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Gambling in Australia and New Zealand – Differences and Special Features

There are few countries in the world where people are as passionate about gambling as Australia and New Zealand. The number of active gambling...

COVID Returns to New Zealand After 102 Days

The four cases identified are believed to be all members of the same family, a man in his 50s and preschool age children. It is not yet known how they caught it.

New Zealand: 100 Days Without COVID-19

New Zealand committed relatively early to a clearly articulated elimination strategy and pursued it aggressively.

US Using New Zealand For Secret Rocket Launches

An hour after lift-off, it was gone – released somewhere above Northern Europe into a classified orbit on a secret mission. The US spy satellite belonged to the National Reconnaissance Office, or NRO, the US spy agency responsible for surveilling earth from space for America’s military and intelligence agencies, this was launched from New Zealand for the first time.

New Zealand Survives Coronavirus with Just 21 Deaths

On Feb. 13, a full two weeks before New Zealand’s first confirmed coronavirus case, Ardern and her finance minister, Grant Robertson, were hungry for statistics.

New Zealand: COVID-19 Cases Dramatically Decrease

Easing of restrictions from "level four" to "level three," with new cases in single figures.

Six Charged With Sharing Massacre Video in New Zealand

New Zealand's response to the deadly mosque shootings has been swift and strict. Following the ban on most semiautomatic weapons which came into effect...

Zionist-controlled media spun New Zealand Mosque Attack

A war between the West and Islam, the so-called War of Civilizations promoted by Zionist Neo Conservatives, will make both legitimate American and European nationalists opposed to the New World Order and their Islamic counterparts, the ultimate losers in the enterprise.

New Zealand gunman mind-controlled by 9/11 false flag operation: Analyst

"Mind-controlled by the 9/11 attacks false flag operation designed by Israel..."

Robert Steele: New Zealand False Flag Event – Zionist Provocation to Disarm US White...

New Zealand False Flag Event Zionist Provocation to Disarm US White Nationalists and Start World War III? TEHRAN - Robert David Steele, a former Marine Corps...

During New Zealand terrorist attack: Israel bombs hundreds to death Press remains silent

  https://derwaechter.org/6760-2 A unique double standard on the part of the Mainsream press occurred yesterday. During yesterday's Christchurch massacre of Muslims in New Zealand, Israel took advantage...

New Zealand Massacre: Ode to a Killer

The futility of massacre laid bare

Netanyahu-Modi: Authors of False Flag Nuclear Threat in Kashmir and New Zealand as Well?

In the ramping up of events in Syria are the fingerprints of collusion between Indian PM Modi, facing a strong coalition, and Netanyahu as he faces indictment for corruption in election season. This drives what is only the first of major false flags to secure their positions "at the trough."

Undeniable Proof: CGI Used in New Zealand Shooting (video link restored)

We are all now reexamining the video and problems are coming up.  Here is the rub, the more problems we find, shotgun rounds coming out of a rifle, shotguns turning into rifles, disappearing shell casings, none of this is accidental.

New Zealand: The Unraveling of an Israeli Mass Murder?

by Gordon Duff, Sr. Editor,  ...with VT Staff and Intelligence Sources   Arthur Brown's 1968 "not so rock and roll" semi-hit song provided the backdrop for...

New Zealand: The Video (WARNING: DO NOT WATCH) This is...

Second Shooter??? The most police free city in the world? Video with continual narrative of the Neocon "gun fight" as he pours bullets into the wounded...

New Zealand Mosques’ Attacks, Who are Dividing the World on Religious Lines?

              By Sajjad Shaukat for VT At least 49 people have been killed and more than 40 others wounded...

High Fives at the White House: Trump Rhetoric Responsible for New Zealand Massacre (updated)

Update:  To this, VT sources add 3 visits to Turkey... SOFIA  One of the shooters of the New Zealand terrorist attack spent a week in Bulgaria...

New Zealand Jews ‘Sickened’ by Mosque Shootings that Killed 49

Ian's Note: This event has 'Mossad hit team' written all over it rather than the usual lone shooter scenario of the official theory. Ian...

US war whistle-blower silenced aboard cruise ship to New Zealand

Editor's note: VT Editor, Gwenyth Todd, suffering from severe food poisoning after several days onboard the Viking Sun, was ordered to stop her long...

New Zealand Singer Lorde vs. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach

...by Jonas E. Alexis New Zealand singer Lorde seems to be realizing that there is more to the “anti-Semitism” ideology than meets the eye and...

FBI Assault on New Zealand Internet File Sharer Larger than Phony Bin Laden Raid

Kim Dotcom and his ex-wife have reached a confidential settlement with police in New Zealand over the “military-style” raid and arrest at his home...

Trump Effect? New Zealand real estate sees spike in American interest

Some US citizens frightened by the outcome of the presidential election are starting to consider moving to New Zealand, one of the top ten most peaceful countries in the world.

US Mother’s Tragedy: “So My Newborn Alex Died days after Receiving Unauthorized Vaxxed Blood...

A baby boy passed away of a large blood clot in Washington state when a hospital administered him a blood transfusion from a regular stockpile rather than from an unvaccinated donor, as his parents had sought.

CIA, Mossad & Talibans in Jihadist’s New Empire to Use Afghanistan against Iran and...

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio  Versione originale in Italiano To understand what is happening in Afghanistan, it is necessary to reread, at least briefly, the history...

Blockbuster: That Pesky Pentagon Missile Just Won’t Go Away, New Evidence

Like the nukes in the basement, the missile attack on the Pentagon is a bane to Israeli paid shills who run 9/11 "truth" and...

More Disclosure: Suppressed history, A banned classic with new introduction

Some, perhaps even much, of what is here is of value, even extreme or critical value. With so much history faked, suppressed, "bunked and debunked" to where it is unrecognizable, those who wish to understand themselves have been exploited and misused.

CORONAVIRUS – 10. The Plot in 100 lines: from CIA Bio-Weapons to New World...

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio for VT Italy  VERSIONE ORIGINALE IN ITALIANO In response to the some requests from friends and readers who highlighted the excessive...

New study suggests young people’s IQs are in decline

A new study, conducted by Norwegian scientists, shows that IQ scores of today’s young people are in decline, putting an end to the post-war trend of rising intelligence.

Of Fake News and History Suborned (In War and Peace)

The propaganda onslaught included dodgy stories of atrocities.

Sputnik News: Was Murder of British Anti-Nuclear Campaigner State Sanctioned?

Whoever was in [Hilda's] house had clearly been looking for something. Was her murder state sanctioned?

New Cold War: Dangers of WMDs and Nuclear War

...by Sajjad Shaukat, for VT New Cold War accelerated between Russia and the US-led West on March 26, this year, when showing solidarity with the...

Western Civilization vs. the New World Order

...by Jonas E. Alexis and Richard C. Cook Richard C. Cook is a retired U.S. federal government analyst. In his 32-year career he worked for...

NEO – Saudi Arabia and Iran: a New Burst of Confrontation

Jim W. Dean - The Saudi Arabia-Iran religious and geopolitical battle has heated up to being red hot. The current fireworks center around not only the negligence in the 2016 Hajji disaster, but the shabby way that Iran was treated over its inquiries.

5 Best Military Movies to Stream on American Netflix

If you're a military movie fan, you must watch American Netflix in New Zealand. The US version has all the military films, and here are five movies to kickstart your streaming experience.

Why the Cricket Conspiracy against Pakistan now?

Pakistan Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed said that the New Zealand cricket team had called off its tour to the country because of an “international conspiracy to tarnish Pakistan's image".

The War on California, COVID disaster Natural or ‘Something Else?’

Who would want to destroy California, America's most powerful "Blue State?" Why would lockdowns fail here when they have kept Taiwan totally COVID free along with New Zealand, Australia...everywhere real lockdowns have been used, COVID disappeared but not California?

‘Jet Fighter’ Bird Flies Nonstop for 7,500 Miles: Wow!

After summering in the Arctic, a bar-tailed godwit soared across the Pacific Ocean like a “jet fighter” to winter in New Zealand

Video-Forensics: The “forbidden” Christchurch video24 discrepancies that thrill “hoaxers”

There is the suspicion that this very product was seized by third parties and modified in a way that literally produced their own movie and put New Zealand’s government under pressure. We probably will never know the whole truth.

White Nationalism, Jewish Nationalism and Islamic Sectarianism, Terrorism at its worst

We do not expect world leaders to travel to New Zealand soon to show their solidarity with New Zealand and express their indignation against the rise of White Nationalism and Islamophobia, as they rushed to Paris after the murder of 11 journalists at Charlie Hebdo by “Islamist terrorists”.