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Yearly Archives: 2017

Do We Burn Down the Post?

Gordon Duff - You could ask Mike Harris or Jim Dean or Colonel Hanke.  We found heroin, huge amounts of it, and signs they had been luring teenage girls from refugee camps and selling them to slavers.  We saw and filmed evidence of this.

Happy Holidays To All!

Health Editor's Note:  I thought I would throw this into the mix for the holidays.  Here is a bit of light reading with a...

Top 5 Veterans News Today: Dec. 26, 2017

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Putin to NWO agents in Syria: You ain’t seen nothing yet

...by Jonas E. Alexis Vladimir Putin has stunned New World Order agents and terrorist apologists when he said that his work in Syria is not...

Kremlin trolls burned across the Internet as Washington debated options

...by Adam Entous, Ellen Nakashima and Greg Jaffe  - "'Other pieces under her byline have been published in recent months at VT, where Gordon Duff, the site’s editor, said he...

US-Saudi nuclear talks: A barometer for whither the Middle East?

By James M. Dorsey Talks aimed at transferring US nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia serve as an indicator of where the Saudi-Iranian rivalry is heading as well...

TRUTH JIHAD Christmas special! Mazin Qumsiyeh reports from Jesus’s birthplace, Sander Hicks on his...

Subscribe to Kevin Barrett's Radio Shows Two of Truth Jihad Radio's favorite Christians – Palestinian-American professor Mazin Qumsiyeh and New York congressional candidate Sander Hicks...

Top 5 Veterans News Today: Dec. 25, 2017

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A Veteran’s Retirement in the PI: City of Angels

  Close enough to heaven in my retirement haven. There are certain important considerations to identifying a retirement haven; affordability, climate, food supply, native hospitality, availability...

Trump is heralding the ethnic cleansing of Palestine

…by Jonas E. Alexis, the Balkan Post, and Mark Dankof Mark Dankof is the former 36th District Chairman of the Republican Party in King County/Seattle. He...

Steve Bannon goes to war on Trump nepotism

Jim W. Dean - Even though Kushner is cooperating on Russiagate in the FBI probe, don't be surprised if if we later learn that it has been building a separate case on him for influence-pedaling.

‘Not enough even for coffee’: UK troops in Afghanistan get £1 each to celebrate...

 Christmas in Vietnam was different, girls brought in, all of us got to meet Bob Hope personally, hot turkey dinners, christmas carols. The military wouldn't...

Trump’s National Security Strategy: A Strategy of Thuggery and Intimidation

“America first” and “peace through strength” are means for Trump’s administration to control and suppress American people through police state under the guise of national security, and to control foreign countries through nuclear military intimidation and bullying. It is the US that is threatening world peace not Iran or North Korea.

Top 5 Veterans News Today: Dec. 24, 2017

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Ivanka Trump to Steve Bannon: You are a “f**ing liar”

...by Jonas E. Alexis There seems to be a battle between Steve Bannon, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner again. Bannon called Ivanka the “queen of...

Exclusive! Brendon O’Connell describes his ordeal in NZ maximum security lockup

In this week's False Flag Weekly News (watch it above, click HERE for story links) Professor Tony Hall and I brought our viewers some...

Trump, Israel and the America First Scam

Trump’s overwhelming desire to please Adelson, Israel and the Israel lobby does NOT at all put America first

Holiday Wishes to the Normal Folks Out There

...by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor In America, Britain, Germany and elsewhere, the normal places I spent Christmas, this is a very dark period.   Though economics...

Putin in Egypt: Who’s the big player in the Middle East?

This could be just a coincidence, but the next day after Russia announced victory over terrorists in Syria, US President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem...
Cali had Accelerant wafted over from Japan for 6 years, what did you expect??

Million a Week Club No 5: What Class Of Rad Absorber are...

Cities in the States racking up One Million Rad Counts a Week or More

UAE hires former US intelligence agents to build ‘its own CIA’

Jim W. Dean - This "starting a CIA" for the Emirates story is a bit funny, as it has already been going on for years. A starting-from-scratch operation is not needed when you can buy one that is already in place.

Sergey Lavrov to Boris Johnson: Stop lying about Russia

...by Jonas E. Alexis Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is known for humiliating New World Order agents in public. He has recently called a spade...

Top 5 Veterans News Today: Dec. 23, 2017

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1968: Crew of USS Pueblo released by North Korea on this day in history

The crew and captain of the U.S. intelligence gathering ship Pueblo are released after 11 months imprisonment by the government of North Korea. The ship, and its...

NATO wants to attack Russia, starting World War III

...by Jonas E. Alexis If you still don’t think that New World Order organizations like NATO are insane, crazy, or even diabolical, then think again....

Paid Liars: CAR’s Report on Islamic State’s Arms is Misleading

Gordon Duff - We long ago found that CAR is a CIA front tasked with covering for the White Helmets, ISIS and gang. The foremost private investigative group on such issues is Delaware based ADS of which I am managing director.

Israel’s Samson Option and the New Santa Claus Effect (Part 2 of 2)

A Freedom Series by BraveHeart The Santa Claus Effect - The Samson Option  Does Israel have a secret gun pointed at the head of the rest...

1894: Dreyfus Affair begins in France on this day in history

The trial that launched idea Europeans Jews did NOT fit into society sparking the book Judenstat by Herzl leading to creating State of Israel in Palestine displacing millions of indigenous peoples

US, Israel fail to bully UN on Jerusalem al-Quds vote

Jim W. Dean - The military defeat now has to be turned into a complete political defeat for those who supported terror proxies in Syria, except for Turkey, who wiggled itself into the peace process as a guarantor

NEO – Nikki Haley morphs into Nikki Capone for Donald “The Don”

Jim W. Dean - Might it be time to flood the White House with calls for Nikki Capone's resignation for making the US a laughing-stock pawn of Bibi and his Likudite buddies?

Trump administration ends 2017 on a sour note

As if Trump's crass announcement moving the US embassy to Jerusalem wasn't enough, his minions on Monday vetoed a UN Security Council draft resolution...

UN gives Netanyahu and Trump the finger

...by Jonas E. Alexis The recent UN votes indicate that Netanyahu is the loser who keeps on losing when it comes to international law. Even...

Top 5 Veterans News Today: Dec. 22, 2017

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Saudi Arabia & ‘their Western handlers’ behind Syria peace talks failure

Jim W. Dean - The UN's Staffan de Mistura rode a dead horse all the way to the end on the Syrian peace talks because he would not throw the Saudi opposition faction out for its continued insistence that Assad must go.

UN Vote Sinks America’s World Role

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor 128 nations, including all the important ones like Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany, voted, as they had previously, to...

Avoid Body Fat to Decrease Odds of Developing Breast Cancer

Health Editor's Note: Let's face it. Talking about having cancer is scary and unpleasant (too mild of a word).  Having cancer is more than...

Rise of Trump vs. Hitler: A Serious Comparison

Are TrumpBots the New Storm Troopers posing a threat to democracy?

Russia Rises—New World Order Morally and Intellectually Falls

...by Jonas E. Alexis and Phil Butler Phil Butler is a policy investigator, political analyst, and an expert on Eastern Europe. He’s the author of...

BREAKING! Brendon O’Connell released from custody, now back in Malaysia

Brendon O'Connell, who spent three years as a political prisoner in Australia after a verbal altercation with a Zionist, has been released from custody in New Zealand and is now back in Malaysia.

Top 5 Veterans News Today: Dec. 21, 2017

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