Thus the astute twentieth century immigrants of Eastern European origin continued to join the Democratic Party, in which everybody was accustomed to strange bedfellows, and in which a largely non-Christian third force was already well intrenched. Parenthetically, the best description of the National Democratic party as it existed from the time of Franklin Roosevelt‘s first term and on into the early 1950‘s is probably that of Senator Byrd of Virginia. Speaking at Selma, Alabama, on November 1, 1951 (AP dispatch), he described the party as a heterogeneous crowd of Trumanites and added that the group, if it could be called a party, is one of questionable ancestry, irresponsible direction and predatory purposes.

Woodrow Wilson, who was definitely the candidate of a minority party, was elected in the first instance by a serious split in the Republican Party. By constant reinforcement from abroad, however, the third force of Eastern Europeans and associates of similar ideology was instrumental in raising the Democratic Party from a minority to a majority status. Some daring leaders of the alien or alien-minded wing conceived the idea of being paid in a special way for their contributions to victory.

Their price, carefully concealed from the American people, including of course many lesser figures among the Eastern Europeans, was the control of the foreign policy of the United States.

At a glance, the achievement of such an objective might seem impossible. In fact, however, it was easy, because it happens under our practice that the entire electoral vote of a State goes to the candidate whose electors poll a majority of the popular votes of the State. With the population of older stock somewhat evenly divided between the Republican and Democratic parties, a well-organized minority can throw enough votes to determine the recipient of the electoral vote of a state. The States having the largest numbers of Jews are New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Ohio, California, and Michigan (The Immigration and Naturalization Systems of the United States, p. 154). These, of course, are the doubtful states with a large electoral vote.

Thus, when the ship of patronage came in with the election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1932, the Democrats of the old tradition, whether Southern Protestants or Northern Catholics, wanted dams, bridges, government buildings, and other government-financed projects in their districts; wanted contracts for themselves and their friends; and wanted also a quota of safe tenure positions, such as federal judgeships. Neither group of old-time Democrats had many leaders who specialized in languages or in the complex subject matter of foreign affairs, and neither group objected to the seemingly modest interest of certain of the party‘s Eastern European recruits for jobs of sub-cabinet rank in Washington.

The first spectacular triumph of the non-Christian Eastern European Democrats was Roosevelt‘s recognition, less than nine months after his inauguration, of the Soviet government of Russia. A lengthy factual article, Moscow‘s RED LETTER DAY in American History, by William La Varre in the American Legion Magazine (August, 1951), gives many details on our strange diplomatic move which was arranged by Litvinoff, of deceitful smiles and by Henry Morgenthau and Dean Acheson, both proteges of Felix Frankfurter. Incidentally, Litvinoff‘s birth-name was Wallach and he also used the Finkelstein. Three of the four persons thus named by Mr, La Varre as influential in this deal were of the same non-Christian stock or association and the fourth was Dean Acheson, who served as law clerk of Justice Louis D. Brandeis (U.S. News and World Report, November 9, 1951) before becoming famous as a Frankfurter boy (see below,this chapter). The principal Frankfurter boy is the subject of a most important article in the American Mercury magazine (11, East 36 th Street, New York 16, N.Y.., 10 copies for $1.00) for April, 1952. Thee author, Felix Wittner, says in part:

Acheson‘s record of disservice to the cause of freedom begins at least nineteen years ago when he became one of Stalin‘s paid American lawyers. Acheson was on Stalin‘s payroll even before the Soviet Union was recognized by the United States.

Mr. La Varre‘s article should be read in full, among other things for its analyses of F.D. Roosevelt,s betrayal of Latin America to penetration by Communism. Bearing on the basic question of the recognition of the Soviet, here are significant quotations:

The very special agent from Moscow, Commissar of all the Red Square‘s nefarious international machinations, chief of the Kremlin‘s schemes for communizing the American hemisphere, sat victoriously at the White House desk at midnight, smiling at the President of the United States.

For fifteen deceitful years the corrupt Kremlin had tried to obtain a communist base, protected by diplomatic immunities, within the United States; four Presidents—Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover had refused to countenance Moscow‘s pagan ideology or its carriers. But here, at last, was a President the communists could deal with.

Many patriotic, well-informed Americans, in the old Department of State, in the American Legion, and in the American Federation of Labor, had begged Franklin Roosevelt not to use his new leadership of the United States for the aggrandizement of an evil, dangerous and pagan guest but to send him back to Moscow, red with the blood of the Commissar‘s own countrymen, without a handshake.

But Franklin Roosevelt, piqued with the power of his new office, stimulated by the clique of Marxian and Fabian socialists posing as intellectuals and liberals and by radicals in labor unions, universities, and his own sycophant bureaucracy had signed his name to the Kremlin‘s franchise. Without the approval of Congress, he made an actual treaty with the Soviets, giving them the right to establish a communist embassy and consulates in the United States, with full diplomatic hospitalities and immunities to Stalin‘s agents, the bloody bolsheviki.

November 16, 1933 at midnight! That is a date in American history our children will long have tragic cause to remember. That was the day Soviet Foreign Commissar Maxim Litvinov, plunderer of Estonia and the Kremlin;s first agent for socializing England, sat down with Franklin Roosevelt, after Dean Acheson and Henry Morgenthau had done the spadework of propaganda, and made the deal that has led the American people, and our once vast resources, into a social and economic calamity to the very brink, now, of national and international disaster.

One of the greatest concentrations of factual information, wise analyses, police records and military intelligence ever to pile up spontaneously on one subject in Washington, all documenting the liabilities of dealing with the Kremlin, had no effect on Franklin Roosevelt. He had appointed Henry Morgenthau and Dean Acheson, both proteges of Felix Frankfurter, to study trade opportunities between the U.S.S.R. and the United States, and he praised their report of the benefits to come to all U.S. citizens from Soviet friendship.

The record shows that Cordell Hull, upon the receipt of this authentic document disclosing the Soviet‘s continuing duplicity, sent a note of protest to Moscow, but President Roosevelt could not be persuaded to withdraw his diplomatic recognition. He began, instead, the reorganization of the State Department in Washington and the dispatching to far, isolated posts of its anti-communist career officers.

The Roosevelt-Stalin Deal, of November, 1933, has been so costly to us, as a nation and as a hemisphere, that the full appraisal of our losses and liabilities will not be known for several generations. The Kremlin‘s gains within the United States and communism‘s cost to us is only now, in 1951 after eighteen years of suffering a Soviet embassy in our Capital, and its agents to roam the States coming to public consciousness.

It has truly been a costly era of mysterious friendship for an appeasement of the devil, of un-American compromises with deceit and pagan ideologies. Some of its protagonists are now dead, their graves monuments to our present predicament, but others, again mysteriously, have been allowed to step into their strategic places.



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  1. “The Khazarian Mafia” shtick was debunked on this very site via ‘2000-Year-Old’ Luciferian Torahs found in a 2000-year-old Syrian synagogue. ~700 years before the alleged ‘mass conversion’!
    Knowing how strong religious brainwashing is, do you really think the latter would have even been possible?

    Folks, please stop smearing Russians with this “Khazarian Mafia” baloney, debunked by DNA tests alone.
    Perhaps you might also look at the DNST3 gene issues Jews share with Africans and Mexicans!
    How in the heck did African Jewfro, Schizo and ‘Titanic T*t’ genes get to Russia?


    The quote that I gave above in my last post, as it turns out may not actually be a true quote from Theodor Herzl. I thought in error that the web site where I found this quote was trusted for giving the truth.

    Here is another web site that disagrees with the truth of this translated quote:

    The web address that is given below is where I first found this possible error quote. The quote is given close to the top of the web page and has a picture of Herzl.


    I believe that what Herzl was talking about in the above, is that at his time and until the 1940’s most Jews were anti-Zionist because they were successful in their businesses and had no interest in the very undeveloped land of Zion Israel that was occupied for a long time by other people who were not Jews.

    But by 1945, as Herzl predicted, the majority of the world Jews were successfully converted to being pro-Zionist, by the Jewish persecutions as Herzl prescribed, and as the majority of the world Jews remains pro-Zionist still today.

    The Jewish Zionist could never have taken over the control of the land of Israel without the help and support of the majority of the world Jews, therefore the world Jews needed to be converted to aggressive pro-Zionists.

  4. The Jews of the world are now celerbrating their Passover, which represents God’s miracle remedy for other people making slaves of the Jews, and freeing the Jewish from slavery as happened in Egypt.

    But in the Passover Seder celerbration, should it be mentioned that the eleven brothers of Joseph sold Joseph into slavery, and that the Jews still today have no Jewish personal inner remedy to prevent this slavery problem as with Joseph ?

    Another example is in the writings of the Jewish Zionist Theodore Herzl where he states in his writings as follows ‘to hurt the Jews’:

    “It is essential that the sufferings
    of Jews become worse. This will
    assist in realization of our plans,
    I have an excellent plan. I shall
    induce anti-semites to liquidate
    Jewish wealth. The anti-semites
    will assist us thereby in that they
    will strenghten the persecution
    and oppression of Jews.
    The anti-semites shall be our
    best friends.

    Theodor Herzl in his diaries”

  5. J Edgar Hoover = J E Hovah ( Subconsciously ) = JEHOVAH

    Israel became a country in 1948, Hoover was with the FBI for 48 years.

  6. Wow I’m upset that I’ve never read this book. Must read! I’m dropping all other research and reading this. Thanx Gordon.

  7. But the author was not aware at the time(many weren’t) that J.Edgar Hoover was owned by the demons.
    I always recommend Douglas Reed and Antony Sutton’s books, along with Carrol Quigley and Gary Allen-

  8. 👍 i will save this article for my evening. If our esteemed editors-in-chief will let me get to reading this article. Because they churn out a bunch of articles every day like from an aviation machine gun. I’ve already abandoned all my business on vacation, I only read VT. I will soon be covered with cobwebs and moss 😂

  9. No time to read running sentences and Books each american writes over his view of thing, short msg if not possible close the VT !

  10. “Many authors of books on the current world scene have been White House confidants”

    In French if the person is a she confidente with an e at the end is used. Given that its use here is not gender defined I’m wondering if that former director of special events at Vogue Stephanie Winston Wolkoff has any dirt of that fat POS who wants to peddle again.

  11. I just watched “Dragon Worshipping, Blood Consuming, Human Sacrificing, Luciferian Blood Lines rule the world, This is the Deep State”. This is interwoven into this article also.

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