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Tag: Palestine

Zionism, Not Islam, Is America’s Biggest Threat

Zionism is not only a “clear and present danger” to the liberties of the American people; it is the BIGGEST danger to the liberties of the American people.

Zionist Lobby casts its shadow over Scotland

Throughout Palestine, now under Israeli military occupation, there is a 3-class system: Jews, who enjoy all the rights; Type A Arabs who have some rights; and Type B Arabs who have practically no rights at all. That is the reality, and it is rabid apartheid.

The ‘No Second 9/11’ Argument

After twenty years of the War on Terror, $6.4 trillion spent, some 801,000 deaths (including about 335,000 civilian deaths) from direct violence by 2019 (and many more because of factors related to the War on Terror not calculated in war deaths)...

Exterminating the Goyim is Basis of the Cabala

Judaism at its Cabalist heart is Satanism. That's why you don't have to believe in God to follow Judaism.

“Death by a thousand cuts” for Iran—or Israel?

Israel is facing the reality that its post-2001 strategy of trying to orchestrate a US war on Iran will not be successful any time soon, if ever.

Manchester University humiliated by pro-Israel bullies

Stuart Littlewood - Frequent intimidation by UK Lawyers for Israel underlines the need for a Palestinian UK law centre to counter these moves.

Hang that Political Whore and Neocon Prostitute

One Iraqi girl was forced into the sex business in Syria “after her father dumped her at the border, and was facing deportation when the story aired.”

Are Ben and Jerry anti-Semites?

Ben and Jerry: "“It’s possible to support Israel and oppose some of its policies, just as we’ve opposed policies of the U.S. government."

Trump’s Deal With The Devil

The worst tyrants and oppressors in the Middle East are in Tel Aviv and Beersheba.

Stand With Israel? Not On Your Life!

...introduction by Jonas E. Alexis, VT Editor Dr. Chuck Baldwin is an American politician and has been involved in at least 12 full-length documentary films. He...

Cornel West Exposes Harvard as a Zionist Institution

Cornel West: “the Harvard administration’s hostility to the Palestinian cause was disgusting.”

The difference between the 9/11 twin towers and the Florida condo

While thousands of people were dying and mourning for their mothers, fathers, and children, Benjamin Netanyahu was celebrating.

The elites want a world government they control

These elites want a world government they control in its entirety, with global surveillance, military coercion, economic blackmail, control of fiat currency, control of media, and subversion of nation-states and cultures the weapons used to achieve it,

Concentration camps in Gaza, 2021

“Israel has been barring Palestinian passports from being moved in or out of the Gaza Strip for the past six weeks because they’re not regarded as humanitarian items — even though they are being issued or renewed only in Ramallah."

Sanctions against Israel, anyone? (Part 2)

...by Stuart Littlewood, Britain First published ... June 12, 2021 So Westminster has had its debate following a 385,000-strong petiton and the friends and admirers of...

How Israeli spies influence and infiltrate Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia, Google, and...

The United States and Israel tell us that they are fighting against gangsters and terrorists, but one of the infamous gangsters in America, Meyer Lansky, was working for the Israeli Mossad.

Israel, the Big Lie

Israeli leaders cannot fool everyone anymore with their stupid, mindless, pathetic, and impressively incoherent statement that they are just defending themselves.

Americans rising against unrestricted aid to Israeli regime

We are now living in an era where Israel is widely viewed as a menace to much of the world.

Gaza: UK is all words, no action

Let's be clear. Israel's crimes are not 'first offences' - they've been committing them for decades.

Bernie Sanders screws Benjamin Netanyahu

And why do we seem to take notice of the violence in Israel and Palestine only when rockets are falling on Israel?

Netanyahu is still a psychopath and ethnic cleanser

Netanyahu shows numerous signs of a psychopath. One of the definitions of a psychopath is that of a person “who does not care about other people, and who is usually dangerous or violent.”

Will Israel burn? Will it be blown back to the Middle...

“We need to flatten entire neighborhoods in Gaza. Flatten all of Gaza…There should be no electricity in Gaza, no gasoline or moving vehicles, nothing." Gilad Sharon

The Hideous Injustice to the Holy Land caused by Britain’s élite

It was Lord Sydenham remarked: “What we have done, by concessions not to the Jewish people but to a Zionist extreme section, is to start a running sore in the East.

Hamas should hammer Israel

Daily Mail: Israel, “a country born in bloodshed, has become the leader in assassinations.”

14 May 1948: the Zionists’ day of infamy

Israel’s ongoing military occupation and annexation mean that countless Christian and Muslim Palestinians – even those living just outside the city – have been unable to visit their holy places for many years in Jerusalem.

Hamas setting up a Christian media centre? You’re kidding….

The unlikeliest headline I’ve seen lately is Al-Monitor’s report that Hamas might be persuaded to set up a Christian media centre. Its purpose would be to defend the Islamic resistance movement from claims that it mistreats Christians, especially those living under Hamas rule in Gaza.

Lest we forget: Israel’s armed aggression against the Christian Church

Nineteen years ago, throughout April and into May, the lunatic Israeli regime laid murderous siege to the Church of the Nativity.

“Death to Arabs” isn’t anti-Arabs?

The Zionist oligarchic system is trying to control the minds of the black population in the United States.

The Zionist Protection Racket

The Zionist infrastructure has been a racket since its inception, and politicians like John Kerry had to find that out the hard way.

Is Israel building another nuclear bomb?

The Zionist lagoon is still causing political problems in the Middle East because the Israeli regime does not believe in a moral universe.

Zionist oligarchs mark Cornel West for academic death at Harvard for...

“We need to flatten entire neighborhoods in Gaza. Flatten all of Gaza."

Disasters Everywhere! Is God Punishing America for Supporting Israel’s Genocide of...

God’s response to America’s rabid pro-Israel turn has been to dump a worsening series of disasters on our heads.

Cornel West vs. the Zionist mafia at Harvard?

If West’s academic work isn’t substantive, then Harvard needs to start refunding thousands of dollars for putting Alan Dershowitz—the man who used a high school syllabus as an academic source!—on a pedestal.

Philip Giraldi: Trump was Israel’s bitch

"Trump has given Israel everything it could possibly ask for, with no consideration for what the U.S. interests might actually be."

Biden ready to kick Netanyahu’s ass on Palestine

Biden administration is planning to rehabilitate diplomatic relations with the Palestinians.

Israel approves 780 new illegal settler units in occupied West Bank:...

"Does Israel control US and Western countries' policies or is Israel just a spearhead of Western imperialism?"

Jerusalem Post: Trump was making Israel, not America, great again

We all have to come to the realization that a peace deal with Iran is not a threat to the United States, to Israel, or any country on the planet.

Luciferian Neocon Jonah Goldberg is at it again

“Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business.”

Israelis keep denying their Holocaust of the Palestinians

Phil Butler - This is the reality of the Israeli cause, and the unshakable power of a very few, to rule the majority.

Can someone tell Nikki Haley to just shut the heck up?

“There is a huge, aggressive, ongoing set of Israeli activities directed against the United States. Anybody who worked in counterintelligence in a professional capacity will tell you the Israelis are among the most aggressive and active countries targeting the United States.”