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Russia dismisses US report of Baltic encounter

Igor Konashenkov noted that Russian air defenses had to scramble the jet after detecting a high-speed unidentified target over the Baltic Sea heading for its borders

NEO – Panama Papers Become a Three Ring Circus

The angels have brought us another Wikileaks document scandal to have fun slicing to pieces. This one advertised from the start that it was a lynch-mob deal, since the publishers had sat on the documents for a year.

The New World Order Is Universally Chaotic (Part II)

Oligarchs exist and flourish all over the world. Particularly in the unsettled or rebellious countries, they play a useful role.

‘Aggressive simulated attack’: Pentagon decries Russian jets zooming over USS Donald Cook (VIDEO)

Jim W. Dean - "Methinks she doth protest too much" from Shakespeare's Hamlet comes to mind over the buzzing incident by unarmed Russian planes with the USS Donald Cook, 70 kms from the Russian base at Kaliningrad.

Debate: Syria’s parliamentary elections – Jim W. Dean with Lawrence Korb

Jim W. Dean - The Western coalition with do everything it can to finagle from these talks what they could not win via their terrorist brigades on the battlefield. It will be a long road to the next presidential election.

NEO – Panama Papers have caught UK politicians off guard

Jim W. Dean - Our prayers have been answered. The Panama Papers scam is being burned down as I type, along with what little reputation that corporate media and the think tank subverts thought they might still have.

Kerry – Iran Could Be Part of Constructive Resolution to Yemen, Syria Crises

Jim W. Dean - Kerry's making this statement while in Bahrain is even more significant, as it comes on the heels of NATO Secretary Stoltenberg announcing that meeting agenda talks were in progress with Moscow.

NEO – The Panama Papers: The People Deceived

Jim W. Dean - International criminal attorney digs down into the shorts of who is behind the funding of the so-called independent media exposé on the Panama Papers and finds a motherload of hard-wired Washington insiders running the game.

You Can’t Make This Stuff Up: NWO Agents and Satanists Now Say Russia Is...

Despite all the media manipulation, the masses were not really convinced by the Panama Papers.

NEO – Armenia Confirms Russia Mediated Ceasefire

Jim W. Dean - Just when Azerbaijan seemed ready for an all out assault on Nagorno-Karabakh, the war train came to a screeching halt. Putin had gotten both leaders to Moscow to stop the fighting before passions were inflamed even more.

NEO – Panama Papers – the New Wikileaks Scam

Gordon Duff outs the Panama Papers as another Intel psyop to throw some sacrificial lambs to the wolves while targeting some key opponents, and making sure none of the international criminal network is touched. So far it is "mission successful".

Russian Aerospace Forces, Syrian military preparing Aleppo liberation operation

© Sergei Bobylev/TASS archive DAMASCUS, April 10. /TASS/. The Russian Aerospace Forces and Syria’s military are preparing a joint operation aimed at the liberation of the...

NEO: Panama Papers – the New Wikileaks Scam

There is a new game in town, the Panama Papers, a massive dump of corporate records from Mossach Fenseka, a law firm in Panama with offices around the world, that sets up phony corporations for purposes of bribery and money laundering.

NEO – The Cloak and Dagger Inside the Kerry Briefcase

Jim W. Dean - Phil Butler gives us a good recap on the geopolitical shifts in play with Turkey and the EU, where the natives are restless. Russo-phobia is backfiring on the Neo-Cold War crowd who planned to exploit it.

The Bogus Bomb Hoax Charges

I’m back! By popular demand! Now, I admit that this this may not be cause for universal rejoicing, not least amongst my enemies, including Thames Valley Police.

Poseidon gas pipeline route over Black Sea bottom possible — Russian energy minister

Alexandrova Lyudmila Gazprom set to team up with Italy, Greece in Europe-bound natural gas deliveries MOSCOW, April 8. /TASS/. The route of the Poseidon natural gas pipeline...

The Devil That Never Dies

When historians say that the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941, do they mean to say that every single Japanese who has ever lived actually bombed Pearl Harbor?

Exclusive: The Coming Shift to the Esoteric (updated)

Vatican insiders are awaiting an important special Alien ET guest soon which they will openly disclose to the World, creating a shift in mindset from the mundane to the esoteric.

Secretary of Defense Ash Carter: Russia Weakens US Hegemony in the Middle East

Carter wants global domination on a daily basis and at the expense of everyone else, including decent Americans who are doing their best make ends meet.

A Farewell to Chips: Tiny DNA Diode Raises Bets on Silicon-Free Future

Scientists at Ben-Gurion University and the University of Georgia have used a single DNA molecule to make the world's smallest diode, a method which...

What’s Behind the Creation of Russia’s New National Guard

jim W. Dean - Unsaid in all of the coverage below is this restructuring is putting firewalls up for avenues where "foreign influence" might want to effect a change in government in terms of a Putin coup.

NEO – No End to Turkish Insanity

Gordon Duff - This week, President Obama said: “If terrorists get nukes, it would change our world.” His statement is more than just “too little, too late.” But then, what did he really mean?

The New World Order Is Almost Certainly Behind the Panama Papers

The so-called Panama Papers were supposed to demolish Vladimir Putin and Russia, but it probably will show that the New World Order is vacuous.

The Very Nasty Truth About the Panama Papers

Gordon Duff - The Panama Papers are a scam, real documents turned over to a Mossad run organization that now has dirt on even more people and more power to make a very nasty world an even darker and nastier place.

Gloria in excelsis Deo: A Russian Soldier’s Heroic Sacrifice

“As is customary, the military thanked the parents for having brought such a son...”

Interview – Assad says federalization of Syria impossible

Jim W. Dean - In Palmyra this week, the 25-year-old Russian Special Forces forward observer did not call an airstrike in on himself and the jihadis who were about to capture him in order to swing an election. He was fighting terrorists with his last breath.

Assad says Erdogan’s army fighting in Syria

"Today, the war against Erdogan and against Saudi Arabia is a war against terrorists. The Turkish army, which is not even Turkish, is Erdogan's army that is fighting today in Syria," Assad.

Pentagon hypes the Russian bear threat once again

Jim W. Dean - This is a hyped story, sending one armored brigade back to Europe to defend against a Russian army that is never coming. It is all part of the new Russian bogeyman con.

Syrian President Calls on Int’l Organizations to Help Restore Palmyra

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Wednesday called for increasing international efforts to help reconstruct the ancient city of Palmyra (Tadmur) ruined by the ISIL terrorist group.

  Double Standard & Nuclear Security Summit 2016

                                 By Sajjad Shaukat for VT From 31 March to 1...

Mossad’s Hidden Hands in Azerbaijan and North Caucasus

An Azerbaijani news website revealed that Eldar Mahmoudov, the former head of Azerbaijan's ministry of national security has supported Wahhabi movements an formed the extremist group Sukma, as ordered by Mossad.

Belgium acknowledges ‘decades of neglect’ in anti-terror fight

Jim W. Dean - Belgium and the EU are scrambling to survive the exposure of the gross failure of their counter terrorism efforts, which may be beyond fixing as the jihadis are now layered deeply into their way too large and hostile immigrant communities.

Erdogan and ISIS Are Still Concentric Circles

Zionist media such as Newsweek, the New York Times, and the Atlantic obviously are aware that Erdogan is sleeping with ISIS.

Russia May Use Nukes in Syria

Vladimir Putin has praised the Russian cruise missiles fired against terrorists in Syria from the sea. He expressed hope that these weapons would not have to be armed with nuclear warheads.

Turkey on Defense – Blaming EU for feeding terrorists into Mideast

Jim W. Dean - Turkey seems to be scraping the bottom of the barrel with this Hail Mary pass to blame the EU for the terrorism problem in the Mid East, while denying its own involvement.

NEO – Crimea and Donbass – A Tale of Two Cities

Jim W. Dean - Obama and the Pentagon were out of their minds to think they could trigger a violent coup in Kiev using neoNazis as shock troops, and have Crimea fall into its hands and the Russians just sit and watch.

NEO – Washington, Kiss Your Silly Missile Defense Goodbye

Jim W. Dean - Our Congress and defense industry team up to continue bleeding us dry on wasted new weapons programs with their huge cost overruns and delays, where both Russia and soon China will be able to create cost effective deterrents.

Mr. Erdogan: How did you know something was going to happen in Brussels again?

New World Order agents are creating monsters out of thin air and are asking American soldiers to go kill them at the expense of virtually every single American.