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How US Empowered and Armed Neo-Nazis in Ukraine

The reality behind the propaganda is the West and its Ukrainian allies have opportunistically exploited and empowered the extreme right in Ukraine, first to pull off the 2014 coup and then by redirecting it to fight separatists in Eastern Ukraine.

LUCIFER in the Temple of the Dog I

"...In order to uphold the world of the Profane, the Scared must be manifested into it, over and over again."

Russia’s View: How Ukraine’s ‘Revolution for Dignity’ Led to War, Poverty and the Rise...

VT: Technically this is propaganda but everything out today, including 100% of US media…is propaganda. It is time that American media addressed the issues brought up here.

DIGITAL COLONIALISM 2: Pax Americana and Hollow Independence

Does digital colonialism wither away people's desires for self-determination?

Blockbuster: DOJ Investigates EngineeredSupply Chain Collapse to Drive Up Prices/Profits for Kosher Nostra Trumpies

VT: Those who engineered and unleashed the COVID bioweapon also organized the Canadian Freedom Convoy, financed January 6; and are pushing the Ukraine war scare. The Kosher Nostra committee of 10 MEGA billionaires, all Israeli passport holders, runs the United States from their safe havens in Ukraine.

Volcanic Eruption in Tonga Was A Once-In-A Millennium Event

The blast, which sent tsunami waves across the Pacific, left thousands of Tongans without access to water and power

Report: Unvaccinated Should not get pregnant, mom and baby at high risk of death...

USA: The number of pregnant people who are getting vaccinated is steadily increasing amid the coronavirus current surge, but health experts say the modest improvement is not enough.

The changes in the online gambling industry since Covid19

At the outset of the pandemic, billions of people were suddenly affected by lockdowns from Toronto to Johannesburg to Mumbai and everywhere else. They...

Pakistan’s Policy of Appeasement

Asif Haroon Raja Given the fascist and anti-Muslim agenda of the BJP, a political baby of the RSS, the founding fathers of which had adopted...

Post US withdrawal from Afghanistan Part – 2  

 "We are all brothers and sisters under the skin and above it . . . it's super important that we stop lobbing bombs over...

Chinese Labor: How did France and Britain Extend WW1 until Germany was Exhausted?

Without the Chinese Labor Corps (CLC), up to 180,000 strong (estimates range from 140,000 and on up), it is unlikely the Allied Powers could have achieved their goal of utterly destroying Germany economically and infrastructurally.

Containing China

Johnny Chinaman is on the march again! (He likes long marches.) PLA Air Force aircraft have stepped up their violations of Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone, Chinese pirate vessels are fishing in Filipino waters...

China’s National Day: The Rising Superpower

by Sajjad Shaukat Pak VT China’s National Day is celebrated on October 1st every year to commemorate the founding of the People’s Republic of China...

NEO – China offers to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership

China appears at the center of the global integration process, the main components of which are its own Belt and Road Initiative, as well as participation in the RCEP and now the CPTPP.

Stimulated instability in Af-Pak region, Part 3

The victorious Taliban after giving general amnesty to the collaborators, have neither carried out any retributions, nor demanded trials of those who had indulged in massive war crimes.

US-EU in Collapse While China Rising

Break out the popcorn and your favorite fizzy drink to watch the spectacle of The West's collapsing empire. It is sad to see, though.

Fleet Problem XIX

Why write about intelligence history? Apart from the fact that I’m an intelligence historian, nations which do not understand their history are doomed to repeat it. In April and May 1938, in Fleet Problem XIX, the US Navy war-gamed a surprise carrier attack on Pearl Harbor and San Francisco.

Vaccines Deaths Confirmed By Autopsies in Germany. “Too Many Cases Hidden” Famous Pathologist Accuses

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio for VT Europe Versione originale in Italiano For Gospa News, the sensational and tremendous confirmation of the massacre caused by vaccines...

Mobo Gao talks about his latest book, “Gao Village Revisited”

By Jeff J. Brown for VT Audiovisual interview and full written transcript. China Rising Radio Sinoland 210808 Mobo Gao grew up and lived during the heyday...

Titthakara: Nazi Germany’s Secret Installations beneath Polar Ice Caps

Code name Operation High Jump, America’s 1947 expedition to the Antarctic, tells a persistent story about a rebuffed military action against a Nazi stronghold under the ice. Expedition leader Admiral Richard Byrd told El Mercurio –the Chilean newspaper – that they were preparing to defend the world against “enemy fighters that can fly from pole to pole with tremendous speed...”

America is doing a pretty good job of undermining its own democracy – it...

Darius Shahtahmasebi is a New Zealand-based legal and political analyst who focuses on US foreign policy in the Middle East, Asia and Pacific region. He...

Does the West Have a Future?  

The future of the West may be very bright indeed. As any open-minded traveler to today’s Europe can see, a transformation has already begun. Let’s hope it catches on in America too. There are certainly indications that it could.

The Dirty Secrets of D Day and the War in China

Was the US fighting against Fascism or for a different version of Fascism?

UFOs and Antarctic Bases – A Realistic Appraisal

This article was written more than 18 years ago – before Ernst Zundel’s political kidnapping and subsequent incarcerations in six prisons in three countries...

Operation Gladio: How We Terrorize Ourselves

...by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor (EDITOR’S NOTE:  Wikipedia’s report on Operation Gladio is reproduced below.  This is a threatened document, an important part of our...

Blockbuster: Bandit Pharm Giant in Payoff Coverup tied to Alleged Germ Warfare Lab in...

Introduction: Documents accessable through this story connect the US government with developing a version of ebola that will ride along with COVID.  Was the recent...

NEO – Is it time to rethink ‘why we fight’, and ‘for whom’?

Jim W. Dean - The US is in uncharted territory as it shoots for a major economic overhaul with a deeply divided country on many levels.

SARS-2: “China, US, NATO & Five Eyes Intelligences conceal Manmade Virus’ origin”. Shocking claims...

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio for VT Mediterranean Versione in Italiano Already in the WuhanGates 11 report we have reported the interesting considerations of a great...

Yikes! Sharks That Glow in the Dark

The kitefin shark is one of three species of glowing sharks described in a new paper

Sanction the Axis of Mercenary and Terrorist Evil: Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Georgia

Human rights organizations worldwide must demand action, not mere words, from their respective governments and the UN.

4 Things All U.S. Veterans Should Look for Before Playing at an Online Casino

In recent years, the online casino industry is seen an insane inflation in the market and as a result, now online casinos are springing up left right and centre.

At Us Intelligence’s Top the Prophetess of Pandemic & NWO. Biden rewards ex CIA...

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio Versione originale in Italiano Update on Decxember, 16 - First posted on November, 24, 2020 The lawyer Avril Haines, capable of making...

“In Wuhan to Reveal Truth in the Name of God”. Zhang Zhan’s Secret. Christian...

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio Versione originale in Italiano The SS Nazis used hunger bunkers to end the lives of their rebel prisoners, the Communists of...

Breaking: Israel says COVID is Bio Warfare…and ‘we didn’t do it’ (this is real)

Jim W. Dean - VT's early reporting of the coronavirus as having been a weaponized viral event has been confirmed by one of Israeli's top bio-weapons experts.

I warned in 2018 YouTube was fueling . Here’s what the platform should be...

The Christchurch shooter was radicalized on YouTube, by many of the propagandists myself and other researchers had warned about.

The ‘Dastardly Hun’ Is On Maneuvers Again!

The ‘Dastardly Hun’ is on maneuvers, again! If he succeeds in his plan to install Joe ‘Chinese’ Biden as dictator of America in January...

Some Americans are Narcissistic Babies

Quarantine is not an act that attacks civil rights.

What really happened to Hitler and the Third Reich Nazi High Command?

Did Hitler Escape Germany and Is There a New Fourth Reich that is Alive and Well?

So France and Italy Helped Jihadists. Notre Dame Slaughterer arrived in Lampedusa with Migrant’s...

What is happening in "civilized" Europe that we Westerners do not want to deal with?

The Obama Conspiracy

VT: In early 2014, a team from Adamas, headed by Gordon Duff, was sent to Nairobi to aid in security efforts after a terror...