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Tag: Azov terrorists

Kadyrov announced the complete liberation of the city of Rubizhnoye in...

“Units of the Russian army and the LPR are clearing the basements and living quarters of the buildings in Rubizhnoye, finishing off the remnants of Bandera,” Kadyrov emphasized.

Covert Warfare: How NATO’s Defense Contractors Assisted Ukraine in War?

In addition to British SAS units, and United States special forces, and covert CIA operatives, approximately 6,824 “foreign mercenaries” from 63 countries came to Ukraine to fight for the Zelensky government, per the Russian Defence Ministry.

Remembering the ‘Azov’

We commemorate the officers and sailors of the battleship “Azov” who fought heroically in the Battle of Navarino for the freedom of Greece; but any memory of the failed fighters from the cellars of “Azovstal” should be buried in its ruins.

Biden bans Russian-linked ships from US ports

Biden bans Russian-linked ships from US ports and US sends Ukraine new $800 million military aid package and speeding up immigration for Ukrainians to the US.

Zelensky’s Secret CIA-NAZI Government in Ukraine

SF: Not publicized is the systematic terrorizing and killing of political opponents and journalists who might jeopardize Zelensky staying in office.

In Video: U.S. Journalist Interviewed Civilians In Bomb Shelters In Mariupol

Journalist Patrick Lancaster speaks to the families hiding in bomb shelters in Mariupol. The video shows local civilians who were deceived by soldiers of the Azov regiment.

What Ukrainians did to Ukrainians. Atrocities By Nationalist Tornado Battalion (Videos,...

"Remembering the past to understand the present, a reminder from 2016 with some sick videos....so take care: Southfront: The Tornado battalion crimes case is a...

“Muscovites, Poles and Jews are destroyed in the struggle…”

“In cruelty and inhuman reprisals against the civilian population, Ukrainian nationalists are not inferior to the Germans ,” the report of the political department of the 1st Ukrainian Front (April 1944) said with good reason.

In the Mariupol cauldron: Special correspondent “SP” broke through to the...

The Ukrainian military said that when they left, they would only leave "a lunar crater.” I look into the faces of the inhabitants of Volnovakha and see that their souls are still there, in the recently experienced hell.

Russian troops prepared assault groups of flamethrowers to clean up Azovstal...

The effectiveness of the use of rocket-propelled flamethrowers against Ukrainian militants was proven during the cleaning of ground and underground structures of the Mariupol Ilyich Iron and Steel Works.

How the CIA and MI 6 Built a Criminal Empire in...

The MI6 connection with Bandera. Today, neo-Nazi-Bandera recruits mercenaries from Canada, France, Germany, Poland, Great Britain, the USA, as well as cadets from the military academies of these countries.

Russia first used long-range bombers to strike at the Nazis in...

The speaker of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Oleksandr Motuzyanyk said that for the first time since the beginning of the special operation, Russia used long range bombers for a strike.

New Censored Videos April 15

Footage concerning the Russo-United States warzone in Ukraine, 2022

Videos: Watch Capture of Azov Fighters in Mariupol (updated)

Some 1,026 Ukrainian Marines, Including 162 Officers Surrender in Mariupol, Russian MoD Says Evgeny Mikhaylov According to the Defence Ministry, at least 151 injured troops among...

Ukrainian Militants Plan to Kill Witnesses to Their Crimes in Mariupol...

Ukrainian militants from the Azov battalion were ordered to kill all potential witnesses to their crimes before leaving Mariupol, a representative of the People's Militia of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) said on Tuesday.

Russia/DPR Forces Storm Seaport in Accelerating Advance

On April 8, Russian and DPR forces managed to storm the seaport of Mariupol, which was one of the key strongholds of Ukrainian troops, Azov nationalists and foreign mercenaries. After seizing most of the port, DPR forces began evacuating the crews of the civilian vessels which were stuck there.

Top Neo-Nazi commander killed in Ukraine – Russia

Taras Bobanich, a senior figure in the Right Sector group, was killed by Russian commandos, the Russian defense ministry said.

Crimea: ‘Homegrown’ Nazis Rising as 5th Column

A wave of anti-Russian provocations by Banderas thugs is happening in Crimea.

Ukraine War: When Tyranny, Jew Hating and Nazi Symbols become ‘the...

Former Israeli soldiers fought alongside known neo-Nazi militants who now claim to reject antisemitism. This sends the paradoxical message that neo-Nazism is somehow acceptable. Instead of condemning this abnormal alliance, the ADL sees a glimmer of hope in the “promises of Right Sector and Spilna Sprava”, groups that the Israeli media itself qualified as “fascist and neo-Nazi”.

The Battle for Mariupol is Heating Up

As of April 7, out of 14 000 soldiers of the AFU, including servicemen of the Azov regiment, besieged in Mariupol a month ago, around three thousand are still fighting. The center of the city and almost all administrative buildings have come under the control of Russian and DPR troops.

The daily and bestial terror, Mass Murder of Russians Living in...

No one is safe, nowhere in the world, if he or she has the guts to stand against the real power by doing truthful investigative work, writing it down and publishing it.

Israel Take Note! Ukie War Demonstrating Germany’s Newfound Love Affair with...

Germany is well aware that it has no other tools besides Ukraine and the outright Nazism of Bandera to oppose Russia. 

Phone Intercepts: Ukies Admit Bucha Slaughter While US/German Intel Feeds Media...

Ukraine's Territorial Defense force looted their own village for a false flag against Russia. Phone intercepts.

Zelensky Shows Off Azov Monster in ‘Cheap Greek Theatre’

From Greece, Insights from Alex Christoforou on the Ukrainian puppet show.

Ukrainian Tochka-U Hit Kramatorsk In Another Bloody Provocation. Dozens Of Civilians...

The attack on the Kramatorsk railway station was carried out by a missile division of the Ukrainian armed forces from the area of the settlement of Dobropillya 45 kilometers southwest of the city, with the aim of disrupting the mass departure of residents from the city to keep them as “human shields” to defend the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

1944-1945: The Nazis of Ukraine and their Crimes Against Serbia and...

Today, April 7, 2022, the Republic of Serbia voted to expel the Russian Federation from the United Nations Human Rights Committee as a thank you for ending the war against those who passed through Serbia and sowed death less than 80 years ago.

Battle For Mariupol: Azovstal On Fire, Provocation In City Port Revealed

According to the DPR People’s Militia, about three thousand soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including nationalist regiments, are currently besieged in Mariupol. The center of the city and almost all administrative buildings have come under the control of Russian and DPR troops.

Russia is a Woman in Labor

The Russians realize now that a war of their extermination has been declared and is already being waged in modern hybrid warfare style.

NYT Verifies Video showing Ukrainian Troops Killing Russian POWs near Bucha

“He’s still alive. Film these marauders. Look, he’s still alive. He’s gasping,” the video depicts a Ukrainian soldier as saying.

Pretending to be a Refugee: Notorious Nazi Taira captured in Mariupol...

At one of the checkpoints in Mariupol, they detained Yulia Paevskaya (nickname “Taira”), known in Ukraine as a staunch supporter of the EuroMaidan and an Azov regiment fighter.

‘Mengele of Ukraine’, Now Russian Captive, Begs Her Nazi Friends to...

At one of the checkpoints in Mariupol, they detained Yulia Paevskaya (nickname “Taira”), known in Ukraine as a staunch supporter of the EuroMaidan and an Azov regiment fighter.

Former Inmates tell of Torture in Zelensky’s CIA-Nazi Gulag

Sputnik: Ultranationalist and openly neo-Nazi paramilitary groups are now integrated into the Ukrainian National Guard, and have been accused of war crimes by the UNHCR and Amnesty International.

Western Media, Israel Lobby Join to White-wash Nazi War Crimes in...

Multiple media outlets use the same talking points, quotes, and ‘experts’ to whitewash Ukraine’s notorious “Azov” regiment.

New Holocaust: Nazi Gulag Found in Ukraine, Prison Camp for Ethnic...

This is what a concentration camp for Russians looks like. Polovinkino – base of Ukrainian nationalist battalion.

Zelensky’s Azov Hangs Pregnant Woman and Husband ‘for Amusement’ (Twitter Keeping...

Ukrainian Azov Battalion Nazis hang an ethnic Ukrainian-Russian and his pregnant wife. They take photos posing with the people before and after the hanging.

Enlightening: Tour the US Financed ‘Resort’ for the Israeli Trained Nazi’s...

Azov bases near Mariupol. Books about Mussolini, swastikas, portraits of fascist leaders and much more. Such findings were discovered by the DPR militaries during the inspection of resort villages near Mariupol, where the Azov neo nazis had occupied cottages.

Far from all Americans Are Blind

As more eyewitness testimony about Ukrainian nationalist atrocities appears, there is an epiphany and an increase in civic engagement by US citizens.

Report: Biden Directly Funded by Azov/Zelensky Founder, Israeli Citizen Kolomoysky

The boss of Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden at Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings is Ihor Kolomoysky, who was part of the Ukrainian Government installed by the Obama Administration in 2014, in what the head of the “private CIA” firm Stratfor called “the most blatant coup in history.”