Tag: NEO: New Eastern Outlook
NEO – Washington’s Think Tank Terrorists
Jim W. Dean - The issue of State sponsored terrorism is the security issue of our time, and it is one we are losing. If that is to be reversed, someone will have to do something while it is still legal to do so.
Trump and Russia – The Unasked Questions
Jim W. Dean - Trump's heavy Jewish-Russian oligarch mafia ties have not been touched, nor his Jeffrey Epstein sordid connections, because it involves that special little country, so even the Dems won't touch
NEO – Could new British political sex scandals expand to more...
Jim W. Dean - Seth Ferris once again wanders into a "no go" area, how the political world attracts flawed people into public service, where their flaws can be used to control them.
NEO – New Revelations in Syrian War
Jim W. Dean - We are now arriving at the later stages of the exposure of so-called free and democratic nations, of their involvement in supporting state-sponsored terror as part of their foreign policy tool kit.
NEO – When RussiaGate Goes Really Viral
Phil Butler jumped right on this strange public tender for Russian DNA by the US Air Force. The first question that came into my mind when I heard the story was why were they doing this publicly when they could do it undercover?
NEO – Private Military Companies: How Do You Close Pandora’s Box?
Jim W. Dean - What we can agree on with Valeriy Kulikov is that PMCs have definitely become a Pandora's box, where once let loose, there is no way to get the monsters all back inside .
NEO – Mystery of the never-ending ISIS Hordes on the Iraq...
A private security company establishes and secures Iraq’s first "toll highway". Will this mercenary action facilitate state-sponsored terror aimed at regime change?
NEO – The Big Brother Bombshell Set to Blow
Jim W. Dean - Phil Butler has both feet in the growing war of the technology giants and their marriage to the Intel powers to rule the world, or how the world thinks anyway.
NEO – Globalist Counterpunch: Going for the Media Knockout
Jim W. Dean - Phil Butler is coming at the attack on internet freedoms from a different angle than VT, but our roads intersect with Google and the tech giants.
NEO – The Telltale Signs the Western Oligarchs Are Doomed
Jim W. Dean - Phil Butler's article is currently number one on NEO. He also has a book coming out soon on the timely topic of Putin standing against the Neo-Cold war Deep Staters
Breaking: NEO – BLACKLIST – Monsters Among Us
Jim W. Dean - This is another VT-Gordon classic. No one currently employed in corporate media would dare write such a thing.
NEO – They Killed the Tsar – Now the Globalists Target...
Jim W. Dean - Today is a trip down memory road, with an older NEO - Phil Butler article that got lost in the shuffle. The theme is an often used one, how history repeats itself and Russia is front and center for today's lesson.
NEO – Israel’s Role in the Cataclysm to Come
The Art of the Big Whopper... or New Adventures in Propaganda
NEO: AFD Germany Gives Birth to New Monster, Wet-nurse of...
Now the dust has settled after an extraordinary week in Germany, we can see that this country is setting a new and disturbing agenda. What other countries had nightmares about, Germany is doing. A bandwagon has begun to roll which could steamroller all Europe, in a disturbing echo of that country’s inglorious and deadly past.
NEO: America’s Institutional Stupidity, More than Trump
Gordon Duff - There are a dozen wars going on today, none are real, all are orchestrated by intelligence agencies and their partners – oil, banking, the arms industry – all backed by the puppets of the American and British governments, by Tel Aviv, and by the graduates of Annapolis and West Point.
NEO: A Scorching Hot Cold War
Jim W. Dean - I chose this title and the subject matter to get onto the table that it might be time to take a new look at our using the term "New Cold War", because it is anything but that.
NEO: Is Kurdish Referendum a Bluff or Real Deal?
Jim W. Dean - The balloon is going up in Iraq, and a bizarre one at that. With only Israel publicly supporting Barzani, he is pushing ahead. He is not crazy, so he has to have more than Israel behind him.
NEO: US using North Korea to put anti-ballistic missiles close...
Jim W. Dean - Phil Butler and I are on the same page that the US is milking the North Korean event for the ultimate goal of placing its anti-ballistic missile shield right where it has always wanted it, in Russia's back yard and China's front yard.
NEO: Kurdistan and Veil of Lies
Gordon Duff - The Kurdish referendum is, perhaps, the single most misreported and misrepresented event in recent times. To the fake news consumer, the Kurdish people are looking for a government of their own.
NEO: Zapad War Games – The Russians are Not Coming
Jim W. Dean - The dishonesty and lunacy of the West was on front row display in the run up to the Zapad war game exercises in Belarus this year. The same old worn out, fake claims were trotted out.
NEO: Syrian Anti-terrorism Coalition is Winning
Jim W. Dean - The SAA struggles logistically with too many key tasks that all need to be done right away, like clearing ISIS from Deir Ezzor, widening the airport perimeter, and getting its forces west of the Euphrates to keep the Kurds from taking the oil fields there.
NEO: The Unseen Victims of America’s War Machine
Do remember, the Vietnam War was stopped, not by “peaceniks” but by combat veterans who hit the streets, people like John Kerry or, to a lesser extent, me. That these movements survive in a small way, in reality dissent has been criminalized in a world of fake information and even more fake leadership.
NEO: Pakistan Another “Major Strategic Partner” Now Fighting For Its Life
So the Trump White House is really on the ball now. After suddenly discovering what North Korea has always been, it has done the same with Pakistan, and is trying to cover its essential ignorance by saying how unhappy it is about it.
NEO: America’s Final Fatal Destiny – Dishonoring Robert E. Lee
Jim W. Dean - I knew almost nothing about my Confederate heritage until 1996, when I found mother's Culpepper genealogy book at her house. So I was a late bloomer, and have since tried to make up for it
NEO: Putin in Siberia – If it Looks Like a...
Jim W. Dean - The Deep State hatred for Putin is well-placed. He represents everything they are not; and the longer he survives, the chances grow that his leadership style might catch on.
NEO: Has the Syrian War Reached the Tipping Point?
Jim W. Dean - The last month has seen a shift in the progress of the war that even the most stalwart anti-Assad powers, like the Saudis, can no longer deny. Putin just signed the formal Russian legislative papers on the 50-year rights to its current bases in Syria
NEO: America Erased from World Stage
Gordon Duff - The underlying problem is that Trump is exactly what he appears to be, a childish and unstable individual devoid of talent, be it physical or intellectual, an accident of nature, a victim of a “perfect storm” as it were.
The Operation Barbarossa II File: But Who Will Prosecute?
Jim W. Dean - Christopher Black shows his roots in this piece with its historical framing, and reminds us once again that the people who make the wars are alive and well only because we allow them to be, when so many others have suffered at their hands.
NEO: Should A President be on Twitter?
On May 3, 2017, Tennessee Republican Senator Bob Corker publicly demanded that the US president be banned from using his iPhone.
NEO: Rebuffing NWO’s Throwaway Troops
Jim W. Dean - We have a treat for you today with one of NEO's heavy-hitter writers, Andre Vltchek , sharing his investigative journalism trip to the Philippines to report on the Jihadi attempt to take over Marawi City on Mindanao.
NEO: Vladimir Putin and the Hamburg Testament
Phil Butler - Vladimir Putin acts in Russia’s behalf, and exactly in the manner western neocons and Cold War psychopaths know he must. What kind of journalist or historic idiot ignores this crystal-clear nugget?
NEO: Will US and Israel Succeed in Syrian Ceasefire to...
Jim W. Dean - We have had an undeclared World War of sorts being carried out against Syria with even the UN hesitant to face up to it, mainly because it is a major violation of the UN charter and international law, making them look like a joke.
NEO: Fatal Flaw in Washington’s New Energy Strategy
If the feeling of pity would be worth a damn one would be tempted to feel sorry for the hapless Poles.
What Role has Israel played in the Refugee Crisis?
Phil Butler explains: The Real Winner of the Arab Spring: The changes wrought by the Arab Spring are likely to be of long-term benefit to Israel. The EU is sinking under austerity and added pressure from the refugee crisis, and somehow nobody looks at who is benefitting? If there is any real justice in the world, then Israel’s role in all these conflicts will be revealed.
NEO – Was Trump Out-trumped at The G20?
Jim W. Dean - The G20 executive members came out swinging, but did not wait until the meeting began. Major “perception management” moves were put into motion, including full-spectrum government planning and media-seeding during the lead-up to the meeting.
The Unspeakable Crime of Viktor Orbán
It's becoming crystal clear to more and more European citizens that the monster that is Brussels today does not represent the true interests of EU citizens. The unspeakable crime of Viktor Orbán is his insistence on acting in the interests of his citizens, not to the self-declared, arrogant unelected Commissars in Brussels.
NEO: Even Torah May Not Protect Ukraine’s Corrupt
Jim W. Dean - Personally I don't consider Ukraine to even be a real country, simply because it imports foreigners and gives them instant citizenship to fill major government positions. Only a cartoon-comic book country would do such a thing.
Persian Gulf – What is happening in the region?
The Persian Gulf region continues to surprise and keep the entire world community on its toes. Yet again, a dangerous tension in relations between a number of countries and Qatar has developed.
The Neo Southern Front
For over past hundred years, West Asia has been the theatre of conflicts and proxies. Most countries in the conflict did so due to history, dynasties and religion that attract attracted invasions from North Africans, Romans, Byzantines, Persians, Turks, French, Germans and Anglo-US forces. Since 1930s, petro dollars have provided the impetus.
We Have Met the Evil Empire and It Is Us
When I served in Vietnam, there was no pretense that we were defending anything. Even in the elite combat unit I was in, the war itself was universally opposed as comic and absurd. We were clearly fighting people who were defending their country from foreign invaders, the real enemy, “us.”