Tag: NEO: New Eastern Outlook
NEO – Can the Russia-EU manufactured conflict be fixed before it...
Jim W. Dean - Seth Ferris has an established record of not fearing to dive into writing about very complex historical geopolitical material. He brings us a prime example of that today.
NEO – Will Americans serving inside Syria face prison at home?
Gordon takes a long time "third rail" VT topic to NEO today, the wholesale, massive violations of "aiding and abetting terrorism" laws by Western state actors.
NEO – False Flags and Fake News
False flags have been going on since before biblical times and have been a part of every nation’s policy. Intelligence agencies exist to do little else; they plan and execute false flag attacks to influence policy and set the course of events, based on analysis. Today, this is no secret.
NEO – US Political meddling is very real, and global
by Ulson Gunnar, ... with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow
- First published ... March 13, 2018 -
The United States has spent over a year...
NEO – EX-CIA chief John Brennan describes Trump as a national...
Trump is… ‘Unstable, inept, inexperienced, and also unethical’ ~ John Brennan. Well the gloves have certainly come off now. No former top security government official has even made such damning statements about a sitting president.
NEO – Mueller and Trump, Why Russia didn’t do it
Gordon Duff - The Russia investigation is simply a coverup of the real rigging of the American election, the backstory now going public of Facebook, Google, Mark Zuckerberg, Cambridge Analytica and the mobsters they represent.
NEO has come under attack – but is up and running
... from the New Eastern Outlook editorial board
- First published ... March 25, 2018 -
Dear readers,
We deeply regret the fact that readers have...
NEO – Witnessing Vladimir Putin: Emperor of Patience
Jim W. Dean - American media has become the New Pravda from the Soviet Days where it serves the party line, maybe not at the 99% level, but enough to say it no longer represents what the Founding Fathers fought for
NEO – Gibraltar – The Real Reason for Brexit finally revealed
Gibraltar has gained a new military dimension thanks to US actions in Libya, Syria, Egypt and other countries with a Mediterranean coastline. The US, and particularly the Trump White House which has always supported Brexit, doesn’t want those pussies in Europe remaining in charge of it.
NEO – Teetering on the Edge of Nuclear War
Gordon Duff - As this is written, the US, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense, is bringing carrier battle groups into both the Red Sea and Mediterranean to attack both Syrian and Russian Forces inside Syria.
NEO – After Syria, Russia ups the ante in Yemen too
Jim W. Dean - We are years into the Yemen War and neither the Saudis nor the US, nor any independent parties have revealed to us how Iran is shipping arms into Yemen while it is under a full blockade.
NEO – Putin’s Assassin Nuke: a bad-guy hunter by any other...
“Confirm that everything I said is no bluff, send into retirement those stuck in the past and incapable of looking to the future, [and] stop rocking the boat that we all ride in, called planet Earth.” – Putin: Checkmating Rothschild psychopathic arms merchants.
NEO – Latvia Bank Killing – Washington financial warfare on Russia
Washington has begun a new phase in its geopolitical financial warfare in the small Baltic republic of Latvia. The fact that Americans don't care will return to haunt them.
NEO – Trump’s Bosses Pushing for Nuclear War with Russia
Gordon Duff - What we now recognize is that Trump, as with so many other politicians around the “free world,” has “handlers” and serves an agenda.
NEO – Munich Security Conference, the Good, Bad and the Ugly
Jim W. Dean - The stars this year were the Three Stooges, Joe Biden, Netanyahu, and Mike Pence, with an honorable mention for John McCain.
NEO – US nuclear policy review: The world is our enemy
Jim W. Dean - NEO's Christopher Black has a thorough review of what I view as a gangster document of criminal aggression, the US nuclear policy review. He adds his international law perspective another Fake US policy.
NEO – Why isn’t Iran opposing Turkish offensive in Syria?
Jim W. Dean - While Erdogan can claim he totally supports Syrian territorial sovereignty, those are hollow words as the US can claim the same thing, but neither have been invited
NEO – Europe’s Energy Geopolitics is Getting Dicey
Jim W. Dean - Russian energy sales to the EU were a deal made in heaven. Just before the self defeating anti-Russian Ukraine sanctions were initiated the $110 billion in gas sales to the EU was all coming back to via Russia's love of EU imports.
Breaking/Exclusive: Caught, US Hiding Germ Warfare Lab Near Russian Border
The “scientific research” into animal and human diseases the Lugar Lab claims to be carrying out is a front for developing new biological strains, viruses and bacteria, and then testing them on the Georgian population and the agricultural industry, without asking for consent.
NEO – Syria Fights for Peace While China Invites the CIA...
The loss of ISIS’s main bases in Syria and Iraq where they could live off the population was the turning point where the ISIS dream was over. But many escaped, and those in training camps are awaiting their deployment to whatever conflict their handlers want to use them in, or to go back to their respective home countries as suicide bombers.
NEO – Trump Threatens Everyone To Destroy the US Before Himself
Jim W. Dean - Seth Ferris brings us an in-depth analysis of the Trump presidency with a lot of original material as is his style. He is an experienced investigative reporter who thrives on the meat and potatoes
NEO – Major Beijing BRI Security Fiasco Emerging
Jim W. Dean - Sometimes when I am reading the start of an article, like this one, I question whether I might be in a dream, as the theme seems like a total fantasy one.
NEO – The Huge Implications of Russia’s Northern Sea Route
Jim W. Dean - Mr. Engdahl has given us a thorough year end review of Russia's complex development of its northern Arctic sea transportation route, a long term investment not only for Russia.
NEO – Does the Narcotics Trade Influence US Global Policy?
Jim W. Dean - Gordon starts off the new year reviewing an old theme of US official participation in mega drug-running campaigns that went into the pockets of a large number of political, military and security officials.
NEO – Phil Butler has the last word on Putin Bashing...
Jim W. Dean - Russia has survived another year of Putin-bashing and Russia-bashing with its economy growing, having played a key role in saving Syria and building Russia's reputation for standing up to the concept of a unipolar world as a threat to everyone else.
NEO – The Real “Bad Guys”
Those of you on depression medicine, take an extra dose and wait a couple of hours before reading this, as it ain't pretty. Regular VT readers already know.
NEO – Nikki Haley morphs into Nikki Capone for Donald “The...
Jim W. Dean - Might it be time to flood the White House with calls for Nikki Capone's resignation for making the US a laughing-stock pawn of Bibi and his Likudite buddies?
NEO – A Case for Delegitimizing the Olympic Games
Jim W. Dean - Ask the average American if they agree that all Russian athletes should be banned if some of their teammates were deemed guilty of drugging, they would not know what you were talking about.
NEO – Misunderstanding America
Jim W. Dean - Today's new Gordon article on NEO caught a double header, double whammy with the events below. Nikki Haley cast the lone veto of the UNSC resolution denouncing the US attempt to torpedo a two state resolution of the Zionist-Palestinian.
NEO – Is Google’s search engine a marked deck?
Phil Butler is an angry man, particularly with Google, like many of us are for what we see going on behind the scenes with the American company that most of us were once proud of.
NEO – The US and Global Artificial Intelligence Arms Race
Jim W. Dean - AI is a defense contractor's dream come true, as it opens up massive opportunities for both offensive and defensive applications. The poor taxpayer gets whacked coming and going.
NEO – America Beaten, Down for the Count
Jim W. Dean - We are beginning to see attitudes change on the universal fear of critical reviews of what Israel has been doing and why.
NEO – World Chaos Diagnosis, Acute Zionist Infestation
Jim W. Dean - Phil Butler has the year end angries, and that is good for us, as he has a wonderful year end sounding off piece, a new perspective on a very old issue.
NEO – Gangsterism, Mob Rule and War
Jim W. Dean - Gordon delivers that bad news on how once the major international crimes rings learned how to penetrate and coopt governments, they have all those resources to protect themselves AND go after any threats to their power.
NEO – Saudi Arabia and Israel replace Syria with Lebanon as...
Jim W. Dean - The biggest Arab and Muslim hater of all time, Avigdor Lieberman, and Israeli's military affairs minister, want to form an anti-Iran coalition with Arab-Muslim countries
NEO – Is Iran Facing Greater Regional War?
Jim W. Dean - Hariri's announcing his resignation in Saudi Arabia was waving a flag to the world showing he was their puppet. If his party accepts him back in Lebanon, then the stink will be all over them, too, and the coalition members will also be humiliated.
NEO – Theresa May jumps the Russia bashing band wagon again
PM Theresa May uses Russia as a whipping boy to divert attention away from the soup bowl of political problems she may be drowning in now.
NEO – Iran vs Israel: How things went south
Jim W. Dean - It will come as no surprise that Israel, Saudi Arabia and the US will be triangulating to undermine the success of the Syrian Coalition counter terrorism campaign any way they can
NEO: Are Waves of EU Bond Migrants about to Inundate Georgian...
By Henry Kamens for VT and New Eastern Outlook, Moscow
There is always a price to pay for gaining the benefits of EU membership, and...
NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project
Jim W. Dean - Brother Engdahl brings us a good wrapup on the Barzani-Israeli independent Kurdistan caper that never had a snowball's chance in hell.