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Tag: Joe Biden

Age Old Battle Between Khazarian Mafia and True Christianity Crashing Into...

According to unconfirmed reports, yesterday Israel sent troops into Ukraine to fight the Russians for Zelensky’s army; both soundly defeated in short order. This kind of action seems to be a hopeless endeavor as the Russian Federation’s apparent complete weapons superiority (so far) seems to assure RF victory in the Ukraine.

Is Joe Biden willing to destroy the world to “weaken Russia”?

Rick Newman, Yahoo’s top Finance Columnist, observes how “Budget hawks in Congress are worried about granting President Biden’s request for an additional $38 billion in aid for Ukraine to help defeat the invading Russians.” He concludes “They’re right. Thirty-eight billion isn’t enough. Make it $50 billion. Or even $100 billion. The more, the better, until the job is done.”

US miscalculations are now legion — but what to do now?

With the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991, the United States enjoyed another period of diplomatic and strategic dominance — despite the world becoming increasingly multipolar economically.

Ukraine Had Lost the War Long Before it Began

From one week to the next, Ukraine was without a Navy and without an Air Force, destroyed at the outset in late February, early March 2022.

The War for Globalism in Ukraine

In the last 30 years, Washington’s overemphasis on military assistance and intervention in the pursuit of regime change has drawn the U.S. into conflicts and crises in the Balkans, the Near East, North Africa, and Southwest Asia.

Ukrainians NeoNazi’s Chief Zelensky Armed by Biden for the StarWars: US...

On the cover image the powerful new Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Sarmat tested by Russia and the meeting in Washington between Zelensky and Biden by Fabio...

FBI Pushed Twitter to Suppress Hunter Biden Laptop Story, Paid Company...

The intelligence community worked to ensure Twitter would quash The New York Post’s report on Hunter Biden’s laptop. New internal documents released by Twitter show the company received over $3 million from the FBI in the run-up to the 2020 election.

Visualizing The Amount Of US Taxpayer Dollars Flowing To Ukraine In...

Last Friday the Biden administration unveiled another $275 million in weapons and defense equipment for Ukraine, notably including more anti-air missile systems, which crucially will come via the presidential drawdown authority, meaning the Pentagon will pull arms from its own stockpiles to fulfill the package.

US Midterm: Defeats for Biden, Voting System and Trump: “Political Suicide”...

From hugs to “slaps”: on the cover image a photo of the repertoire of Donald Trump with the governor of Florida Ron DeSantis, the...

Laptop from Hell (Book Review)

The president cannot extricate his family's moneymaking schemes from America's foreign policy imperatives."

Is There a Red Line Biden Won’t Cross?

At the beginning of December, 2021, Putin drew a red line, seeking "reliable and long-term security guarantees." Those guarantees "would exclude any further NATO moves eastward and the deployment of weapons systems that threaten us in close vicinity to Russian territory."

Ukraine, Vladimir Putin, and the Global Culture War

There are two major reasons that war has come to eastern Europe, and they have very little to do with Ukraine or the horrible sufferings of the Ukrainian population.

Joe Biden’s Secret War in Ukraine

The White House keeps insisting that it will not directly involve American soldiers in the war in Ukraine, but it keeps taking steps that will inevitably lead to a large-scale open combat role for the US against Russia.

What did Hamas and Fatah think of Biden’s visit?

Does The West take being ‘Israel’s bitch’ role a bit too far?

World is nearing ‘brink’ of nuclear war – Tulsi Gabbard

The American people need to understand the seriousness of the situation that the Biden administration and leaders in Washington have put us in.

NATO Scribes vs. Russian Artillery and Rockets

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov made the point succinctly at a press conference on January 14, 2022, when he said, "the key to everything is the guarantee that NATO will not expand eastward."

Biden’s Sanctions Are a Windfall For Russia!

Biden has a big problem: Americans do not believe him. According to a Rasmussen poll earlier this month, only eleven percent of Americans believe Biden’s claim that Russian president Vladimir Putin is to blame for high prices.

Biden’s Endgame Shouldn’t Be Victory for Ukraine

Russian forces have been pummeling Ukrainian troops with upwards of a staggering 70,000 shells per day and a significant number of heavy rockets.

Ukraine is the latest neocon disaster

The neocon track record is one of unmitigated disaster, yet Biden has staffed his team with neocons. As a result, Biden is steering Ukraine, the US, and the European Union towards yet another geopolitical debacle.

Joe Biden paid his son’s bills for prostitutes

Text messages on the hard drive of Hunter’s laptop purportedly showed conversations with ‘Eva,’ an employee of an “exclusive model agency" named ‘UberGFE’.

Russia wins the oil war–and Joe Biden is mad and sad

Moscow is making more money on oil exports than it was before the war.

Kissinger, Zelensky, Davos, and the New World Order

NATO continues its encirclement and recruitment policies in contravention of the Bush-Baker promises to Gorbachev when the Berlin Wall came down.

Ukraine Is Losing Big Time, So Biden Ups the Ante, Risking...

Biden can't make up his mind about whether or not to destroy the world.

Pence to headline Georgia rally for Kemp, defying Trump ahead of...

Jim W. Dean - Trump views everybody not like him as losers. It is his way of blocking out what a turkey he is.

Taking Aim at Ukraine: How John Mearsheimer and Stephen Cohen Challenged...

Cohen counters the prevalent narrative that Putin bribed and bullied Yanukovych to reject the “reckless provocation” of the EU proposal – forcing a “deeply divided country to choose between Russia and the West” (p. 17).

The “Rules-Based International Order” Is Dead. Washington Killed It

This all continues to highlight how the world is descending into a post-globalization world of at least two blocs: the anti-Russian one and the neutral one.

Ukraine Is a Russian Vital Interest, and Moscow Will Behave Accordingly

Boot and other pundits even dismiss comments coming from Russia about the possible use of tactical nuclear weapons. Michael McFaul, a former U.S. ambassador to Russia, contends blithely that warnings from Putin about using nuclear weapons in response to mounting Western military assistance to Kyiv should be ignored. “The threat of escalation is cheap talk,” McFaul states confidently. “Putin is bluffing.”

The Illusion of Freedom: We’re Only as Free as the Government...

JEA: If you have read George Orwell's 1984, then you'll understand this article much better. By John W. Whitehead We’re in a national state of denial. For...

Thinking Harder About False Flags and Other Fables

Azov has reportedly shot men “fleeing” the combat zones as “traitors” and pledged no surrender to or collaboration with the Russians.

Humilitainment: How to Control the Citizenry Through Reality TV Distractions

We have gone from COVID-19 lockdowns to Trump-Biden election drama to the Russia-Ukraine crisis to the Ketanji Brown Jackson confirmation hearings to Will Smith’s on-camera assault of comedian Chris Rock at the Academy Awards Ceremony.

Friends, not Masters: Can Zelensky Offer Sanctions Relief to Russia?

In the spirit of apparent “reconciliation and multilateralism,” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken handed over the “power of attorney” to the Ukrainian president to offer Russia relief from international sanctions in exchange for ending its military offensive in Ukraine.

Biden’s New World Order and Ukraine

Joe Biden is regurgitating what globalists in and out of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) have been saying for decades.

The Nasty Truth about America’s War on Pakistan’s Free Government

The American media, under the leadership of its most corrupt institution, the New York Times, has tried to push blame to Imran Khan, not for public consumption, but for Congress, the Pentagon and the CIA.

Biden Administration Rips US-Saudi Alliance Apart

The arrival of Joe Biden in the White House has set in motion forces that could dramatically redefine the nature of US ties with one of its closest allies in the ‘war on terror’ i.e., the Saudis.

NEO – Nord Stream 2 signals American decline in Europe

Jim W. Dean - Germany is soon to be closing down its last nuclear plants, and it is winding down its domestic coal industry.

NEO – With an Eye on China, the US un-sanctions Nord...

When the US president Joe Biden recently waived sanctions on the company overseeing the Nord Stream 2 project, it came as a surprise to many.

FFWN: Psychopaths in Power: “Soulless Killers” or Black-Eyed Space Lizards?

Is a bloodsucking space lizard  accusing others of being bloodsucking space lizards?

Five who used Marijuana in past exit White House — The...

If you smoked pot in the past, but quit, you're not welcome in the new Administration.

Putin to Biden: Why can’t we be friends?

It certainly is time for the Biden administration to get some balls and have a frank and respectful dialogue with Russia. We are waiting.