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Dr. Fauci Admits COVID Shots Didn’t Have A Chance Of Controlling...

You gotta be kidding me—Anthony Fauci just published an article pointing out viruses that replicate in mucosal passages cannot be effectively controlled by vaccines that create systemic immunity? After 3 years he just announces this obvious point?

Australian Doctor Injured by COVID Vaccine Slams Regulators for ‘Censoring’ Public...

According to The Sydney Morning Herald, since December 2021, vaccine-injured people have been able to make a claim for compensation through the country’s COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme. As of Nov. 23, the department had received 3,100 applications and approved 79 claims totaling $3.9 million.

Exposed: The ‘95% Effective’ Science Fiction Scam (about Covid 19)

U.S. research revealed that up to 98 young people could be injured by COVID-19 shots for every one prevented from hospitalization25 — one of the authors is the director of Harvard Medical School’s Center for Global Health Delivery.

STOLTENBERG: NATO’s Puppet for Gates, NWO in Pandemic as in Ukrainian...

The NWO dictatorship will be strengthened in the same way as the Bank of Norway over which Stoltenberg is preparing to preside, thanks to his speculations on Big Pharma and the Lobby of the Weapons.

Technocrats, plutocrats, oligarchs and Covid 19

Serious inquiry should not depend on personal preference or political correctness, but on lines of evidence and rigorous tests.

Fauci says pandemic won’t end till 110% of the population is...

"Obviously we’ll have to keep on living in COVID dystopia forever….bwa ha ha!”

How much worse did Trump make the Pandemic? DNC’s Kristin Urquiza...

The pandemic has made it clear that there are two Americas, the America that Donald Trump lives in, and the America that 170,000 people have died in. Enough is enough. Donald Trump's dishonesty and irresponsible actions have made Coronavirus so much worse.

COVID-19: Still Out of Control

Self-Quarantined at home; angry, depressed, and pissed, I wrote this song called OUT OF CONTROL as a way to deal with all of this disruption.

Facemasks Not Enough—Now California Mandates Blindfolds Too

"Studies show that when you blink, your eyelashes scatter tiny droplets of moisture into the atmosphere, potentially contributing to the spread of COVID-19."

A Funny thing happened on the way to the operating room...

Various state authorities talk about impending hospital and morgue overflows.

Trump Asks Supreme Court to Strike Down Obamacare Despite Ongoing Pandemic...

The move comes after Trump confirmed his administration would continue to press for its elimination, ignoring warnings about the risk of voter backlash.

FFWN: The Beast Whose Number Is HR-6666

J. Michael Springmann stars, sporting a Palestinian keffiyah in honor of Nakba Day (last Friday) and Quds Day (this Friday).

They have driven the American Economy to its knees Part 2

Dr. Fauci, spokesperson for the Trump Administration, cautioned that all of these estimates one sees about the number of deaths that are projected for...

They have driven the American Economy to its knees Part 1

The media never reports a Covid19 figure without prefacing it first with exaggerated death toll figures and I have never seen the report about the 99% of the virus victims who have survived.

Coronavirus War = Techno-Tyranny!

The coronavirus pandemic has provided a perfect excuse, under the cover of a “national emergency,” to shunt aside privacy concerns and enter an Orwellian total surveillance nightmare.

Strategies To Deal With Isolation and Stress During Pandemic

Coronavirus Lockdown Creates Special Pressures for Thousands of U.S. Veterans Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injuries Five strategies for injured veterans – or most anyone –...

Corona Virus: Fake Pandemic is OVER, Praise for WHO

Robert David Steele provides a holistic analysis of the fake pandemic and information war against China calling for a full US-China investigation of Bill Gates

FFWN: Will Corona Virus Kill Millions and Crater World Economy?

Some say coronavirus fears exaggerated, some say it will "kill millions and crater world economy." Pepe Escobar thinks it's US Bio War on China. Who's right? Join VT's Kevin Barrett on FFWN to find out...