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Tag: COVID-19

40,000 American Children Have Lost a Parent to COVID-19

Sweeping national reforms are needed to address the health, educational, and economic fallout affecting children.

Biden Admin To Introduce Funeral Assistance Program for COVID-19 Victims

People were forced to make tough decisions, choosing whether to pay funeral costs or pay rent or buy school supplies for their children.

COVID-19 Was Third Leading Cause of Death in 2020.

COVID-19 was the third leading cause of death, and the COVID-19 death rate was highest among Hispanics.

Parisian Doctors Fear Catastrophic Overload of COVID-19 Cases

Macron’s government is accused of hypocrisy “by compelling health care workers to decide which patient should live and which should die, without stating so clearly.”

More than $569 million stolen during COVID-19 pandemic

Fraud attempts connected to several government aid programs.

Is COVID being spread by black ops spray teams? (with John...

John Hankey thinks COVID is so much worse in the West because black ops spray teams are dosing people...

Finland Just Now Looking to Lock Down Cities to Curb COVID-19

People protest against Finnish government's regulations to fight the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.

Trump’s White House ‘Jumped Line’ To Receive First COVID-19 Vaccines

In December and January, a long-planned effort to vaccinate essential federal workers was thrown into turmoil, breeding suspicion, infighting, and “shameless” attempts to crash the list.

Moderna Has Begun Testing COVID-19 Vaccine on Children

The vaccine's effectiveness, as well as its safety and reactogenicity (potential side effects like injection-site pain, headache and fever) will be studied. 

WTF? Canada and WHO Sure AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccines Are Safe to...

The Canadian provincial health ministry felt the AstraZeneca vaccine posed no risks.

Global Shortage of Raw Materials Needed for Production of COVID-19 Vaccines

Those supply disruption concerns have arisen after the Biden administration announced plans to use the Defense Production Act to boost supplies needed to make Pfizer Inc.’s vaccines.

Buyer Beware: Fake COVID-19 Vaccines

But small batches of fake vaccines could reach consumers through the Internet or other informal channels, especially in developing countries that have been unable to get sufficient supplies.

Despite Texas and Mississippi Governors’ Lame Brain Move: Some Companies Will...

Several large chains plan to keep restrictions in place despite Gov. Abbott’s move; Life Time, Albertsons to drop mask requirement

Fauci says pandemic won’t end till 110% of the population is...

"Obviously we’ll have to keep on living in COVID dystopia forever….bwa ha ha!”

U.S. Now Has Three Vaccine Options, But Take the First One...

Data demonstrated protection against COVID-19 related hospitalization and death, across countries with different variants

FDA panel endorses Johnson & Johnson vaccine in 22-0 vote

Jim W. Dean - A lot of Trumpers are anti-vax people.

WHO’s Investigation Into the Origins of the Sars-CoV-2 Virus

While viruses do escape from laboratories, this is rare. So we concluded it was extremely unlikely this had happened in Wuhan

WHO Approves AstraZeneca/Oxford COVID-19 Vaccine for Emergency Use

The WHO’s review found that the Astrazeneca vaccine met the “must-have” criteria for safety, and its efficacy benefits outweighed its risks.

People With Dementia Are At Higher Risk for COVID-19

The demographic information available in the records showed that black people with dementia were at almost three times the risk of catching Covid-19

Fauci Predicts COVID-19 Vaccines Will Be Available for General U.S. Public...

Pfizer's trial in children ages 12-15 is fully enrolled with 2,259 participants.

Evangelical Missionaries Stoke Fears of COVID-19 Vaccine in Brazil’s Indigenous Villages

Access to social media even in remote corners of Brazil has fanned false rumors about the coronavirus vaccines.

President Biden Launches Program To Increase Vaccines to Under-Served Communities

President Biden Launches Community Health Centers Vaccination Program

Dr. Gupta: Get whatever vaccine that you can, as soon as...

"It doesn't matter what type. It will prevent you from ending up in the ICU."

COVID-19 Situation Overview: WHO’s Regional Director For Europe

We must not lose our vigilance in the face of new, more rapidly spreading variants of the virus.

VT Staffer, Steve Robertson, Dies of COVID-19, Much loved, Much missed

DR. EDWARD L. BERNAYS, “We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of."

Chinese Vaccine for COVID-19 Is Only 50% Effective

Many of the countries that have ordered CoronaVac are relatively poor, desperate to halt the pandemic and protect their populations.

Ongoing Clashes Between the FDA and HHS

A personnel shake-up driven by ongoing clashes between the agency and the HHS department that oversees it.

COVID-19: 59% Chance You Will Not See It Coming

Humans without coronavirus symptoms spread COVID-19 59% of the time.

Why the Delay? Speed Up COVID-19 Vaccination Delivery!

COVID-19 vaccines are available but only one-fourth have been given

Thanks Trump: Sedition and A COVID-19 Super Spreader Event

Trump: He continues his assault on Americans!

EU Agency Authorizes Moderna’s COVID-19 Vaccine

The EU has ordered 80 million doses of the Moderna vaccine with an option for a further 80 million.

COVID-19 Now on All Seven Continents

Antarctica has reportedly become the last of the Earth's seven continents to record COVID-19 infections.

Pulse Oximeter Readings May Be Inaccurate in People of Color

It’s apparent that there are racial differences in how oximeters perform

Wealthy Seek to Buy Way to Top of COVID-19 Vaccine Line

"V.I.P. treatment is very common” in the healthcare industry

French President Tests Positive for COVID-19

'All sanitary measures were observed, and we have not been informed of any other participant or staff present during the summit who tested positive."

10% of Spain Has Had COVID-19

Antibody study shows one in 10 people in Spain have had coronavirus

Not the Year to Sit on Santa’s Lap

Dozens of children went to see Santa and he may have exposed them to the coronavirus.

Sweden Reconsiders Failed Anti-COVID-19 Approach

Sweden Fails at Controlling COVID-19 pandemic

FDA Approves Emergency Use Authorization for Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine

The rollout of Covid-19 vaccine could then begin in the United States in a matter of days

Medical D Day For Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccine to 50 States...

A USA TODAY survey finds most states are ready to distribute a coronavirus vaccine to health care workers but maybe not all who are next in line.