Tag: Pentagon
US Syria Attack – Here are the missile strike numbers from...
The Pentagon makes the ludicrous claim that none of it attacking missiles on Syria were shot down. Will US media roll over on this? I bet yes.
Pentagon chief calls on Saudi crown prince to cease Yemen aggression
... from Press TV, Tehran
- First published ... March 22, 2018 -
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has called upon Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman...
Pentagon admits zero evidence of E. Ghouta chem attack – but...
The Pentagon admits it used NGO reports on alleged recent chemical attacks in Syria and cannot confirm if they even took place.
Caught red handed: Plan to hit Pentagon with False Flag...
Gordon Duff - A domestic based contracting company, now deep inside the Pentagon's Counter-Terrorism computer system, and feeding into the DEERs based military record system, can be tied directly to planning a false flag cyber attack on America
Pentagon spent millions of dollars on UFO research
...by Jonas E. Alexis
You may want to hold your breath for a moment. The Pentagon, the government agency which pretentiously tells us ad nauseam...
Disclosure/Intel Drop: Pentagon sank $22mn into a secret UFO-chasing program –...
UFO allegedly photographed by airliner passenger over Mexico city in the city 1950s
Introduction by Senior Editor, Gordon Duff
There are still a few dozen people...
Newsweek: Pentagon “Made Secret Deal with ISIS” to “Battle Assad in...
...by Jonas E. Alexis
Yes, Virginia, there is a diabolical ideology at work in Iraq and Syria. This diabolical ideology has been supported by the...
Pentagon Setting Biological Bombs Against Europe?
By Oriental Review with VT's Jeffrey Silverman
The media in Europe rarely mention the increasing outbreaks of dangerous diseases in Ukraine. No one has mentioned...
Vietnam War 1967: On This Day In History 100,000 people...
58,220 Americans died in the Vietnam War.
Former Pentagon Analyst Explains Why Trump Fostering Hysteria Over North Korea
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — President Donald Trump and members of his administration have been deliberately fostering public hysteria over North Korea to drown out voices opposed to any US military buildup,...
Pentagon’s biological bomb to target Russia, Iran and China
A former member of the UN Commission on Biological and Chemical Weapons in Iraq and Libya, Igor Nikulin, told Russia's Pravda newspaper that Moscow "should look into" the growing number of American military biological laboratories springing up across the Eurasian continent.
Veterans group sues Pentagon after personal military records exposed
The Pentagon is being sued by a veterans group after the agency exposed private information of soldiers’ military records on “a truly massive scale.”...
Pentagon Snared in Government Sting as Fake Cops Acquire $1.2mn Worth...
The US Department of Defense has been caught out selling large amounts of military supplies to a fake police department. The fake department was...
Pentagon: Trump presumably got “the Syrian chemical attack” lie from Israel
The Israeli regime or the Neocons in the United States are controlling the Trump administration with respect to the situation in Syria.
Pravda: Pentagon’s bio laboratories surround Russia
The Pentagon has spent more than a billion dollars to create hundreds of bio laboratories around the world, including the countries of the former USSR
How the DoD Squandered Billions of US Taxpayer Dollars
The Pentagon continues to squander US taxpayer dollars on extravagant projects and meaningless initiatives, Sputnik contributor Alexander Khrolenko wrote, shedding light on the most glaring examples of the US Department of Defense wasting money.
Why Pentagon Continues to ‘Lose’ Arms in War Zones
It still remains unclear whether it's the Pentagon's negligence or a well-calculated scheme that facilitates the "uncontrolled" spread of US weapons across the Middle East, Africa and Central Asia, RIA Novosti contributor Alexander Khrolenko writes.
US attack kills 7 in central Yemen: Pentagon
At least seven people have lost their lives in a US ground and aerial operation in Yemen’s central province of Ma’rib, the Pentagon says.
War President: Pentagon wants to declare more parts of world as...
"Accordingly, the proposal would lower a threshold for ensuring the safety of civilians in such strikes, from a “near certainty” that civilians would not...
US ‘not in a position right now to collaborate’ with Russia...
Jim W. Dean - The word-dancing begins with the Russian engagement, where the Trump has to play tough to hold Congressional hawks in line, while going through the process of finding safe steps to take.
Trump Pentagon Guiding ISIL Through Deir Ezzur Offensive
An informed source described clashes between the Syrian army and the ISIL terrorists in Deir Ezzur as one of the fiercest battles all throughout the crisis in Syria, and said the Pentagon is guiding the terrorists through the war in the Eastern city
Pentagon paid firm millions of dollars to create false flag
“The Pentagon paid a UK PR firm half a billion dollars to create fake terrorist videos in Iraq in a secret propaganda campaign exposed by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism."
Pentagon Silent Coup Undermines US-Russia Engagement on Syria
Jim W. Dean - It's always nice to see Gwenyth Todd getting some coverage after the Bush-43 regime put her through the meat grinder for messing up their false flag plan to get a war going with Iran. She is a survivor.
US Deploying Forces in 7 Bases in Northern Syria
The Pentagon admitted last week that it has stationed its forces in Northern Syria but didn’t reveal any details
Gambling with the gov’t’s dime: Pentagon employees used work credit cards...
It’s no surprise that government workers like to party ‒ just look at the myriad Secret Service and Drug Enforcement Agency scandals. Even the...
Pentagon withdraws assets from Riyadh amid mounting death toll in Saudi-led...
The US forces assisting the Saudi-led coalition in coordinating air strikes in Yemen have largely withdrawn from Riyadh in an apparent move to distance...
Pentagon can’t account for $6.5 trillion of taxpayer money – IG...
The Pentagon failed to account for $6.5 trillion in its financial statement, a recently-recovered Inspector General’s report on the 2015 fiscal year said. It...
Pentagon painted rosy picture of fight against Daesh: House probe
Jim W. Dean - These CENTCOM investigations were carefully crafted to "not" go into certain areas where the real scandals were, like how our own training programs for moderate rebels ended up feeding men and weapons into the jihadi militants' ranks.
US military aircraft landed on Russian airfield: Pentagon
The Pentagon says a US military aircraft has had an emergency landing in a Russian airstrip near the Chinese border because of landing gear...
Pentagon Research May Be Detrimental To Your Health
By Sherwood Ross
The tax-eating Pentagon war machine may have something to do with America's mediocre showing on the list of the world's healthiest nations.
Exclusive: American Special Forces, SAS Captured by ISIS at al Bukamal,...
There is a total information crackdown on this debacle, a major American failure and a huge failure for President Obama. Everyone with information about this has been taken into custody or silenced, this is that serious.
Why Pentagon Mistook Russian GLONASS Station in Nicaragua For Spy Base
Reports that Russia is supposedly constructing an electronic surveillance site in Nicaragua disguised as a GLONASS satellite navigation tracking station are not grounded in...
Pentagon bought drones that failed their tests for commandos – report
The popular small reconnaissance drone RQ-20A Puma failed Special Operations Command tests, but the Pentagon still bought 41 of them for SOCOM nevertheless, an inspector general’s report revealed.
Pentagon Shocked: Russia Developing Planes ‘Faster Than Anticipated’
Jim W. Dean - Russia can actually AFFORD its own new weapons systems. It does not need the huge numbers that we do because we have bases everywhere that require constant threat hyping for funding.
‘Aggressive simulated attack’: Pentagon decries Russian jets zooming over USS Donald...
Jim W. Dean - "Methinks she doth protest too much" from Shakespeare's Hamlet comes to mind over the buzzing incident by unarmed Russian planes with the USS Donald Cook, 70 kms from the Russian base at Kaliningrad.
Pentagon hypes the Russian bear threat once again
Jim W. Dean - This is a hyped story, sending one armored brigade back to Europe to defend against a Russian army that is never coming. It is all part of the new Russian bogeyman con.
Guardian: Isis second in command killed in US raid in Syria,...
David Smith in Washington and Spencer Ackerman in New York
The Islamic State group’s second-in-command has been killed in a US raid in Syria, defence...
Has a major nuclear confrontation between Russia and NATO been thwarted?
Preston James - Sophisticated efforts to use proxy mercenaries sheep-dipped as ISIS appear to be failing because they have been exposed. VT has played a key role in this exposure. Can we all sleep a little better tonight?
Pentagon considering arsenal plane program to assist less-armed stealth planes
A semi-secret Pentagon plan to convert old war planes into “flying launchpads” or “arsenal planes” to aid stealthier, less weapons-capable planes was mentioned by Defense Secretary Ash Carter in a speech outlining a $583 billion military budget for 2017.