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Jordan Partners With Russia on Anti-ISIS War Room Yet Keeps Pro-ISIS...

Editor's note:  Jordan already has a war room, in partnership with ISIS, the CIA, al Qaeda, Saudi Arabia and Israel.  From the New York...

Russia Thanks Syrian Opposition for Aiding in Loyalists Retaking Salma

In the north of Latakia province, three settlements were freed with active participation of the Desert Falcons militia, including the main stronghold of militants and capital of mountainous Latakia - the city of Salma -- Lt. General Sergey Rudskoy said.

Russian army launches humanitarian op in Syria – General Staff

Jim W. Dean - Russia once again is running circles around Western attempts to smear the Russian effort in Syria, not only with this humanitarian effort but by providing air cover for the Free Syrian Army units that are attacking ISIL positions.

Russia Threatens to Publish Data Exposing Phony US Anti-ISIS Campaign

The Russian Defense Ministry may begin publishing data on the results of airstrikes of the international coalition in the Middle East, in order to disprove the accusations alleging that the Russian military aim at civilian targets, ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said on Friday.

Noseweek, Soros, Zuma and Putin

Oil and the Dollar in the 21st Century

Putin: West Lying, Russia Currently Supporting Anti-Assad Rebels Who Fight...

Russia supports Syrian President Bashar Assad’s forces and will back anti-Assad rebels as long as they are fighting Islamic State, President Vladimir Putin told Germany’s Bild media

Russia Gives Command Briefing, 7000 Moderate Rebels Now Under Russian...

Russia’s air force has hit 1,100 jihadist targets in Syria since the start of the year, enabling “patriotic” Syrian rebels to mount an offensive against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) strongholds in Raqqa and Palmyra.

Special Report: George Soros and The Gang

Katherine Frisk - BRICS, Colour Revolutions and how we got to this World War Three.

Russia Today: Syrian Oil Fields Recaptured by YPG from Turkish...

The problem the Kurds have is that they are limited in their refining capacity and capability. They cannot make complicated petroleum products, only low quality diesels and petrol.

Russia Develops Advanced Ratnik-3 Combat Gear

The development of the third generation Ratnik infantry combat system is already under way in Russia, according to the country's Land Forces commander Col....

Brains Over Brawn: Russian Armed Forces More Powerful Than NATO

Jim W. Dean - While Russia may have some weapons that can out fight its NATO contemporaries, bigger numbers do count in a drawn out attrition conflict, as high-tech modern weapons cannot be rushed to the battlefield simply by adding an extra shift.

NEO – Pipeline wars heat up in Eurasia

Jim W. Dean - Eurasian countries are now walking a tightrope between economic and political consolidation and regional competition. Will energy pipeline competition really help create peace, or bitter economic rivalries?

Inner Logic of Pentagon: U. S. Sees Russia as Enemy—But Russia...

If officials at the Pentagon really mean what they say, why can’t they abide by international law? Why are they willing to destroy democratic countries like Syria, where Assad won the presidential election by a landslide?

Russian Air Defenses to be able to take out hypersonic Threats

Jim W. Dean - He who has the best science and engineers is going to win the air supremacy tactical fight, but that puts the losers having to retreat once again to a Cold War style nuclear response to save themselves, so who wins then?