Tag: civil liberties
“Freedom From Choice” Movement Demands Mandatory Vaccinations Against Free Will
“The real problem isn’t vaccine hesitancy, it’s the freedom of choice that makes vaccine hesitancy—and other choices I don’t agree with—possible.”
FFWN: Pushing Back Against Draconian Mandates (with Cat McGuire)
Cat McGuire is the greatest PR "nurse" since Nayirah!
E. Michael Jones on Vax Mandate Backlash (Censored by Youtube!)
How did "15 days to slow the spread” turn into “two shots to feed your family”?
FFWN: The 9/11 Big Lie Turns 20
If we give them a simple choice—a vaccination or a lobotomy—most of them will make the right choice.
Papers, please!
Fortunately, the obscenely Orwellian notion that you will have to show a vaccine card to fly commercial airlines, attend schools, enter shops and restaurants, and otherwise live like an Israeli rather than a Palestinian is a crazy conspiracy theory...
MASK DEBATE! Ed Corrigan Says “Wear It!” Kevin Barrett’s Not Convinced
Ed Corrigan says: Be nice and wear your mask! (How Canadian.)
FFWN: Got Coronafascism Yet?
Is Wal-Mart justified in posting blackshirts at the door to enforce CoronaMask compliance, or should they have used brownshirts instead?
FFWN: Orwellian Tyranny Coming at “Warp Speed”
Patrick Zylberman, a professor of History of Health in Paris, predicted years ago that “sanitary terror” would be used as an instrument of governance.
Draconian Punishments for Coronavirus Dissidents!
Are there enough psychiatric wards in America to hold all the people who think that way?