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Understanding Ukraine Crisis From Last Free Enclave in Europe – Outside...

Why would Moscow agree to the very real possibility of nuclear missiles deployed at its borders, which could reach it in 7-8 minutes?

Analysis: EU Declares War on Russia

Selenskij is not in Kiev, contrary to his full-bodied claims. As I learned directly from Lviv, he has barricaded himself in a cellar there and gives his interviews in front of a “greenscreen”.

Exclusive: Siberian Tiger and Asian Dragon

The End of Western Geostrategy in Devil’s Triangle.

Operation Chaos 2022 (updated)

Is this Europe's suicide war, as they support Ukraine against Russia?

How Israeli mobile crematoriums help hide Ukraine’s Kosher Nostra mass sale...

At the beginning of the conflict in southeastern Ukraine, a lucrative organ trade business was set up with EU countries, the USA and Israel, under the supervision of the Ukrainian secret service. Reports circulated that so-called "black transplantologists" were harvesting organs from people who were still alive and cremating them afterwards.

The European Union: Collapsing the Fourth Reich

Declan Hayes - "Even though the smallest of European nations has a soft power imprint, the EU has none."

VT is Right Again – Putin views EU gas customers a...

Jim W. Dean - Did Putin insist the EU drop its sanctions before he opened up the gas lines to kill the high price surge? No, he did not.

NEO – Neither Germany nor Europe can live without Russian Gas

Energy prices in Europe have hit record highs due to a shortage of natural gas coupled with a much lower than expected wind power output.

BBC a Spy Agency and Psych War Unit, but for Whom?

Shocking leaked files once again expose BBC as insidious UK foreign policy tool ...by Kit Klarenberg, an investigative journalist exploring the role of intelligence services in...

Russian Bear in Lebanon, with China not far behind

Jim W. Dean - VT wishes Lebanon well, and we hope to go back someday during better times.

NEO – In the Fight against China, Europe offers the US...

While the trouble brought by the Trump administration to the US-EU relations was expected to disappear on its own after Trump’s defeat in 2020 US presidential elections, this has not happened even after 5 months of Biden’s inauguration as the US president.

EU gives lip service to Palestinian elections once again

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas postponed the parliamentary elections amid a dispute over voting in Israeli-annexed East Jerusalem al-Quds, as well as splits in his Fatah movement and its unpopularity.

Lest we forget: Israel’s armed aggression against the Christian Church

Nineteen years ago, throughout April and into May, the lunatic Israeli regime laid murderous siege to the Church of the Nativity.

EU Agency Authorizes Moderna’s COVID-19 Vaccine

The EU has ordered 80 million doses of the Moderna vaccine with an option for a further 80 million.

NEO – Pompeo’s departing kick to Turkey only weakens NATO

Pompeo has accused Turkey of undermining NATO, and is not the only one within the current US “deep state” who think Turkey has gone rogue.

EU’s Borrell say Iran deserves a fair JCPOA deal

The European Union foreign policy chief, Joseph Borrell, says Iran should reap the economic benefits of the 2015 nuclear deal in exchange for restrictions on its nuclear work.

New Kings of Jihadist Terrorism: Azerbaijan and Turkey

David Boyajian - Just days ago, in our nation’s capital, Azeri demonstrators chanted “jihad, jihad, jihad” and flashed the hand signal of Turkey’s homicidal, neo-fascist Grey Wolves.

NEO – The Confrontation in the Eastern Mediterranean is not subsiding

Jim W. Dean - Turkey's Erdogan is playing the EU for a fool now, as it knows it is under Covid stress and the Brexit battle showdown is coming to an end, where it might get stiffed by Boris Johnson.

NEO – Erdogan continues to pursue an old, failed course

Erdogan's latest actions and statements concerning the crisis around Nagorno-Karabakh clearly demonstrate that he continues to handle his blunders and Turkey’s problems from a position of strength and foolhardiness.

NEO – Europe’s decisive moves to shun ‘Trans-Atlanticism’

Instead of choosing to echo Pompeo’s idea of building a ‘global coalition’ against China, the European Council has encouraged China to “assume greater responsibility in dealing with global challenges.”

NEO – The Immigration crisis is not diminishing

The publication, The Independent, writes that the US has been waging 8 wars in various countries, and because of that, 37 million people have become refugees and internally displaced persons.

NEO – Anti-Turkish sentiment is mushrooming

Jim W. Dean - A mystery to me is how Erdogan can be funding the geopolitical chaos he is creating under his currently stressed economic situation.

EU threatens sanctions on Turkey over live fire drills in Med

The European Union has threatened to slap sanctions on Turkey if it continues with what Brussels has called "illegal drilling". Greece launched naval drills this week in the area where Turkey is prospecting for oil and gas, and France, Cyprus, and Italy said they would join Athens.

Europe should brace for a reality in which US is no...

European nations need to carry more of the burden of defense spending, Merkel said, because they cannot assume that the US will be there to protect them.

EU’s aviation deal with Israel ‘the pinnacle of hypocrisy’

by Stuart Littlewoood I had barely finished my rant against the British Government for showering new rewards on the Israelis (see ‘Do Palestinians’ lives matter?’)...

NEO – China is all set to fill the ‘US Gap’...

Jim W. Dean - Rafi Sheikh teams up with the EU's Josep Borrel to give us an update on China's developing relations with the EU while under trade agreement pressure from the US.

Do Palestinians’ lives matter?

... Stuart Littlewood, Britain Lately, anti-racism activists and their fellow-travellers have been vandalising statues in the UK, including a memorial to Winston Churchill. Even Nelson...

NEO – US shift away from Persian Gulf an opening for...

Why are Arab States No Longer Bound to Follow Washington’s Policy on Iran? by Salman Rafi Sheikh, ...with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow - First published ......

European Central Bank warns coronavirus response could raise fears of Eurozone...

Sure, countries that want to be bailed out can threaten to leave the EU, but what advantage is that going to give them for long term survival?

EU won’t recognize unilateral Israeli annexation of occupied land: Borrell

Jim W. Dean - The only feasible reason for not taking the path that would bring positive change is that, like the US, the EU has been compromised by Israeli intelligence operations, pure and simple.

Israel has EU compromised by its needing unanimous vote to sanction...

Jim W. Dean - Dear EU, Gordon and I are available for consultation, but we would have to review some of the past goofs to see what you have learned for anything to be feasible now.

If the German economy goes down, so goes the EU’s

Jim W. Dean - The great irony in all this is that those living in countries that have been sanctionistas, will get to experience what living under "Covid sanctions" is like.

Breaking: EU buckling under pressure of coronavirus

Jim W. Dean - China seems ramped up to boost its recovery by going into full production of all needed medical equipment not only for the money but the massive goodwill it will create.

Merkel, Turkey’s handling of migrant and refugee crisis ‘unacceptable’ Jim Dean...

Jim W. Dean - The idea of pussy footing around in not closing the door to all illegal immigration is insanity under the current virus spreading conditions.

Six EU countries say ‘up yours’ to US sanctions on Iran

Six European countries, among them US NATO allies, have joined an EU scheme to bypass Donald Trump’s sweeping sanctions, which ban all trade activities with Iran, raising the ire of a notorious American ambassador in Berlin.

IMF: Global trade tensions deepen Eurozone economy slowdown

Jim W. Dean - The EU downturn is partly due to its own foolish moves over sanctions against Russia for "taking over" Crimea when it voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia rather than receiving the neo-Nazi treatment.

Iran determined to cut more JCPOA commitments until interests secured: Deputy...

Iran’s deputy foreign minister says Tehran is determined to reduce more of its commitments under a 2015 multinational nuclear deal.

Breaking: Justice Department gets date wrong on ‘Grace 1’ warrant

Based on the warrant in its current form, any interference with the Adrian Daria would contravene the US’ own laws, not to mention international law as enshrined in the Law of the Sea.

Non-EU states to join INSTEX trade mechanism with Iran

Non-EU members will be taking part in INSTEX, which was established to enable non-dollar trade between the 28-nation bloc and Iran.

US Trade policy and Brexit pose major risks for European economy...

Brussels stated on Wednesday that it was reducing economic growth forecasts for the EU, emphasizing the risk posed by "any further escalation of trade tensions".