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Intel Drop: As Much as We Love You All, “Homey Don’t Play Dat!”

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor There are fewer than 20 real alternative media/activists out there who aren't "fake people."  Some fake people actually have names...

The Death of Privacy: Government Fearmongers to Read Your Mail

by Phil Giraldi, ...with The Unz Review - First published ... July 11, 2019 It is discouraging to note just how the United States has been...

Who won the Debate?

Jim W. Dean - Phil likes Tulsi, as we do here at VT, a breath of fresh air, no serious baggage, and not prone to say idiotic shallow pandering things to get attention.

NSA Monitored Press, Passed Data to Israel for Targeted Assassinations

Through RT/Moscow and The Intercept Editor's note: NSA monitoring wasn't Hezbollah, it was Americans, including members of the press, one of the most dangerous occupations...

Israel Hacking Elections Worldwide

Microsoft’s ElectionGuard a Trojan Horse for a Military-Industrial Takeover of US Elections Mint Press News - Whitney Webb is a MintPress News journalist...

ISIS in Khorasan and Hind: Pakistan and the Next Three Years

“The crux of global war on terrorism is that intelligence agencies such as CIA, MI6 and Mossad have taken the peaceful idea of the Caliphate from Islam and deceptively handed it over to their mercenaries (Kharijites) to frame it as 'Terrorism'."

Jade Helm and the Death of the Alternative Media

Introduction It's time for the boot to enter the fat behind here and for some to wake up to the fact that they are the...

The Second American Revolution – Reflections on the Near Future

The Second American Revolution – Reflections on the Near Future Professor Igor Panarin is correct – absent a counter-revolution, the USA will disintegrate. Robert David Steele MAY...

Russian Federation: Official Analysis of American Russophobia


Intel Drop: The Only Easy Day Never Happened

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Farcical.  Is that a real word?  Look at the spelling?  Shouldn't there be an "s?" I dropped "everything" for awhile yesterday...

Intel Drop: Paris and the Silence of Assange

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Paris is Burning Imagine the White House burning to the ground as it had once before, this time at the hands...

Intel Drop: Shooting Real, Shooter Fake, Jewish Born Freemason like Brevik (VT hacked 7...

All done, according to the "manifesto" in the name of "Donald Trump" and, if one were to read between the lines, the now pseudo-legally designated "Jewish Only" State of Israel

Censored VT Restored: Too Classified to Publish — Russia Opens Files on Nuclear 9/11 and...

This report below is taken from an intelligence dump by Russian sources. As the origin is from an intelligence agency in the form of a “leak,” there are always questions. Thus far, we have found that not only is the majority of the material confirmed, but several solutions to serious problems involving 9/11 are included.

NEO: Yemen, Practical Nuclear Survival

Editor's note:  The video above is vital.  It is a screen video of a VT nuclear weapons video taken down by YouTube at the...

The Sorcerer’s Apprentice Effect

When you tell a population the sky is orange, they must never be permitted to look out the windows, lest they catch even a glimpse of blue.

Iranian Spying? or Neocon 9/11 Coverup?

When the May 2018 New Horizon conference in Mashhad nearly persuaded the Iranian government to throw its full support behind a major 9/11 truth initiative—one that could have led to discovery proceedings forcing suspected 9/11 perpetrators like Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, and others to testify under oath— the neoconservative element of the Establishment must have panicked.

What’s British imperialism up to in Oman?

__________ People's World What’s British imperialism up to in Oman? by Ian Sinclair In his new book AngloArabia: Why Gulf Wealth Matters to Britain, Dr. David Wearing observes:...

NEO: Social Credit Systems and Basic Human Rights

By Gordon Duff and New Eastern Outlook, Moscow As many know, China has instituted a system of official “social credit” monitoring which is supposed to...

The US War on Freedom of the Press

The US has become the world's leader in state sponsored terrorism

China’s Ambassador to Canada Exposes White Supremacist Five Eyes Surveillance State

In a January 9, 2019 op-ed in Ottawa’s Hill Times, China’s Ambassador to Canada, Lu Shaye did what no other mainstream media outlet has been willing to do since the untimely arrest of Huawei's CFO Meng Wanzhou occurred while she was boarding a plane in Vancouver on December 1st. Much dispute has arisen over the arrest and China’s response with its own arrest of two Canadians suspected of espionage in Beijing.

NEO – Lobotomized: Secrecy and the “Dis-enlightenment”

by Gordon Duff, VT Sr. Editor, ...with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow As we enter 2019, one thing above all others is clear, the mechanisms of...

Israel and Khashoggi: IDF Hackers War on America’s Independent Press

The firm, nicknamed after a deadly Amazon fish, was reportedly founded by the same man who was behind the establishment of NSO, the secretive...

Intercept: A Texas Elementary School Speech Pathologist Refused to Sign a Pro-Israel Oath, Now...

New York, NY – On his latest column for The Intercept, published December 17, 2018, co-founding editor Glenn Greenwald has written about the case of a children’s speech pathologist...

The American Empire and the Zionist State of Israel

How many of us have really examined the historical “truths” in our textbooks and presented on television about the Federal Reserve Board, the World Wars, Pearl Harbor, the Kennedy Assassinations and that of Martin Luther King? Have you ever heard of Deir Yassin? The Lavon Affair? The USS Liberty Attack? The Pollard Spy Case? The real story on 9-11?

With Trump’s Approval: Khashoggi’s Last Words

Editor's note:  We learned yesterday, though we had sources weeks ago, that Trump knew about the Khashoggi killing immediately afterward when Erdogan sent the...

Britain’s GCHQ Spygrid Violates Right to Privacy, ECHR Rules

A major court ruling on Thursday said that the UK had violated European law, serving as a victory to privacy advocates worldwide. The news...

Are you going to fight for America or be defeated?

It is sad today to think there are those among us who would willingly chose for America to become (in many cases we have...

NEO: When did the Bill of Rights become a Bad Joke?

By Jeffrey Silverman, Bureau Chief “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave” … we have all heard the words. Unfortunately, as I just...

Reflections on Traveling, Russia, and the Metaphysics of the New World Order

The American military is a regime change janissary force for Israel, the banks, and the fossil fuels cartel.

Why is Israel Controlling 9/11 “Troof?”

A certain narrative discloses a world where nuclear weapons were used covertly and often, where nuclear material was sold on the world market and where nations not known to possess nukes really had them.

Of Fake News and History Suborned (In War and Peace)

The propaganda onslaught included dodgy stories of atrocities.

Trump, Armageddon, Satanism and the Deep State

If you haven't finally realized that there is a coven of warlocks and witches running DC's Deep State, you aren't paying attention.

How to Live Without Google

Good News! We still have a choice! Find out more

Terrorism and the United States of America

“CIA officers and their political bosses are never punished for engaging in terrorism. As we recently learned, they even get away with planting explosives in a Virginia school bus..."

Sergei Lavrov: New World Order Is “Mass Psychosis”

...by Jonas E. Alexis Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is known for being quite frank. He was recently asked, “What happened to the American partners?”...

Tech giants eat Senators alive, refuting Russian election meddling

Jim W. Dean - What a surprise this was seeing these Senators handing their heads on a platter to the Internet tech giants with their leading, loaded questions, where their answers left the Senators nowhere to go.

Part I: Propaganda, a NWO/Deep State Crash Course

Inform yourself and use this unique six part series to give yourself, your family and/or friends a full spectrum peek behind the curtains of the global control and enslavement that is imposed on humanity

NATO wants to attack Russia, starting World War III

...by Jonas E. Alexis If you still don’t think that New World Order organizations like NATO are insane, crazy, or even diabolical, then think again....

The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia Behind Pearl Harbor Attack (Part II)

…by Jonas E. Alexis and Mark Dankof   Jonas E. Alexis: We have touched on quite a number of issues with regard to the Pearl Harbor...

NSA Gutted, Turned, Shadowbrokers Destroys US Intel Capability

Editor's note:  The press is blaming Russia but the truth is that the NSA thought it was cute to hire hackers, just like on...