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Interview – Russia has evidence of Turkish forces on Syrian soil

Jim W. Dean - Lavrov and the UN's de Mistura double-team Erdogan on the eve of the next Geneva talks to push for the Syrian Kurds being included in the talks, as they are 15% of the population and fighting the terrorist brigades.

Obama admits VT was right on Syrian gas attacks

Jim W. Dean - VT takes a victory lap with Obama on stopping the bombing of Syria an hour before the launch, where we had had gotten our Intel on the Israelis setting up the staged Syrian officer cel phone intercepts as a red line psyops where it needed to go.

Baghdad Demands Revenge: US Backed Fighters Using Chemical Attacks in...

Baghdad promises revenge after ‘600 wounded,’ 3yo girl killed in ISIS chemical attacks on Iraq A three-year-old girl has been killed and 600 more people...

Syrian FM red line – Only Syrians will decide Syria’s future

Jim W. Dean - Our delegation will leave for Geneva tomorrow... We will wait 24 hours and if no one is there, then we will return." - Syrian FM Muallem.

Obama: New World Order Created a “Shit Show” in Libya

If Obama is right—that Libya is now a “shit show”—what is the United States currently doing in Syria? Creating another “shit show”?

Turkey and its extremist rebels breach Syria truce

According to Nezavisimaya Gazeta —a Russian-language newspaper— radical Wahhabi militants and their key regional backer, Turkey, have not been observing the temporary ceasefire agreement.

Iran and Turkey Issue Insane Joint Statement on Syria

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu rejected allegations about his country's interest in the disintegration of Syria, and said Tehran and Ankara have reached an agreement on the settlement of the Syrian issue.

Analyst: Saudi Arabia, Turkey Plotting to Transfer ISIL to Jordan from...

TEHRAN (FNA)- A Jordanian political analyst disclosed that the ISIL is planning to shift from Syria to Jordan in a bid to make up...

74 Percent of Russians Would Vote for Putin Again—NWO Agents and...

We have a situation here. If Putin’s approval rating was 86 percent last year, then who was polluting the airwaves saying perverse things like Putin was a dictator?

Al-Nusra militants in Syria shell Turkey to prompt return fire –...

Jim W. Dean - The Russians are showing their monitoring skills by catching ISIL trying to stage cease fire violations to give cover for Turkey's own violations shelling the Kurds. Russian credibility continues to go higher and higher.

Spring Cleaning: Syrian Army Crushes Terrorists in Latakia Province

Jim W. Dean - The name of the game now is to move Syrian control up to all of its borders to cut off outside supplies, and keep eliminating the jihadists to continue building momentum for the political process.

Confidential NATO Report Praises Russia’s Superiority in Syria

Jim W. Dean - NATO and even Obama have publicly acknowledged the demonstrated military prowess of the Russia coalition in Syria, but left out was giving Iran or Hezbollah credit for fighting US-coalition state-sponsored terrorists there, or spotlighting the incredible irony.

Insanity: Davutoglu Tells Iran to Betray Syria, Turn on Russia

Michigan governor Rick Snyder has released thousands of emails over the past few weeks in response to urgent calls for answers on Flint’s water crisis.

Interview – Syria ceasefire has sharply reduced deaths

Jim W. Dean - The UN seems to have thrown the glove down to the ceasefire wreckers with de Mistura's statement that the political future of Syria will be decided by Syrians, including what happens to Assad.

Game-Changer: What May Be Russia’s ‘Secret Weapon’ in Syria?

Having deployed its most silent and advanced submarines off the Syrian coast, Russia is raising the stakes in the power game it is playing in the Middle East, Observer reported.

Large landing warship to deliver supplies for Russian air task force...

The Russian Black Sea Fleet’s large amphibious assault ship Novocherkassk is expected to arrive at Russia’s naval facility in Tartus with supplies for the Russian forces in Syria.

Cliff Kincaid Is a New World Order Agent, Lies About Vladimir...

New World Order agents have deliberately subordinated truth to their appetite. Sadly, Cliff Kincaid fits that description.

Russian media divulges confidential information accepted by rebels in Syria regarding...

On Tuesday, US Department of State and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the co-chairs of the International Syria Support Group issued a joint communiqué emphasizing on participation of all the Syrian dissident groups in peace talks.

NEO – Ceasefire Roulette in Syria – Who Will Win?

Jim W. Dean - As we had expected, Turkey has been the primary challenger with not only its continued shelling inside Syria, but directly supporting its terrorist proxies there, including ISIL.

Russia Ask US to Explain Turkish Ceasefire Violations in Syria

The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed on Sunday that a newly-liberated town in the Northern part of Raqqa near the border with Turkey has been heavily shelled by the Turkish army's artillery units.

Russia suspends all Syria airstrikes on armed groups included in ceasefire

Jim W. Dean - The guns are falling silent in many parts of Syria, a blessing for those who live in those areas where 97 opposition groups have signed onto the ceasefire.

Saudi Arabia Opts Out of Syria Cease Fire, Unleashes Frenzy of...

Despite a tentative ceasefire and truce negotiations being discussed by groups across Syria, terrorist groups not party to the ceasefire continued their attacks on Saturday, primarily aimed at civilians.

Assad: Conflict settlement in Syria depends not only on ceasefire

Jim W. Dean - Since this was written we have 97 "opposition" groups sign onto the ceasefire, but no one has felt giving us a list is necessary or setting up a website dedicated as to who is in or out.

Lavrov: No progress in Syria talks over opposition figures, their sponsors

MOSCOW, February 26. /TASS/. The lack of progress at political talks on Syria comes as some Syrian opposition members wish to bargain for privileged position,...

US officials tried to sabotage ceasefire agreement on Syria — Russian...

The United State tried to interpret the statement on cessation of military actions in Syria in a directly opposite manner, Russian Foreign Ministry’s official spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told a briefing on Thursday.

Top Secret/SC: Raw Intel Report on Turkey, Syria and Iraq

Gordon Duff - We had to sit on this report until...well, we can't even say that either. As Jim Dean points out, this is material you won't find anyplace else.

Infighting? Turkey’s General Staff Concerned with Erdogan’s Syria Policies

Jim W. Dean - Retired Intel General Pekin uses a strong closing line in his interview, "I think that if Turkey still dares to take this step and invade the territory of Syria, the consequences will be irreversible.”

RFK Jr: ISIS Created By Washington Over Syria Pipeline Refusal

Washington military planners decided to remove Bashar al-Assad from power using seasoned jihadist fighters because the Syrian president refused to back the Qatari project...

Putin discusses Syria ceasefire with world leaders by phone

Russian President Vladimir Putin has held phone talks on the ceasefire plan brokered by Moscow and Washington with the Syrian president and Saudi king,...

Syria truce center launched at Khmeimim airbase, Russia hands over hotline...

Russian servicemen at the Hmeimim military base in Syria © Dmitriy Vinogradov / Sputnik A coordination center to reconcile the warring parties in Syria has...

Breaking: US-Russia call for February 26th truce in Syria – Updated

Jim W. Dean - Russia and the US have taken the Syrian War bull by the horns with an "are you in or out of the ceasefire" demand from all the players to either take themselves off the bombing list, or to stay on it. It has not been presented as a negotiation and thus kills the preconditions demands.

Al-Qaeda: The beating heart of moderate militant groups in Syria

Intelligence reports show that several units of the 'Free Syrian Army' have voluntarily supplied al-Nusra Front with U.S. anti-tank TOW missile in order to topple the Syrian legitimate administration.

NEO – Erdogan’s Plan, Islamic Empire or Armageddon

Gordon Duff - Turkey was prepared to steal the NATO nuclear arsenal at Incirlik Air Base, 84 thermonuclear weapons. Israel, out of short sightedness, had upgraded Turkish F16s for service as nuclear bombers to use against Russia.

Russia sends fighter jets to Armenia base near Turkey

Jim W. Dean - Col. Hanke reminded everybody today of the 190,000-man Russian force on full maneuvers in Southern Russia. Their exercise was moved up a few days due to the Turkish shelling of Syria.

B-1 bombers removed from ISIS campaign in Iraq & Syria

The US Air Force has removed its B-1B Lancer bombers from the bombing campaign in Iraq and Syria, sending them back to the US...

5,000 ISIS militants trained in Syria & Iraq walk free in...

Between 3,000 and 5,000 so-called ‘foreign fighters’ – EU citizens trained in Islamic state terror camps - have returned to Europe and pose a...

Interview – Russia campaign forced West to accept Syria truce

Jim W. Dean - The good news is the UN aid trucks have been flowing, and this includes communities outside Damascus that have been held by jihadis for several years with their human shield hostages.

Russia to initiate UN Security Council meeting over Turkey’s plans to...

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova A UN Security Council meeting is to be called at Russia's request on Friday to discuss Ankara's plans for...