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Tag: false flag weekly news

COVID Origins Riddle: Is the Answer “as Simple as ABC”?

Now that the US government has all but admitted that COVID is a bioweapon, will Patreon and YouTube restore my accounts and pay damages?

FFWN: Swami Beyondanonda Incites an Upwising!

But this week our dark humor "lightened up" (or should I say "enlightened up") thanks to guest host Swami Beyondanonda of WakeUpLaughing.com.

YouTube UNCENSORS False Flag Weekly News

YouTube's AI algorithm thought my joke about anti-vax animals revolting at the zoo was "medical misinformation."

False Flag Weekly News Censored by Youtube…for Attacking Censorship!

All this draconian censorship ... suggests very strongly that the elites pushing the COVID party line have something to hide.

Biden Appoints Anti-9/11-Truth Czar Cass Sunstein

And if you thought COVID was a mean and nasty threat to old folks, get a load of ZIOVID!

Is Trump a fascist? It’s much worse

Will a new 9/11-style Reichstag Fire break out shortly before the election?

Fiery COVID Debate! Prof. Tony Hall vs. Kevin Barrett

We agree that COVID is a scam. We disagree about some of the details.

The Chutzpah! YouTube Just Froze My Channel Using Spurious Charge of...

YouTube just nuked our live broadcast, issued a strike, and froze my channel for a week.

FFWN: “Conspiracy Theories” Winning!

There has been no legitimate government in the USA since 9/11/2001, maybe not since 11/22/1963.

FFWN: Coronavirus Wars Escalating

Bob Dylan's new JFK song was worth waiting 56 years for.

Alan Sabrosky: “China, 5G, & The Emperor’s New Virus ” on...

"I think anyone looking at it who isn't absolutely biased or brain-dead or part of that conspiracy" can see that WTC-7 was a demolition.