UPDATE: Hollywood/Los Angeles Under Chemtrail Attack Again, X Marks the Spot, Help President Trump!!!


A Braveheart article series

Thursday 1/23/2020 Hollywood, CA (9:14 am) is under attack again.  In plain sight, on the famed Sunset Blvd, a zombified public, glued face down to their cell phones,  sleepwalks under an obvious rain of terror.  

The Deep State, New World Order, Khazarian Mafia, Cabal or whatever name you wish to call these psychopaths use the obvious and in everyday plain sight barrage of chemtrails or geoengineering that rain down on each of us, our children, family,  friends, kindergarten, elementary, middle, high schools, colleges, universities, workplaces, farmlands, supermarkets, parks, recreational and every imaginable place as a daily litmus test to determine how asleep the public/humanity is and how far they can ultimately push their agendas of global enslavement and population control.

Saturday 1/18/2020 Los Angeles, CA is under attack again.  X Marks the Spot – Here we go again!!!

Sunday:  January 19, 2020  (photos below) 


Read below the article below,  that some 15,000 plus people have already read to better understand the Monsters who are behind it all.

January 8th

January 7th

January 6th

Here are some images from this past weekend (January 4-5, 2020) here in Los Angeles.

Saturday 1.4.2020 (images just below) Sunday 1.5.2020 (image just below)

Los Angeles, CA under attack during this past weekend of August 3, 2019. Enough is Enough!

[Editor’s note: There have been breakthroughs this year, as the mechanisms for control – in particular, smearing those who “out” the games played with human life – become implausible.

There is no audience for the accusation of “conspiracy theory” or “wingnut” made about anyone who speaks out, not when the US now officially complains that its own diplomats are subject to “magic brain waves” used by the “Chinese.”

You just can’t just make this stuff up.

We found out long ago that DARPA was working on weather control. The UAE is using an early system to attempt to bring rain and catch a bit of unseasonably cold weather. They have spent more than a quarter of a billion dollars thus far.

Real systems, those that manipulate the jet stream to fish out polar freezes or create major storms, went on the market a decade ago.

We’ve looked at vaccine issues. We have found that the anti’s are filled with recruited and paid wingnuts to make up fake conspiracies so the real ones – poisoned vaccines and “designer viruses” – will fall on deaf ears. For some of you, read this twice and be more careful about who you believe. Now, Steve Robertson will open with chemtrails. The game is afoot. Gordon Duff

A Braveheart article series

The Deep State, New World Order, Khazarian Mafia, Cabal or whatever name you wish to call these psychopaths use the obvious and in everyday plain sight barrage of chemtrails or geoengineering that rain down on each of us, our children, family,  friends, kindergarten, elementary, middle, high schools, colleges, universities, workplaces, farmlands, supermarkets, parks, recreational and every imaginable place as a daily litmus test to determine how asleep the public/humanity is and how far they can ultimately push their agendas of global enslavement and population control.


DR. EDWARD L. BERNAYS, the Founding Father of Public Relations:
“We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of… If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it…
…The conscious and intellectual manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”


 speech before the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961 (some two years before his assassination):

“We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence —-on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of election, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system that has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a
​tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations…

…Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, nor rumor printed, no secret revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a wartime discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.”


To this end, we shall urge proposals extending the United Nations Charter to the limits of man’s exploration of the universe, reserving outer space for peaceful use, prohibiting weapons of mass destruction in space or on celestial bodies, and opening the mysteries and benefits of space to every nation. We shall propose further cooperative efforts between all nations in weather prediction and eventually in weather control. We shall propose, finally, a global system of communications satellites linking the whole world in telegraph and telephone and radio and television. The day need not be far away when such a system will televise the proceedings of this body to every corner of the world for the benefit of peace.


Learn About the Monsters Behind It All:

Dark Secrets of The Wizards of Oz and Your Hero Within (part 1 of 4) 
Part I: The Spells of a Wicked Agenda

Dark Secrets of The Wizards of Oz and Your Hero Within (part 2 of 4)
Part II: Wizards of the Scofield Reference Bible, Israel’s Trojan Horse of Christian Mind Control

Dark Secrets of the Wizards of Oz and Your Hero Within (Part 3 of 4)
Part III: Wizards of Mind Control and Their Attempt at Full-Spectrum Dominance

Dark Secret of the Wizards of Oz and Your Hero With (Part 4 of 4)
Part IV:  Witches and Warlocks of Controlled Opposition, PSYOP and False Flag Deceptions




Another great research resource:



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  1. Check with
    Dane Wigington has been going after these Agenda 21 psychos for years.
    I contacted the TCEQ regarding the chemtrails and they claimed these were contrails. I sent them photos taken over the course of a year, plus all reference sites, including “Weather as a Force Multiplier – Owning the Weather by 2025” published by the USAF in 1996, then asked them what they’re going to do about it, they replied it was not in their jurisdiction and for me to contact the FAA. That was a joke, then contacted NOAA – the sent a reply that they would contact me shortly, that was two years ago. Time to unite!!

  2. “The UAE is using an early system to attempt to bring rain and catch a bit of unseasonably cold weather.” – GD

    Is this why rain has become an issue at the Qatar MotoGP round (held in early to mid March) in recent years?

    “We have found that the anti’s are filled with recruited and paid wingnuts to make up fake conspiracies so the real ones – poisoned vaccines and “designer viruses” – will fall on deaf ears.” – GD

    Bingo! Post something reasonable on social media such as “vaccines should be treated like other drugs regarding purity and dosage”, and people will interpret it as a coded anti-vaxxer statement.

  3. Nice shots of the variety of California weather.
    Aren’t those efficient high bypass Turbofans wonderful?
    I remember watching LA bound Constellations leave contrails over Bakersfield when they got into that cold air inversion that we people on the ground baked in.
    Dumping kerosene into the air is wasteful, we should stop that.

    • “Aren’t those efficient high bypass Turbofans wonderful?” – Jim Coyle

      Having spent the last couple of decades living near airports, I really appreciate the relative lack of noise the high-bypass turbofan engines make. I remember when TWA was running low-bypass turbofan engine 727s out of St. Louis Lambert in the mid-1990s, and how noisy they were compared to the other aircraft (I used to stop at the pullout on US 67 and watch the big aluminium birds go by overhead just after takeoff).

  4. Climate geoengineering is implemented globally since the fall of Soviet Union in 1991.
    Global geoengineering is the ESSENCE of GLOBALIZATION!

    It is important not just to realize that something non-natural is occurring in the skies, but to know ..
    climate geoengineering is applied and …
    who is doing it,
    who is profiting from that and
    which materials are used for this effect.

    For the materials, you may search for the work Dr. Marvin J. Herndon. It is mainly fly ash from coal power plants and sulfur powder from oil refineries.

    If You would like to get all the answers, please read all my articles about Climate-Control here on VT or on my blog.

    Everything is open and clear,
    nothing is hidden from eyes, but people are conditioned to ignore the ongoing global crime by their minds.

    I will prepare and put some links with short explanations, for each question, into the following comment. The topic is very complex and people need to invest more time in reading and understanding the basics.

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