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Wuhan: 6.5 Million Coronavirus Tests in 9 Days

In Wuhan, sampling booths were set up in neighborhoods across the city, with residents in face masks lining up to take their swab tests.

NEO – Why is Trump drumbeating a ‘New Cold War’ with...

Jim W. Dean - When the many trillions in virus bills are tallied in the first half of 2021, we will have a look at the various Central bank holdings to see whose currency is worth anything, and what their gold holdings and foreign debt are.

Did the Mossad and Deep State kill Chinese ambassador Du Wei?

The United States has been involved in assassinating perceived enemies since the beginning of time.

China: US has no right to extend Iran arms embargo

Jim W. Dean - That Trump would blame everyone but himself for the lack of preparation on the pandemic response is predictable.

China Sees Increase in New Travel-Related COVID-19 Cases

People have been encouraged to stay in place and self-isolate again.

Trump Cuts U.S. Research on Bat-Human Transmission Due to China Ties

The National Institutes of Health on Friday told EcoHealth Alliance, the study’s sponsor for the past five years, that all future funding was cut.

The Looming Financial Nightmare

"Bazookas cannot stop coronavirus becoming a financial crisis."

Draconian Lockdown Powers: It’s a Slippery Slope from Handwashing to House...

...by Jonas E. Alexis and John W. Whitehead Jonas E. Alexis: We are told that the 1918 pandemic, which was also called Spanish influenza pandemic...

China and Russia help COVID West while under its sanctions

What an ultimate irony to have EU sanctioned Russia sharing its own Covid19 medical supplies with EU countries worst hit.

Speaking Truth to Empire: How China Defeated Corona Virus

Host Dan Yaseen welcomes China Rising author  Jeff J. Brown to discuss how China and the failure of Western Capitalism

Larry Romanoff: Did the Virus originate in the US?

* The Western media quickly took the stage and laid out the official narrative for the outbreak of the new coronavirus which appeared to have...

MEMO FOR THE PRESIDENT: The Continuing Hybrid War Against You, the...

Robert David Steele, the first person to evaluate Wuhan as a hybrid warfare event combining biological, electromagnetic, and information campaigns, provides an update for the President whom all Veterans love and wish to see triumph.

Multipolar Alliance Induces Rumpelstiltskin’s Self-Destruction

Within America, Rumpelstiltskin spasmed in rage and moved in desperation to defend himself when a leader surprisingly came to power extolling friendly relations with Russia and China.

Russian Expert: COVID-19 a Secret Coup Against China

N. Vavilov "The epidemic in China as a hidden coup"

FOUR MINUTE VIDEO: China, Wuhan Virus, BioWar, 5G, InfoWar

Robert Steele, former spy and co-founder of the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity, provides a four minute executive summary of the triple whammy on China: bio-war, 5G electromagnetic war, and a massive global information war to enable massive insider trading based on advance knowledge of the three-way attack on China and how it would impact on the global economy.

“Dien Bien Phu” by Linh Dinh

Mr. Vinh served in the elite 308th Infantry Division, which was as much a curse as an honor, for General Giap routinely assigned to it some of the deadliest missions...

Interview: Counterintelligence Perspective on Wuhan Virus – Zionist Bio-War False...

Robert Steele answers questions on all aspects of the Wuhan attack, speculating that it is both a Zionist false flag, China's 9/11, and a first instance of a new form of warfare integrating biowar, 5G electormagentic war, and preplanned Western information and economic warfare.

Equifax Hack: Indicted Chinese Military Tells Trump ‘Stop Spying on...

‘Stop your cyber intrusion & surveillance,’ China tells the US after the indictment of Chinese military in Equifax hack

VIDEO (35:00) BioWeapon Unleashed on China by Zionists?

Robert David Steele is interviewed by the SGT Report on what Steele believes to be a Zionist false flag biowarfare attact intended to start a war between China and the USA or at least isolate China while the Zionists get the USA to start a war on Iran. Includes 5G, radiation sickness, and counterintelligence / treason discussion.

Chinese, Vietnamese and Koreans: A Comparative Analysis

Chief editor of "Pravda.Ru" Inna Novikova discusses the issues with writer, orientalist, translator, head of the Center for the Study of the Far East, Kirill Kotkov.

Ouch! China Commissions Asia’s Largest Missile Boat

The Chinese navy is now in possession of the largest missile destroyer in Asia and the second-largest in the world, following the commission of the Type 055 destroyer Nanchang on Sunday.

Vitchek: A Letter to the Young People of Hong Kong

Why all this smoke and fire, wrath and violence? Were your lives, before the so-called “protests”, or “riots”, really so dismal?

Dr. Najm Al Hamad (in Arabic) on America’s New “Caesar Law”

Politically the aim of this law is regime change via serve economic sanctions that first and foremost target the people of Syria.

US Army will fund rare earths plant for weapons development

... from PressTV, Tehran - First published ... December 11, 2019 - The US Army plans to fund construction of rare earths processing facilities, part of an...

NEO – NATO ups the military ante against China and Russia

Jim W. Dean - The NATO PR campaign, and especially Pompeo's, makes the fatal mistake of thinking the public views Russia and China as military threats in the traditional sense.

China cracks down on US interference in Hong Kong

China has suspended the review of requests by American military ships to visit Hong Kong after the US Congress passed two bills in support of violent anti-government protests in the Chinese financial hub.

Kissinger warns of ‘inevitable’ outcomes unless US, China come to terms...

Jim W. Dean - Dear Henry, You were in the strategic conflict business for most of your career. Please tell us if you regret the role you played.

Trump’s Worst Nightmare: Iran’s new oil find, 53bn barrels of...

Jim W. Dean - As a key station on the New Silk Road, Iran's having huge amounts of oil and gas are additional bonuses for anyone thinking of attempting a duplicate development game of this size.

China & US agree to roll back tariffs on each other’s...

China's Commerce Ministry has announced that an agreement has been reached with the US to proportionally cancel existing tariffs between the two countries in phases.

NEO – China breaks the Western debt stranglehold on the world

 by Peter Koenig, ...with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst... 30 years with the World Bank  - First published ......

NEO – Geopolitical tectonic plates are shifting

Jim W. Dean - I got the idea for the title from comments in General Mattis’ new book, No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy. He holds the position as the most respected person in the Trump administration so far.

NEO – UAE turns its gaze to the East

Jim W. Dean - The geopolitical alignment is in motion, with the US Gulf States coalition showing signs of fear toward the US' unipolar march across the world.

From Arctic to Arabian Sea and West by Southwest A Concept...

When I think of Russia, I think of three core facts about Russia: eleven time zones’ worth of real estate loaded with valuable minerals...

China’s oil imports from Iran rise despite US threats

...by Press TV, Tehran - First published ... August 27, 2019 - China imported more than 900,000 metric tons of crude oil from Iran in July,...

Is Trump or Adderall running the country?

Jim W. Dean - I am not being disrespectful to the presidency by using this title. Trump has worked hard to earn it.

NEO -The West is failing to overthrow “Regimes”

Jim W. Dean - Spending time with the victims of the international gangsters makes a lasting impression on you, unless you are one cold-hearted son-of-a-bitch.

US calls China ‘thuggish’ for revealing ‘behind the scenes hand’ in...

Jim W. Dean - The US kept the dollar high for a long time, as it brought the price of our huge import appetite down and curbed inflation.

China’s new Silk Road trade expands to over $600 billion in...

Jim W. Dean - Neither the US nor Europe has even considered a similar program to the New Silk Road, choosing the bankster-serf-military industrial complex method instead.

NEO – China and the Conclusion of American Power

Jim W. Dean - Christopher Black has another solid article for us on the three way China-Taiwan-Western neo-colonialist bruha.