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Yearly Archives: 2019

Pentagon Bio-Weapons Exposed (video)

Presented by Dilyana Gaytandzhieva at the AV9 Conference, England in May 2018 The 'Sergei Skripal' affair in the UK, leaves many questions unanswered. Theresa...

Trump Congratulates Whistleblower Who Brought Down Human Trafficking Ring

  By Michael R. Bradle, VT    Earlier This month, President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump congratulated Ms. Kellie Fuller of Georgetown, Texas for...

BREAKING: Trump Team Losers on Venezuela

27 February 2019: The Orinoco Tribune collected the most important points raised by the Venezuelan Minister for Foreign Affairs Arreaza in yesterday’s UN Security...

Today’s Idiot: Texas Anti-Vaxx Rep, Oh Just Read It

  By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor This guy is a moron.  His name is Bill Zedler a flat earther who says he can cure measles using...

DOJ Records: 4556 Trump Related Rapes of Separated Immigrant Kids

The Justice Department and the Department of Health and Human Services received thousands of reports of sexual abuse against unaccompanied immigrant minors in U.S....

First Capone, then Trump: Trump’s Tax Lawyers Face Congressional Inquiry

by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Trump has been hiding his tax problems for years, lying to Forbes about how rich he is, lying to banks...

US Frees ISIS Leaders for Stolen Iraqi Gold


Af/Pak: Pakistan Downs Indian Planes in Kashmir Border Fight, Pilot Captured (video)

Afghanistan Withdrawal: Underlying Cause of Friction between India and Pakistan By Nauman Sadiq for VT Islamabad In a pre-dawn airstrike on Tuesday, according to Indian account,...

NEO: China to sell aircraft carrier to Pakistan

By Vlkadimir Terekhov for New Eastern Outlook On February 5, the online naval defense magazine Navy Recognition (part of a group of similar online publications...

Does Pakistan Have the Capability to Eradicate Terrorism?

By Nauman Sadiq for VT Islamabad After losing tens of thousands of lives to terror attacks during the last decade, an across-the-board consensus has developed...

Socialism and the case for expropriation

Socialism and the case for expropriation by Andre Damon “Socialism is back in fashion,” declares the cover story of this week’s Economist, the British weekly newspaper founded...

Hate Crime Hoaxes

Jussie Smollett was like Batman fighting criminals in the street of Gotham.

State of the Nation: Did Trump Cut a Deal with Bush and Clinton Crime...

Trump Enters Uneasy Truce with Deep State

Disgraced Trump: Michael Cohen’s Opening Statement to Congress

Introduction by the Senior Editor VT has no love for Michael Cohen but he is only a small cog in the Deep State machine that...

NEO – Warsaw Conference – Is the US Coalition Pre-staging War with Iran?

Jim W. Dean - The Warsaw Conference segued into a double whammy Munich humiliation for Pence and Trump, and Europeans did not bring kneepads to either event.

Appeals Court Rejects Challenge to Robert Mueller’s Appointment

A federal appeals court rejected a challenge to Robert Mueller’s appointment Tuesday, marking a major legal win for the special counsel, Politico reports. The lawsuit,...

A teenage war resister in Israel

Hilel Garmi’s phone is going straight to voicemail and all I’m hoping is that he’s not back in prison. I’ll soon learn that he...

Indian air intrusion night 25/26 February 2019

In February, a suicide bomber rammed his car filled with explosive into the military convoy in Pulwama killing 40 Indian CRPF soldiers. Within minutes of the occurrence, India blamed Jaish-e-Muhammad and Pakistan without even carrying out preliminary investigations.

Attacking Iran – Phil Giraldi

by Phil Giraldi, ...via Unz Review - First published ... February 26, 2019 - Observers of developments in the Middle East have long taken it...

Dangerous Escalation between Nuclear-armed Rivals India and Pakistan

By Nauman Sadiq for VT Islamabad In a pre-dawn airstrike at 3:30 a.m. on Tuesday, 12 Indian Mirage 2000 fighter jets intruded into Pakistan’s airspace...

ISIL Militants Leave Eastern Syria for Turkey, 3,000 Terrorists Transferred to Iraq by US

TEHRAN (FNA)- Tens of ISIL militants and their family members have left Eastern Syria for Turkey after paying thousands of dollars, while reports said...

NEO – How RussiaGate Cripples Middle East Peace

Kushner has used his position to cozy up to the Saudis, coming away with hundreds of millions in illegal loans while offering the Saudis advanced nuclear weapons technology and a fully equipped, American-built nuclear weapons production facility.

Who Really Wanted the Holocaust? (Not the Nazis!) 

A painful yet necessary look at the European Jewish Holocaust with a more critical and skeptical eye

Speaking Truth to Empire: Talking War with Stephen Lendman

Stephen Lendman was born in 1934 in Boston, MA. In 1956, he received a BA from Harvard University. Two years of US Army service...

Texas Court Certifies Class Action in NVLSP Lawsuit

Court Certifies Class Action in NVLSP Lawsuit on Behalf of 3,600 Veterans Illegally Denied the Full Amount of Combat Related Special Compensation FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -February...

Book Review by Robert Steele: The Future is Asian by Parag Khanna

5 Stars – Utterly brilliant insights and data, but publisher should have invested in graphics to match Parag Khanna is for me the single...

Is it Trump, or King Jared who is providing Saudi Arabia with nuclear capabilities?

Is It Trump, or King Jared Who Is Providing Saudi Arabia with Nuclear Capabilities? Robert Steele with Javad Heirannia Tehran Times, 25 February 2019 TEHRAN - Robert...

Brexit: Still Looks Like A Clean Break!

It’s not all over bar the shouting – there’ll be plenty of that between now and March 29th, when, gloriously, Britain leaves the European...

Shake Out in Sharm el Sheikh, the Second Day

By Peter Paget for VT UK Monday (Moon Day - Islamic) 25th February 2019 in luxury resort Sharm el Sheikh leaders could determine the future...

Former Donald Trump campaign staffer alleges he kissed her without consent in 2016

VT has its own corroboration of this story and Trump and Huckabee are now burying themselves in obstruction and perjury issues by leaving a...

EU rejects military intervention in Venezuela, calls for peaceful solution

...from Press TV, Tehran - First published ... February 25, 2019 - The European Union has rejected use of force and military intervention in Venezuela, calling...

VT’s European Jewish Problem

...by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor VT is currently the most effective intelligence source in the world.  It was built out of contacts and friends around...

Kurdish Source: US Army Transferring 50 Tons of ISIL’s Gold to US

_________ FARS Kurdish Source: US Army Transferring 50 Tons of ISIL's Gold to US The US Army is taking ISIL's gold treasure that is estimated to weigh...

February 25, 2019 Meeting in Doha: Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing are War Crimes

To the Honorable Alice Wells U.S. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs U.S. Department of State RE: February 25, 2019 Meeting in Doha. Dear...

BREAKING: Benjamin Fulford — Is Trump Being Blackmailed by Kushner?

Zionists Panic, Press for War with Iran — Alternative to Trump Being Considered for 2020? UPDATE 1: Worst Case Khazarian mafia play Trump blackmail card...

Venezuela Coverage Takes Us Back to Golden Age of Lying About Latin America

Venezuela Coverage Takes Us Back to Golden Age of Lying About Latin America MARK COOK Venezuelan pharmacy at a time when Time (5/19/16) was telling readers, “Basic medicines...

Ultimate Guide to Passing Cisco 200-105 Exam at Your First Attempt!

This article outlines the vital details of Cisco ICND2 200-105 Exam Dumps as you look to pursue one of the most prestigious networking credentials in CCNA: Routing and Switching certification.

Dialogues on New World Order in Venezuela and Capitalism

Alexander Solzhenitsyn: “Our way must be: never knowingly support lies! Having understood where the lies begin—step back from that gangrenous edge! "

This is the most professional cop shooting I have seen

Jim W. Dean - The female officer is alive due to her training, and using it.