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Tag: War Crimes

Gamma Radiation in America – An Utter Disaster that is unending

In the End the Gamma radiation and it's sources Win EVERYTHING. Worse, it is inevitable and there is no country or group that can do...

Gamma Radiation in America

For us, this chemistry lasts forever.

Ukraine puts uniforms on ‘Kraken’ Convicts to let loose on Ukraine...

The Kraken combat formation is a Kharkiv unit of the nationalist Azov regiment, which is part of the National Guard of Ukraine.

Saudis seize another Yemen-bound fuel ship, violating two-month truce

The Saudis continue to starve Yemenis after deliberately killing nearly 400,000 civilians.

Don’t tell us about Russia’s (alleged) atrocities in Ukraine….

Israel's relentless assaults to annihilate Gaza’s civil society was unlawful and a war crime then, and is today. Who are we to deny them their right of self-defence and justice?

Russian War Crimes Tribunals a Vital Aspect of DeNazifying ‘Zelenskyland’

Military investigators found in a hospital in Mariupol dozens of bodies of civilians who died during shelling by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Biden is surrounded by a band of rogues who want to...

Press TV: A former CIA officer has said that the administration of US President Joe Biden is surrounded "by a band of rogues" who plan to destroy Russia by calling President Vladimir Putin names.

Who’s behind alleged war crimes in Ukraine?

Sourced from Iran and Fact Checked by VT as 100% Accurate by John White PressTV Iran - It comes into the category of ‘stating the obvious...

Phone Intercepts: Ukies Admit Bucha Slaughter While US/German Intel Feeds Media...

Ukraine's Territorial Defense force looted their own village for a false flag against Russia. Phone intercepts.

Ukrainian Tochka-U Hit Kramatorsk In Another Bloody Provocation. Dozens Of Civilians...

The attack on the Kramatorsk railway station was carried out by a missile division of the Ukrainian armed forces from the area of the settlement of Dobropillya 45 kilometers southwest of the city, with the aim of disrupting the mass departure of residents from the city to keep them as “human shields” to defend the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Russia and Ukraine trade accusations over Bucha civilian deaths (TIMELINE)

Kiev accused the Russian military of committing numerous atrocities in Bucha. Moscow has denied the allegations and unsuccessfully tried to call a UN Security Council meeting to discuss what it claims to be an attempt to frame its forces.

Zelinsky’s Nazi ‘Holdouts’ in Mariupol Seize Maternity Hospital, Take 100 Patients...

According to the Donetsk security forces, we are talking about maternity hospital No. 2. There are about a hundred people there, 37 of them are children and five babies, RIA Novosti writes.

Refugees Report US Backed Azov Nazi’s Crimes

The American Media that back this slaughter are fully complicit in the War Crimes and need to be held to account.

Madeleine Albright: A war refugee who created countless war refugees

Albright’s legacy is not completely dominated by her lack of remorse on the killing of Iraqi babies and infants. She has a river of Yugoslav-Serbian blood on her hands too.

Ukrainian Nazis Begin Ethnic Cleansing! “Russian Prisoners will be Castrated”. Kyiv...

It is still early to understand whether the statements of a Kiev Regime doctor on the front line in the war between Ukraine and Russia are a form of psychological intimidation towards the Moscow army or a deliberate orientation shared by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Was bombing of Mariupol theater staged by Ukrainian Azov extremists to...

This war crime and mass murder of women and children was carefully coordinated with NATO funded “fact checkers” and “disinformation fighters” from organizations across Europe. All of these organizations are run by right wing groups originally funded and trained through Washington “think tanks” and the Israel lobby.

US/Nazi War Crimes in Mariupol, Eyewitness Testimony

Civilians who left the war-torn city of Mariupol through the humanitarian corridors secured by Russian and DPR forces are testifying on inhumane warfare and war crimes committed by Ukrainian nationalist forces. Residents of Mariupol confirmed that Azov members forcibly pushed them out of their apartments and used them as firing points.

Ukrainian nationalists are preparing a second Mariupol in Odessa

Ukie Banderas are planning to use civilian human shields in Odessa, as they did in Mariupol.

Chris Hedges: The Lie of American Innocence

Our hypocrisy on war crimes makes a rules-based world, one that abides by international law, impossible.

CIA prisoner was used as torture prop to teach recruits –...

RT: The US Central Intelligence Agency used a detainee in Afghanistan as a ‘prop’ to teach interrogators how to torture prisoners, leaving the man with brain damage, newly declassified documents have revealed.

Ukraine Fake Aid Funds, Bitcoin Donors May Face Charges for Arms...

Ukraine opened up anonymous and crypto donors from over 50 countries to the possibility of facing arms dealer charges and war crimes investigations for their donations to Ukraine’s multitude of fake humanitarian charities. The donations in question went to the support of Ukraine’s Territorial Defense groups, i.e., funding neo-Nazis like Right Sector, Azov Battalion, Donbas Battalion, Aidar Battalion.

Ukrainian Agony, the Concealed War (full length video)

Since July 2014, our war correspondent team has been on site in southeast Ukraine, in the Donbas, and was the ONLY western and German team of journalists with the highest level of accreditation with access to this civil war. Our materials are now being used in a documentary.

Concerns as British-made weapons paraded by Ukrainian neonazi battalion in Kharkiv

Morning Star: CONCERNS have been raised after what appeared to be British-made anti tank missiles that were paraded in the besieged city of Kharkiv by members of the neonazi Azov Battalion, a Ukrainian fascist militia.

Nuke Kiev!!! Zelensky’s Nazi Legions Hit Donetsk City with Ballistic Missile,...

On the morning of March 14, around 11:20 a.m. local time, Ukrainian units struck the center of Donetsk with a Tochka-U tactical missile equipped with cluster munitions. The strike targeted the center of the city, where there is no military infrastructure or equipment. Civilians were deliberately chosen as targets.

March 14: Briefings by the Russian Defense Ministry

Ukrainian shelling of civilian towns "confirms the Nazi and anti-human nature of the ruling regime in Ukraine today."

US Radiation Report: DefCon 3 – Current Level

3-10-2022 | 4:16 9pm UTC Taken from Defcon Level Warning System.

Global Radiation Report: DefCon 3 – Current Level

3-8-2022 | 4:51 pm UTC Taken from Defcon Level Warning System.

US Radiation Report: DefCon 3 – Current Level

Defcon 3 - Roundhouse 3-11-2022 | 4:16 9pm UTC Taken from Defcon Level Warning System:  Taken from Defcon Level Warning System: Only reached 3 times in the...

Breaking/Exclusive 2021.18 There is Evidence Someone is Attacking the US...

TOP 97 GAMMA RADIATION READINGS IN THE US MAX SAFE LEVEL 20 MILLION CPM ANNUALLY Deadly radioactive material from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington state is...

Saudis Escalate Bombing of Yemeni Cities

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Breaking/Exclusive 2021.17 There is Evidence Someone is Attacking the US...

TOP FOUR GAMMA RAD READINGS IN THE US MAX SAFE LEVEL 20 MILLION CPM ANNUALLY 12/28/2021 END DATE ACTUAL City, State Date 12/28/2021 79,333,416 Billings, MT. 12/28/2021 76,318,961 Raleigh, NC. 12/28/2021 74,510,108 Colorado...

Breaking/Exclusive 2021.16 There is Evidence Someone is Attacking the US...

TOP GAMMA RAD READINGS IN THE US MAX SAFE LEVEL 20 MILLION CPM ANNUALLY Use your cursor to scroll     Deadly radioactive material from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation...

Breaking/Exclusive 2021.15 There is Evidence Someone is Attacking the US...

TOP GAMMA RAD READINGS IN THE US MAX SAFE LEVEL 20 MILLION CPM ANNUALLY Use your cursor to scroll   In prehistoric times giant Pterodactyls leisurely made the...

Breaking/Exclusive 2021.14 There is Evidence Someone is Attacking the US...

TOP 10 GAMMA RAD READINGS IN US   In prehistoric times giant Pterodactyls leisurely made the modern day Hanford, Washington to Billings, Montana run. They were...

Breaking/Exclusive 2021.13 There is Evidence Someone is Attacking the US...

TOP 10 GAMMA RAD READINGS IN US of A   In prehistoric times giant Pterodactyls leisurely made the modern day Hanford, Washington to Billings, Montana run....

Are US war criminal invaders of Syria legitimate targets?

US forces occupying Syria have come under attack. And why shouldn't they?

Breaking/Exclusive 2021.11 There is Evidence Someone is Attacking the US...

TOP US RAD SITES SOAR 7.1 BILLION GAMMA RAD BY END OF YEAR (2021) I rarely run radiation projections, but this year's reading were looking a...

Breaking/Exclusive 2021.10 There is Evidence Someone is Attacking the US...

TOP 10 RAD SITES SOAR MAX SAFE LEVEL 20,000,000 CPM Editor's note:  We have been sitting on this story. This is hard science, real evidence and...

Breaking/Exclusive 2021.9 There is Evidence Someone is Attacking the US...

TOP 5 RAD SITES SOAR MAX SAFE LEVEL 20,000,000 CPM Editor's note:  We have been sitting on this story. This is hard science, real evidence and...