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Tag: Holocaust

NYC’s Hidden Holo Memorial: Yet Another Hollow Lie

No wonder the mobbed-up courts in NYC, once ruled by Trump's mentor Roy Cohn, covered up the mass murders of 9/11/2001.

Alan “Israel Did 9/11” Sabrosky: Most Censored Man in America

Who’s afraid of Alan Sabrosky? Whoever they are, they have the ability to monitor and censor YouTube live-streams in real time...

Who Really Wanted the Holocaust? (Not the Nazis!) 

A painful yet necessary look at the European Jewish Holocaust with a more critical and skeptical eye

Political show trials in Germany! A New Inquisition

Every real American lives by the motto: "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Holocaust Museums Are Monkey Business

When will the Holocaust establishment have some intellectual honesty to build some kind of museum for those who were raped after the brutal war? Or how about the peasants during the Soviet terror? Who will speak for those people?

Gilad Atzmon censored in Madison WI – Thursday’s event will happen...

Wil-Mar Center Executive Director Gary Kallas emailed the organizers stating that Atzmon was censored because he “advocates for a particular type of discrimination visa vie documented views of denying the 20th century Holocaust.”

Spielberg urges mandatory holocaust education theme parks

ST, not even for one single millisecond, is to strip the entire population naked and herd them all into gas chambers."

Steven Spielberg: Holocaust education should be mandatory

The Holocaust establishment is intellectually and historically deteriorating. The reason is simple: you either ally with the truth or the truth will eventually break you.

The Final Stage of Chosen Narcissism

PM Morawiecki - There were Jewish perpetrators, as there were Russian perpetrators, as there were Ukrainian; not only German perpetrators.”

Poland to Israeli minister: Please, stay home

...by Jonas E. Alexis Naftali Bennett, Israel’s Education and Diaspora Affairs Minister, was told that he is not welcome in Poland. Bennett himself admitted: “The...

Israel Summons Polish Diplomat Over Holocaust Bill

Jim W. Dean - This is a hoot. We are to believe the Zionists are now the upholders of free historical research when the roadside of the discussion of the Holocaust outside the "promoted version"

The Trial of Monika Schaefer and Sylvia Stolz

Monika’s incarceration actually offers the Jews the opportunity to prove their possible innocence and good intentions by simply getting her out of prison

She apologized to her mom on youtube and thrown in maximum...

Since when is it illegal to apologize to mom? Since Bnai Brith took over the world!

97% of the Universe May Not Even Exist – But 9/11...

Everything in the known universe is open to debate and revision – EXCEPT the sacred tribal narratives of 9/11 and the holocaust.

Who is Behind the Holocaust of Muslims in Myanmar?

Since August 25, this year, brutal military operations against the Rohingya Muslims across the Rakhine State accelerated in Myanmar (Burma), which forced thousands of the Muslims to migrate to Bangladesh.

Cholera in Yemen Parallels the Holocaust, Duff on Press TV

Number of cholera suspected cases hits 484,733

Holocaust Warriors Created Holy Warriors

Like other religions, Islam is a religion of peace and does not permit acts of terrorism such as bomb blasts suicide attacks etc.

The Holocaust Hoax is the Indispensable Centerpiece for the Khazarian Mafia

Almost no one understands that the Holocaust Hoax is the indispensable Centerpiece of the New World Order. Without this lie, the Khazarian Mafia would have a very difficult time enslaving the population of the world through the coming One World Government.

Did B’nai B’rith, National Post, Breibart incite JDL terrorists to attack...

Smear campaign followed by possible "brakes job" terror attack. Coincidence or conspiracy?

Deborah Lipstadt: Holocaust “deniers” are “conspiracy theorists”

Deborah Lipstadt has also used the Holocaust to beat the goyim over the head, but people across the religious and political spectrum are waking up, and this is a bad sign for Lipstadt and her brethren.

My attorney’s demand letter to B’nai B’rith (re: “Holocaust denial” libel)

Why is B'nai B'rith so afraid of me that they are trying to plant a "holocaust denial" libel to stop me from entering Canada – and hinder my speaking and writing career? The likely answer is that it has nothing to do with the Holocaust, and everything to do with my work on 9/11 and other false flag operations.

B’nai Brith libelously calls me “holocaust denier,” wants me banned from...

An extremely rich group of "Luciferians...dedicated to the destruction of Christian and Islamic societies and faiths...the folks behind 90% of pornography" really, REALLY hate me.

Left Forum Caves to Pressure: Bans Panels Amid Claims Speakers ...

The "Deep State" track at the Left Forum was hugely popular last year. This year, the Zionist censors killed it. Why are they so afraid of letting people speak?

Just a matter of (quasi) Semitic semantics, after all?

Jewish Holocaust historian Tim Cole of the University of Bristol: “‘Shoah [Hebrew for Holocaust] business’ is big business…[In] the twentieth century, the ‘Holocaust’ is being bought and sold."

Joseph Mengele: The Creation of a Myth

The last thing a serious historian or scholar wants to do when investigating historical or scientific descriptions is to reject or embrace an alternative view without careful thought and much evidence.

Did naked holocaust revisionists “slaughter sheeple” at Auschwitz?

Since they are not allowed to publish books any more, those sneaky holocaust revisionists are staging weird, bloody, naked protests at Auschwitz!

If they want to burn it, you want to read it!

Make sure you hear every voice these people want to suppress and read every text these people try to burn.

MSM in Denial: Amazon’s Holocaust of Holocaust books

The MSM has been complaining about Trump's supposed contempt for freedom of the press. If they want our sympathy, they should stand in solidarity with small publishers whose businesses have been destroyed by Amazon's book-burning frenzy.

Does Jeff Bezos and Amazon Endorse Holocaust Denial?

You can still buy bad and mediocre books arguing that holocaust revisionists are wrong — but you are not permitted to buy better books that might lead you to the opposite conclusion.

Exactly Who Is It that is in ‘Denial’?

At the time of the trial, no one dared ask why is the Jewish past just a chain of holocausts – that is, no one except David Irving...

What The Holocaust Establishment will Never Say About Anne Frank

VT Investigates asking what really happened to Anne Frank and what role did Otto Frank play?

Denying Denial

The movie Denial is the Holocaust Establishment’s latest insult to the intelligence of the public.

Thinking about the “Holocaust” is a crime

The “ruling elite” pretends that the lies are truth. Their decisions are based on pretending that the lies are truth.

Is “the Holocaust” Eurocentric?

Only about one in five Asians – and one in ten Middle Easterners and Africans – knows of and believes in “the Holocaust.”

Holocaust is an ideological (not historical) phenomenon for the Khazarian Mafia

The Holocaust has been transmogrified into a secular religion, if there can be such a thing.

The Wandering Jew

Rabbi Neuberger feels she finally has made her peace with Germany.

Zionists plant “hate speech” on professor – then call the police

Are the Zionists launching PR operations to smear their enemies...and crack down on pro-Palestine social media users?

Is the “Six-Million Killed” Lie the Biggest Hoax of the Twentieth...

VT takes on the investigation to determine how many actually died and was it actually 6 million.

Should NUCLEAR holocaust deniers be jailed?

The sacred holocaust narrative about World War II, the one you can be thrown in jail for questioning, feeds the self-righteousness and pro-war sentiment that is leading the US, Europe, and Russia straight toward World War III.

The Six-Million Figure: Another Holocaust Lie and the Lying Liars...

The 6-million figure, as the number of Jewish Holocaust deaths, is the lynchpin of the entire story.