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Tag: Israel

Marvel heads revealed to be closely connected to Israeli intelligence

Isaac Perlmutter, the current chairman of Marvel Entertainment who served on Marvel Comics’ board of directors until 1995, grew up in 1948-occupied Palestine (or modern-day Israel) and served in the Israeli military during the 1967 Six-Day War.

Are The Unholy Books Hijacking History?

VT's man in Egypt, Dr. Asraf Ezzat explores how Khazarian Mafia contrived to cheat their way into American history just as the Hebrew clergy did in Ancient Egypt

Johnny Punish Finds The True Chosen People

VT's Johnny Punish outlines why the whole world is the "Chosen People"

Was Adolf Hitler the Real Founding Father of Israel?

Truth Telling Transfer Agreement Exposes Hitler as the real Father of Israel

Sexual and Predatory Magnitude of Allied Forces After WWII

Giles MacDonogh: “A Russian lieutenant walked into a barber’s shop and proceeded to rape the [German] cashier in front of the customers.”

Rise of Anti-New World Order Establishment

Vladimir Putin, despite his shortcomings, was and is still doing the best he can to restore Russia from the political and financial ruin which New World Order agents have inflicted on her.

How Jewish Is the War Against Russia?

The head of the Department of Homeland Security, which is hot on the trail of domestic “terrorist” dissidents, is also Jewish as is the Attorney General and the president’s chief of staff. They and their boss Joe Biden do not seem concerned that their client Ukraine is no democracy.

Former CIA officer Philip Giraldi: Israel is really dangerous

"The power of the Israel Lobby and of AIPAC is not cost free for the American public. The current $3 billion plus that Israel, with a thriving first world economy, receives in military assistance is on top of the $130 billion that it has received since 1949."

Metaphysics of New World Order Revisited

What is essential to the categorical imperative is that it prohibits contradiction and irrationality precisely because it is based on the moral law itself. More importantly, the moment a person violates or denies or dismisses the categorical imperative, that person will soon find himself in a torrent of contradictions, illogical leaps, and intellectual chaos.


When Israel Murdered American Citizen Rachel Corrie the world saw exactly what Zionism stood for. Rachel's murder at the hands of Israel launched a full-blown censorship campaign to erase it from the record.

40 Years Ago: When Psychotic Barbarians Massacred over 3000 Palestinians...

Remembering one of the vilest massacres in recent history. This will sicken you

The Rise and Fall of the Alt-Right

Can the Alt-Right really survive with an existentially repugnant and morally groundless ideology? If Kant and Hegel are right, then the answer is no.

We will never forget Israel for 9/11

At least 200 Israelis were arrested. 140 of those were detained by the FBI right before the 9/11 attack. Many of those Israelis “had used cover stories to gain access to sensitive government buildings and the homes of American officials.”

Was 9/11 attack a false flag operation? (Part II)

The falsehoods and mythologies they continue to perpetrate on Pearl Harbor, the Kennedy Assassination, the USS Liberty attack, and 9-11 must be absolutely exposed and debunked, not simply in the interest of a recovery of historical truth, but to accomplish the defenestration of Mainstream Media once and for all.

REPORT: Are Palestinian People and Jewish State Freedom Fighters or...

VT Writer Anthony Hall puts the Israeli Invasion of its own Gaza Concentration Camp in a Historical and Comparative Perspective. Situates the roots of the current round of Israeli empire-building in Zionist relations with the imperial regimes of Great Britain, Germany, and the United States.

Investigating Palestine: A land without a people for a people...

VT Writer Punish takes a long look at history and discusses how future generations will take the massive failures of our past generations and turn them into a successful future for all.

ZIONIST DENIAL OF HISTORY: Israel is Banning Schools from Using Maps...

The Tel Aviv-Jaffa municipality has sent schools maps showing Israel's pre-1967 Green Line border, in defiance to the Israeli government's attempts to censor knowledge of the historical border.

Who Killed Daria Dugina?

The American Conservative was explicitly created by Pat Buchanan and Taki as a nationalist foil to neoconservatism, but it too had been co-opted and was now being run by the opportunist Rod Dreher, whose main job was to insure that conservatism of whatever stripe didn’t threaten Jewish interests.

Dateline Palestine: International Community, hang your heads in shame!

How much longer will their sniveling cowardice stop them setting free the 2 million prisoners of Gaza and giving the Palestinians their lands back?

UK Government dismisses Israeli apartheid, “doesn’t agree with the terminology”

"There’s nothing quite so deplorable as trying to defend the indefensible."

Should Israel suffer a major defeat?

"Israel has subjected Gaza to a merciless illegal blockade. What has befallen Gaza is a man-made humanitarian disaster.”

Baiting the Russian Bear- How clever is that?

The increasingly aggressive US-led NATO, on the other hand, is determined to use Ukraine as a proxy to pursue their outdated hatred of Russia, whatever the cost to everyone else.

Coincidence or Conspiracy: What Are the Odds?

We don’t need Einstein to tell us that Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself.

CIA Director Admits US Lied About Iran’s Nuclear Program

“Our best intelligence judgment is that the Iranians have not resumed the weaponization effort that they had underway up until 20."

Russia Fired on Israeli Jets Over Syria in May ‘One-Off’

Russia has long complained about Israeli attacks on Syria, but this marks the first time they’ve actually fired on them over it.

The American People, Unlike US Congress Leaders, Are Not United for...

While 48 percent of polled Americans stated they have a favorable view of the Israeli government, nearly as many — 44 percent — said they have a negative view.

What did Hamas and Fatah think of Biden’s visit?

Does The West take being ‘Israel’s bitch’ role a bit too far?

Enemy Within: Declassified U.S. Documents Show Russian Oligarchs Supported NATO Expansion

Russia's 'oligarchy' took power during Yeltsin’s re-election in 1996, when they used his reliance on funding from Russia's leading seven bankers to acquire the cream of the country's resource-producing assets.

Russia Demands Israel Stop Sovereignty-Violating Airstrikes on Syria

The Russians say it violates Syrian sovereignty, and is against international norms. Those are plainly true things, but have never stopped Israel before.

Who Really Makes US Foreign Policy? Who Benefits and Who Loses?

Unsurprisingly, perhaps nowhere has the deleterious effect of their money been more felt than in US policy toward Iran, with the Saudis, Israelis, and Emiratis dumping literally billions of dollars into attacks on a country the United States should have normalized relations with decades ago.

Will Ukraine Become the New Israel?

Israel does look more and more like a failed state...and Ukraine has a whole lot of available land.

Is Thomas Massie The Only U.S. Congressman Not Bought Off By...

The vast majority of U.S. government officials (along with the news media, financial institutions and entertainment industries) are bought and paid for by the ubiquitous juggernaut known as the Israeli lobby.

The story of when Israel attacked America, and the US government...

Tel Aviv had told the US it would be a limited war, in which it would not pursue the seizure of areas such as the Syrian Golan Heights or Egyptian Sinai Peninsula. However, Israel was poised to do just that.

The U.S. Can Live Without an Iran Nuclear Deal but Can...

"We do not have a deal ... and prospects for reaching one are, at best, tenuous," Rob Malley, Joe Biden’s special envoy for Iran.

Zionist terrorists storm al-Aqsa Mosque as Muslim worshippers locked inside

Perpetrating and celebrating genocide, and desecrating the holy places, are all in a day's work for the Zionists.

‘Medieval’ Zio-Inquisition stopped in its tracks?

Stephen Sizer has a long history of standing against the Israeli regime, its policies and its sheer nastiness.

Israel Murders Another International Journalist

Al-Jazeera TV broadcaster Shireen Abu Akleh is the latest international journalist to be murdered by the State of Israel without any condemnation by the United States of America

Goshen of Arabia: Delivering Egypt from the Exodus

If the Exodus of the Israelites was a historical story, then surely it did not take place in ancient Egypt ...  

Don’t tell us about Russia’s (alleged) atrocities in Ukraine….

Israel's relentless assaults to annihilate Gaza’s civil society was unlawful and a war crime then, and is today. Who are we to deny them their right of self-defence and justice?

Iran sent Israel photographs, maps of regime’s nuclear weapons sites in...

“You should know that your slightest move is not hidden from the eyes of our Armed Forces and our intelligence and security forces.”