuit Adam Weishaupt in Bavaria founded his Illuminati Order, sponsored by Mayer Amschel Rothschild as House of Rothschild patriarch in nearby Frankfurt, Germany.
South Africans: Rothschilds Sucking Country’s Economy Dry
"No one does more to further the revolution than the Rothschilds themselves…"
Masonic Rothschilds got caught in Switzerland—again
By the middle of the nineteenth century, the Bank of England was dominantly controlled by the Rothschild family.
For Its Security and Survival, China Must Understand Rothschild Zionism
Imagine international banking and Rothschild Zionism at the helm of China’s awesome military, global trade routes, scientific innovation, and manufacturing capability. A Hieronymous Bosch hellscape—for both China, and the planet. But don’t jump yet.
Proof that “World Government” is Banker Tyranny
“The Bank has by degrees obtained almost entire dominion over the circulating medium, and with it, power to increase or diminish the price of property and to levy taxes on the people in the shape of premiums and interest to an amount only limited by the quantity of paper currency it is enabled to issue.”
Putting a Face on the Khazarian Mafia
Heinrich Heine saw James Rothschild as “a powerful destroyer of patrician privilege, and the founder of a new democracy."
Victor Rothschild Was a “Soviet” Agent
“The Rothschild family and politics have been intertwined for generations, ever since Nathan Rothschild, who founded the English branch of the family business, financed Britain’s war against Napoleon two centuries ago…"
VT Staffer, Steve Robertson, Dies of COVID-19, Much loved, Much missed
DR. EDWARD L. BERNAYS, “We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of."
Planned-demics… How Else? Wake Up People!!! Chemtrails, Be Concerned – VERY...
Los Angeles, CA during today's attack, right now:
Los Angeles, CA under attack during this past weekend of August 3, 2019. Enough is...
US Police Are Again Brutalizing Our Fellow Citizens. Thank Israel. ...
A New World Order/Deep State / Cabal / Kazarian Mafia Crash Course Series, a BraveHeart series
U.S. Police personnel and departments across the...
The Law of One Prophesy, Protocols of the Box, and...
by Steve Robertson, EvolvingPlanet7.org
The Law of One Prophesy, Protocols of the Box, and The Great Awakening to Come
Chapter I
Once upon a time, there was...
The Cabal, Dark Secrets of the Wizards of Oz and Your...
Part III: Wizards of Mind Control and Their Attempt at Full-Spectrum Dominance
A Braveheart Article Series
Hang onto your hat Dorothy, journey bravely into the eye...
The Cabal, Dark Secrets of The Wizards of Oz and Your...
Part II: Wizards of the Scofield Reference Bible, Israel's Trojan Horse of Christian Mind Control
The Cabal, Dark Secrets of The Wizards of Oz and Your...
Part I: The Spells of a Wicked Agenda
Los Angeles: Major Chemtrail Attack, Is this how they’re planning...
Is This How They Plan To Take Us All Out?
Worst Deal of the Century as U.S. Dual-Citizen Traitors offers Palestine...
Israel's Anthology of Palestinian Cruelty
UPDATE: Hollywood/Los Angeles Under Chemtrail Attack Again, X Marks the Spot,...
A Braveheart article series
Thursday 1/23/2020 Hollywood, CA (9:14 am) is under attack again. In plain sight, on the famed Sunset Blvd, a zombified public,...
Los Angeles Under Siege …AGAIN…DAY 6…Chemtrails, Be Concerned – VERY CONCERNED
Here we go again!!!
Los Angeles, CA is under attack again. Read below the article below, that some 10,000 plus people have already read to...
Worst Deal of the Century as Dual-Citizen Traitors offer Palestine “Fair...
How can US Senators and Congresspeople who swear an oath to serve and protect the US Constitution, Bill of Rights and the American people also legally, and with a good conscience, hold a dual citizenship with Israel?
ReTread: Dark Secrets of the Wizards of Oz and Your...
(2,356 views before 2019 VT website reset)
Editor's note: If you feel you are living in a Skinner Box, and that thought has only come...
Israel’s Samson Option and the New Santa Claus Effect (Part 2...
A Freedom Series by BraveHeart
The Santa Claus Effect - The Samson Option
Does Israel have a secret gun pointed at the head of the rest...
The Protocols of the Box, an Ancient Modern Day Parable
(3,445 views before 2019 VT website reset)
Editor's note: Steve Robertson represents a move at VT, making a home for the major writers from mainstream...