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‘Dying in a leadership Vacuum’, Largest medical journal calls for removal of Trump (their...

When it comes to their response to the largest public health crisis of our time, our current political leaders have demonstrated that they are dangerously incompetent. We should not abet them and enable the deaths of thousands more Americans by allowing them to keep their jobs.

Chinese National Day: The Emerging Superpower

During Chinese National Day, the military parade in the Tiananmen Square in Beijing is followed by about 100,000 civilian performers. The nation’s newest military technology is on full display, which includes military tanks, helicopters, fighting aircraft and the DF-41-China’s new intercontinental ballistic missiles.

FBI Director to Congress: Most domestic terror cases are driven by ‘white supremacist violence’...

FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress on Tuesday that the agency has seen an increase in the number of domestic terror arrests this fiscal year, a majority of which have been motivated by white supremacy.

Navalny, Deep State Agent in Russia, in Novichok Berlin-Warsaw Plot Revealed by Belarusian Intel

The mysterious cases of poisoning of Alexei Navalny and even earlier of the former spy Serghiei Skripal reveal a single certainty: the tremendous nerve agent Novichok invented in the 1970s in Russia no longer kills as it should ...

Anatomy of a Global Psyop

Truth be told, this "pandemic" is actually a cover for the 10-year, Agenda 21-Agenda 30, long-planned, global coup d'etat. 

An American Journey: 1635 to 2020 US Catastrophe

Will there even be a U.S. much longer? No one really knows. The U.S. government is collapsing, its moral authority is gone, and it is not difficult to see why. Least of all is the utter state of dishonesty at all levels and in all sectors in a failed attempt to hide that it serves mainly the rich, powerful, and influential—and Israel.

Christchurch Mosques’ Killer planned Massacre since 2 years with Drones too. As a Mossad...

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio for VT Italy Versione originale in Italiano UUPDATE ON 27 AUGUST A New Zealand court has sentenced mass shooter Brenton Tarrant, who...

Christchurch Sentence: Life in Prison with NO chance of parole for mosques killer

from Russia Today A New Zealand court has sentenced mass shooter Brenton Tarrant, who killed 51 Muslim worshipers at a mosque last year, to life...

Kratom Legislation in the U.S.

You must have heard about Kratom and decided to research whether it's legal or perhaps you have been consuming Kratom, and you have been wondering whether it’s legal in your state

Trump: Pot Calling the Kettle Black

Again, Trump sticks his little foot into his little mouth.

If Wishes Were Horses: Beggars Would Ride

Dr. Deborah Brix wished the United States had gone into a stricter lockdown.

Biden Calls for Nationwide Use of Masks

Highest daily COVID-19 deaths since May.

How to find a job when you have a criminal record

Trying to find a job when you have a criminal record is a very challenging situation.

WHO Warns: There May Never Be a ‘Silver Bullet’ For COVID-19

The WHO head said that, while the coronavirus was the biggest health emergency since the early 20th century, the international scramble for a vaccine was also “unprecedented”.

WUHAN-GATES – 12. MI6 British Intelligence former Head: “SARS-2 Built in Bio-Lab”. Pics and...

“Thanks to the merciful goodness of our God for which a sun will come to visit us from above to illuminate those who are...

EUROPOL Alert on Left-Wing Terrorists: 111 Arrests in 2019, Most in Italy

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio for VT Italy Versione originale in Italiano «In September-October we will see the results of this period of serious economic crisis....

NEO: US alone in its ‘Trade War’ on China

Tthe US is obviously heating things up, but it is highly unlikely that the US will have many 'allies and partners’ willing to join the US bandwagon.

The Tremendous but ‘Secret’ Success of Socialist Vietnam

Vietnam has become one of the most comfortable countries in Asia and a place where millions of Westerners would love to live.

How Netayahu’s BF Became ‘Jew Hater Zuckerberg’ and Facebook an ‘Anti-Semitic pariah’

(JTA) — It was when Mark Zuckerberg said he would allow Holocaust denial on his platform that the Anti-Defamation League realized its partnership with...

Hot Story: Teddy Roosevelt, the Case for Removing His Statue for ‘Genocidal Assholeism’ (The...

Jon Schwarz NEW YORK CITY’S American Museum of Natural History announced Sunday that it will remove its famous statue of President Teddy Roosevelt from its sidewalk entrance. The museum’s...

Should You Vaccinate Your Child?

_________ The Spinoff Yes, we’re going there: Should you vaccinate your child? by Dr Jessica Berentson-Shaw It’s always a good time to talk about vaccination, but with the...

Speculative: Friendly Aliens will Protect Small Governments and Countries that Join them

The aliens and ETs who are surrounding this planet in spaceships called the Galactic Federation have declared they will give full military protection to smaller countries who join this extraordinary organization working for good.

Protests against US police killing of George Floyd go global

Protesters across the world have staged rallies in solidarity with Americans against rampant police brutality and racial profiling, following the killing of unarmed George Floyd last week.

Blockbuster: COVID the War Crime

By Gordon Duff for VT and New Eastern Outlook, of the Russian Academy of Science (Est: 1816) As May 2020 comes to an end and...

COVID Levels Exploding in Red States as Deaths Pass the First Hundred Thousand Mark

_________ Hurriyet Virus expands grip in many areas, as US nears 100,000 deaths South Korea reported its highest number of new coronavirus infections in weeks on May...

Trump Attacks Columbia University For Study: ‘Earlier Shutdown Could Have Saved Lives’

The models they used assessed how social distancing slowed the spread of the disease after mid-March and looked into how lockdown measures could have impacted the spread of the disease earlier.

How 5G and Covid-19 mixed to make a toxic conspiracy cocktail

How 5G and Covid-19 mixed to make a toxic conspiracy cocktail David Farrier | Contributing writer David Farrier looks at the way two conspiracy theories have...

Lockdown Protesters Lied: Sweden’s COVID Deaths Highest in the World, a Massive Policy...

At least 100 million people are moving around again. Public health officials warn that a deadly surge may follow.

Vietnam 45

The last days and weeks have seen not just the 75th anniversary of the great Allied victory over Germany in World War II, but...

Sri Lanka: A Strange Story of Fake Terrorism

Hello, My name is Shiham, and you will be hearing about me in the news soon. I will be made out to be one of...

Trump Gives US Army’s Masks to IDF, Americans told to ‘make your own’

The US Department of Defense has reportedly supplied 1 million surgical masks to the Israeli regime in order to be distributed among soldiers, despite...

CoronaVirus BioWeapon, Hecatomb Italy. Prophecy on Pandemic and NWO by Obama-Biden CIA’s Queen

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio for VT Italy no reproduction without authorization - original italian version here It wasn't only Bill Gates who launched a suspected...

COVID-19 PANDEMIC Predicted in Bill Gates forum (video update) with ex-CIA. Italy and Iran...

"Stop Devilish-antihuman biological war" says former Iranian president in appeal to UN SG

Breaking: Israel Lying About Very High COVID 19 Rates, Now A Real Threat to...

  Trump refuses to put Israel on the travel ban though infection rates there are many times that of Western Europe. So as not to...

COVID-19: Italian Army Chief Infected, Whole Italy in Quarantine

In Italy, there was the fourth victim in Bergamo and the fifth in Albettone (Vicenza), a 60-year-old farmer. In fact, the pandemic hit first of all China, the uncomfortable economic rival of the USA, with almost 80 thousand infected and over 2300 dead: useless to write the exact number because it grows every half hour.

Lethal BioWeapon & GSK Golden Vaccine’s Ring with Bill Gates, Pentagon and Zionist’s BlackRock

COVID-19 killed 67yo Iranian former ambassador in Syria and Revolutionary leader. Quarantine for whole Italy. Infected Governors of Rome and Turin lands

Public Safety Issues in Canada: What are the Threats and How Safe are You?

In spite of having such low police presence per capita, Canada still remains one of the safest nations in the world, both in public perception and stats.

Bio-Genetic Weapon Catastrophe: Virus spread by CIA with nano-Uav as Cyber-Dragonfly Eye

From the pandemic to a world catastrophe from China to Iran (6 dead) to Italy (3 dead and more than 130 infected) for a total of 2461 deaths, 4 times the 813 of SARS in 2003

Esoterica: A World Without Stain

Outside of our universe, there are three thousand times a thousand great worlds.  They are sometimes referred to as Worlds Without Stain.

Gambling and Casino Regulations Around the World

The gambling industry is one of the most profitable industries in the world and every country has its own set of regulations regarding it.