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Disclosure: Alien Agenda VI: The Worm Has Turned (“for entertainment purposes only”)
This article is written for retired military and Intel with advanced knowledge of Secret Space War matters. Its purpose is to provide information about a certain group of notably evil Alien ET visitors who formed a long-term association with Super-elite criminally-insane Psychopaths who hijacked America in 1913.
Agenda 21, Environmental Responsibility or Depopulation by Alien Overlords
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
The video above is useful but the real problem is that all information we get is filtered through paid for...
Updated Finally an admission of guilt, alien agenda
My mom is doing well this morning, despite the below admission of guilt. As it has been impossible to obtain Justice, I am adding...
Godfathers of War and the alien agendas
Reflecting on the future of humanity and the hidden hand that orchestrates the alien agenda.
Alien Agenda: Human Meat Processing Behind All Cults?
A long time ago, the white aliens came to the planet when the Anunnaki walked the planet. The white aliens flooded the planet with what I call Corporate energy. It is artificial and unnatural.
Cult Sex Between Men – the Entry Point for the Alien Agenda
Baal's temple brought back a potential significant past life memory. When I saw a photo of it in Palmyra, Syria, I had a strange positively felt question, “Is Baal coming back?” It was an odd feeling of love that was associated with Baal.
Clearing the Alien Agenda, Naturally
After the nearly dying the other day, I have spent some time clearing my energy, and I discovered something, so I wanted to share it as a possible solution to we may be facing, an alien agenda, that is very possibly operating counter to humanity on the planet.
The Alien Disclosure Deception
"Top Secret UFO Projects: Declassified"...is a thinly-disguised and thoroughly-articulated social engineering gambit presented as a factual documentary.
The True Story of a Human Alien Starseed Living on Planet Earth
By Michael Dargaville for VT
This article of journalism is a brief outline and history of my life as a galactic human alien/ET starseed living...
Secret Space war XIII: Alien Partners tell Putin, “Don’t Worry, We’ve got your back”...
By Preston James, Ph.D
Russian President Vladimir Putin seems to be walking with a prideful swagger in his step lately.
In spite of growing conflicts between...
Secret Space War XIII: Alien Partners tell Putin, ‘Don’t worry, we’ve got your back’
Unsubstantiated rumors have been seeping out of deep contacts inside Russian Space Command the last few weeks that, not only does the new Putin’s Russia have a well developed Secret Space war Program, but that this Program provides substantial ultra-high-tech back-engineered offensive and defensive weaponry.
Speculative: Friendly Aliens will Protect Small Governments and Countries that Join them
The aliens and ETs who are surrounding this planet in spaceships called the Galactic Federation have declared they will give full military protection to smaller countries who join this extraordinary organization working for good.
The Ultimate False Flag: Alien Armageddon
The wealthiest families on this planet have erected a parasitic and absolutely inhuman system for the exploitation and subjugation of mankind.
Indo-US-Afghan agenda against Pakistan
Asif Haroon Raja
Motivated origination of war on terror
Drama of 9/11 provided a readymade excuse to George W. Bush and his team of Neocons to...
Evil Agenda: Supporters of Palestinian Apartheid and a Fresh Look at BDS Movement
Will Humanity awaken from a cowardice dream that presently allows misguided bullies to imprison, victimize us, our world and our families or will we rise-up to realize and express our great hero within and be known as the warriors of loving truth who acted in turn, as we were destined to be?
EMF take-down of America by Alien ET technology: How far has it gone?
A secret plan using EMF weapons based on Alien ET technology has been deployed to take-down America.
Do the Alien ETs make them do it?
Are the men who control the Secret Shadow Government being secretly and unknowingly mind-kontrolled by Alien ETs?
Xenophobia, the Know Nothing Party of the 1850s and the Trump/Pence NeoFascist Republican Agenda...
The know-nothing movement reached its peak in the mid-1850s, and by 1859 it had essentially disappeared from national politics. But the ideology obviously did not disappear.
Pan-Turanism Takes Aim At Azarbaijan; A Geopolitical Agenda
... by Dr. Kaveh Farrokh
(1) The Bernard Lewis Project.
Professor Bernard Lewis (photo below) is an octogenarian expert of the “Middle East” (itself an invented...
America’s Alien Invasion
The Establishment Hierarchy does not want you to find out anything about this forbidden subject. And in past years they have harassed, threatened and even murdered hundreds to prevent you from ever finding out. All secrecy is now ending thanks to all the disgruntled Intel agents and assets all over the world who refuse to stay quiet any longer.
Deepest Darkest Secrets behind the Establishment Hierarchy’s evil Globalist NWO Agenda
It's time to fully disclose the deepest, darkest secrets of the Khazarian Mafia's Establishment Hierarchy and stop their Globalist NWO Agenda cold.
Dr. Preston James: Secret Space War, You are Not Allowed to Know
By Preston James, Ph.D
You are...
Edgy: The Writings of Michael Dargaville
By Michael Dargaville
Benevolent and loving human aliens (ETs) have...
Sovereignty – USA, Destined for Greatness
What proves that God is always positive and keeps what is called the Divine Integrity Agreement? God is on the side of the USA. God is on the side of positive sovereign countries, the negatives need to be called to the carpet.
Negative Goes to the Core
The Negative is actually a large core mass of magnetic material that has been removed from the core of the planet.
Insolent Crab Beggars
Putin calls Congress insolent as Senators vote 98-2 to sanction Russia. Did Putin have the Russian Army choir killed, to add to evidence against America in an upcoming world body tribunal regarding terrorists we created through illegal wars and destabilization efforts?
A Complete Disconnect
...is what currently exists between the American People and their own government.
Age Old Battle Between Khazarian Mafia and True Christianity Crashing Into Finality
According to unconfirmed reports, yesterday Israel sent troops into Ukraine to fight the Russians for Zelensky’s army; both soundly defeated in short order. This kind of action seems to be a hopeless endeavor as the Russian Federation’s apparent complete weapons superiority (so far) seems to assure RF victory in the Ukraine.
Which Books Shall I Read?
Here is a list of books, book excerpts, articles, and videos which might enable a few people to give the slip to the...
Was There a Judeo-Masonic Takeover of the Papacy at the 1958 Papal Conclave?
It would be impossible for the Catholic Religion founded by Jesus Christ to be “captured” by a powerful alien force, but its visible structures, i.e., buildings, churches, cathedrals, colleges, universities, seminaries, monasteries, etc., that were formerly the property of the Catholic Church, have been hijacked by a usurper church, known as the “Conciliar Church,” that was an outgrowth of the so-called “Second Vatican Council,” hence the term, “conciliar.”
Why the Ukraine War Spells Doom For U.S. Hegemony and the NATO Alliance
The West has miscalculated the impact of the Ukraine war because it failed to understand the emergence of the multipolar global economy and how their economic sanctions have no longer the coercive power they once had.
Could the US Oligarchy Become a Democracy?
How can we escape from our "upside-down world of perpetual wars, tyranny, wage-slavery, injustice, materialism, selfishness, starvation, monstrous income inequalities, and ever-growing prospects of human extinction"?
On This Day In 1862, The First Trump, U.S. President and Confederate John Tyler...
Why John Tyler May Be the Most Reviled U.S. President Ever
The World Peace and Economic Justice Proposal
Reknown authors and investigative journalists Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould issue their public manifesto, their simple elegant solution for World Peace
E. Michael Jones: “The Ukraine War Is Going to End in 2023—and the Russians...
There's a Latin saying motus in fine velocior, "things speed up toward the end."
FDR and Pearl Harbor: Primer for Zionist Assault on American Republic and Nation...
From Mark Dankof's Catacomb
Presented in modified/edited form as FDR and Pearl Harbor: The Primer for the Zionist Assault on the American Republic and the Nation...
Hunter Biden Owned Financial Stake In Digital Banking Platform For Undocumented Migrants, Introduced Founder...
Emails obtained from Hunter Biden’s hard drive prove the president’s son was profiting off of ePlata, receiving a $20,000 wire transfer from the company in April 2015.
Turning on Russia: NEOCONS and RussoPhobia
Part 2: The post WWII strategy of the neocons has been shaped chiefly by Russo phobia against the Soviet Union and now Russia
How Dave Chappelle turned anti-Semitism into a joke
The Kyrie Irving incident seemed at first glance to be the classic example of hysterical Jewish over-reaction leading to the exact opposite of what the Jews intended to bring about.
Why Did We Learn to Embrace Fascism… Again?
VT's Matthew Ehret digs deep into the rise of Fascism in our modern world