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Is Ann Coulter tired of NWO wars?

Is Ann Coulter going to start refunding the very people who plunked down the money to buy Never Trust a Liberal and other books that promote perpetual wars in the Middle East? Or is she going to apologize to America and much of the Middle East for promoting perpetual wars for nearly ten years?

Tucker Carlson: Warmongers are “stupid” and “tapeworm[s]”

"Only in foreign policy circles do people say things that stupid... Ill-advised wars are like doing cocaine."

Iraq seeks air defense cooperation with Iran after IRGC downing of...

Jim W. Dean - This is a major development, showing once again that US aggression and intimidation with its forward leaning military deployments and threats are pushing countries to form new defense coalitions.

The War Party Is At It Again

There is only one party in Washington, D.C., and it’s the War Party. And they are at it again.

Russia: NWO agents want to attack Iran on lies like Iraq

New World Order agents have a history of summoning false flag operations in order to beat the war drum. The war against Iran is no different.

Chuck Baldwin Destroys Christian Zionism and Perpetual Wars

Since World War II, virtually all of the military conflicts in which the U.S. has been involved in the Middle East have been at the behest of Israel. For all intents and purposes, foreign policy makers of America’s federal government—from both major parties—are little more than lap dogs for the Zionist State of Israel.

Colonel Crystal’s Parallel Universe: Alternative to the New World Order

Would it be possible for a very high-ranking U.S. military officer to develop the same critical dissident view of United States foreign policy practices, tactics, and especially, the multi-faceted brutal nonstop war on humankind, ultimately including its own helpless people at home, that I have?

New Mideast coalition sprouts like a Spring flower

Iraq’s parliamentary summit has brought together the country’s neighbors in what has been described as “a display of rare regional unity”, further sidelining a US initiative to form an “Arab NATO”.

The growing Syria-Iraq alliance and its role in the Axis of...

The US decision to invade Iraq and unintentionally deliver it gift-wrapped to the Axis of Resistance was one of the worst strategic blunders in history. (It worked OK for Israel though...so far.)

NEO – In Iraq, as US Influence Ebbs, Iran’s Flows

Jim W. Dean - The VT team had proposed to the Iraqis how, if they caught the attacking ISIS columns in the Anbar desert, they could be destroyed in place with with minimal cost and losses.

Ari Fleischer is a Satanist

If Ari Fleischer happens to declare that Bush and his administration lied, he would have to admit that he is a Satanist, a person who gets pleasure in creating destruction and ruining people’s lives.

NWO and its puppets are mad, sad, and insane

Blood suckers perpetually said Saddam was corrupt, therefore they had to destroy Iraq. Gaddafi was corrupt, therefore they had to kill him mercilessly. Bashar al-Assad is corrupt and was killing his own people, therefore the United States had to send thousands upon thousands of soldiers to support the rebels/terrorists. Thanks to Russia, Assad is still in power and is serving his country.

President Rouhani hails bilateral agreements with Iraq

Jim W. Dean - Iraq and Iran are competitors in oil exports, but Iraq is not under sanctions, not yet anyway until it kicks the US out,

New World Order lies about Venezuela—again

...by Jonas E. Alexis If you have been living on a steady diet of fake news perpetuated by the New World Order, then you are...

The Oligarchic Rule, Financial Parasites, and Fordism

The central issue is that the oligarchs always try to play dice with the economy, a pernicious enterprise which goes all the way back to the Ciompi Rebellion which took place in Florence in 1378.

Iran and the Great Satan

Military historian Andrew J. Bacevich: “The most urgent priority is to staunch the hemorrhaging of American power.”

Iraq to play bigger role in Syria to fight Daesh: PM

... from Press TV, Tehran - First published ... January 01, 2018 - The Iraqi prime minister has hinted that his country would play a...

US becoming more isolated politically in Syria’s future

Jim W. Dean - The US announcement of pulling its troops out of Syria immediately caught many of us by surprise who were thinking this would probably happen in January

The American Empire and the Zionist State of Israel

How many of us have really examined the historical “truths” in our textbooks and presented on television about the Federal Reserve Board, the World Wars, Pearl Harbor, the Kennedy Assassinations and that of Martin Luther King? Have you ever heard of Deir Yassin? The Lavon Affair? The USS Liberty Attack? The Pollard Spy Case? The real story on 9-11?

International Zionism and Satanism Are Indistinguishable

An “active allegiance to Satan” is the political ideology of the United States, Saudi Arabia, and indeed Israel, specifically when it comes to dealing with important issues in the Middle East. The Jamal Khashoggi debacle again makes this very clear. The recent war in Yemen is another example.

Arbaeen: The world’s biggest event

How can war-ravaged Iraq host a pilgrimage five to ten times as big as the Hajj?

John Bolton: A raging bull for Israel and “the Great Satan”

Tim Anderson of the University of Sydney: Netanyahu “is a dangerous man and he is creating, like his mentor in the US, pretexts, which were a bit of credibility, pretexts that he will use and has used for almost arbitrary attacks.”

Iraq sentences 14 to death over Daesh Camp Speicher massacre

Iraqi judicial officials passed the ruling on 14 convicts on Sunday, urging the officials to carry out the sentences as soon as possible.

Tulsi Gabbard grabs the Khazarian Mafia by the balls

Two thumbs up for Tulsi Gabbard. A fight against the war machine, the Neoconservative ideology, and the Zionist movement, is essentially a fight for the survival of the United States and decent Americans.

Reflections on Traveling, Russia, and the Metaphysics of the New World...

The American military is a regime change janissary force for Israel, the banks, and the fossil fuels cartel.

Are North Korea and Iran Deceiving the West?

If Israel plays by the same rule, then Israel would have told the world that it does have at least two hundred nuclear warheads down its basement.

Netanyahu Is Losing His Mojo

Netanyahu: "“If you asked most of the governments and most of the leaders in the Middle East: What is the principle barrier to peace? What is the greatest threat to our security? They would say three things: Iran, Iran, and Iran.”

Western Civilization vs. the New World Order

...by Jonas E. Alexis and Richard C. Cook Richard C. Cook is a retired U.S. federal government analyst. In his 32-year career he worked for...

NEO – Shifting Sands in a Post-Daesh Mid East

The US can no longer hide what it has become, or maybe, as some are saying, has always been, a threat to any and all that will not submit. The EU is getting a good taste of that recently with a US trade war looming in its doorstep.

Russia to Theresa May: We ain’t scared of you

...by Jonas E. Alexis We’ve lost something in the political, intellectual, and legal culture. It used to be that if a person posits an extraordinary...

Scientists Finally Uncover Origins of ‘Jihadist Disease’ in Syria and Iraq

What some people call the “jihadist disease” unexplainably began to afflict the territories captured by Daesh (banned in Russia), causing its victims to rot...

Iraqi lawmakers call on Baghdad to set timetable for withdrawal of...

Jim W. Dean - Why is it that only foreigners are deemed capable of training Iraq's army, when it has tens of thousands of combat veterans, including the Popular Militias, who are now a new National Guard? 

US using extortion to block Russian arms sales – Imagine that

Jim W. Dean - Russia has a better missile defense system that countries want to buy, so the US regime reveals its true Mafia colors, "Buy from someone else at your own peril".

Putin to NWO agents in Syria: You ain’t seen nothing yet

...by Jonas E. Alexis Vladimir Putin has stunned New World Order agents and terrorist apologists when he said that his work in Syria is not...

New World Order Media: Russia Is Ready for World War III!

...by Jonas E. Alexis   As Jim W. Dean usually says, you just can’t make this stuff up. Newsweek has recently published an article in which...

German Politician Oskar Lafontaine: “F**K US Imperialism”

...by Jonas E. Alexis   German politician Oskar Lafontaine created a storm of controversy in 2015 when he used the F-word to denounce US imperialism. As...

New World Order agent John Bolton: Bomb North Korea

...by Jonas E. Alexis   Former CIA officer Philip Giraldi has recently written that the Neocons are back. He noted that “Neocon watchers will undoubtedly note...

Journalist reveals how arms experts tracked down illicit US supplies to...

Iraqi soldiers from Peoples Mobilization Forces (PMF) seen inside the liberated Tal Afar military airport in Tal Afar city A story published by Wired reveals...

Iraq Oil Ministry: Qatar Petroleum interested in investing in Iraq’s energy...

This is amazing and wonderful because Qatar is moving forward successfully with Iraq and Iran. From Reuters: * Iraq’s Oil Ministry said on Wednesday Qatar Petroleum...

Newsweek: Pentagon “Made Secret Deal with ISIS” to “Battle Assad in...

...by Jonas E. Alexis   Yes, Virginia, there is a diabolical ideology at work in Iraq and Syria. This diabolical ideology has been supported by the...