Tag: New World Order
VT Staffer, Steve Robertson, Dies of COVID-19, Much loved, Much missed
DR. EDWARD L. BERNAYS, “We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of."
Why We Muslims Don’t Celebrate Halloween—and Christians and Jews Shouldn’t Either
A pagan/satanic human sacrifice holiday?!
Engineering Global Dystopia: ISD Global Casts Anti-Oligarchs as “Extremists” and “Conspiracy...
"...these are the type of organisations being used to promote adherence to the “new normal” 4th Industrial Revolution that is being rolled out under cover of Corona!"
NWO and organized crime caught red-handed in Syria–again
Leaked documents show how UK government contractors developed an advanced infrastructure of propaganda to stimulate support in the West for Syria’s political and armed opposition.Virtually every aspect of the Syrian opposition was cultivated and marketed by Western government-backed public relations firms, from their political narratives to their branding, from what they said to where they said it.
How Russia Challenged the NWO–Interview with Prof. Edward Lozansky
"When Vladimir Putin became president in 2001 he repeated his predecessor’s earlier proposals for Russia’s integration with the West and even a U.S.-Russia alliance, and proved it not just with words, but with deeds." Edward Lozansky
Are Elite Jews Responsible for COVID-NWO?
Those who would censor and silence such arguments are implicitly admitting that they can't refute them.
Planned-demics… How Else? Wake Up People!!! Chemtrails, Be Concerned – VERY...
Los Angeles, CA during today's attack, right now:
Los Angeles, CA under attack during this past weekend of August 3, 2019. Enough is...
US Police Are Again Brutalizing Our Fellow Citizens. Thank Israel. ...
A New World Order/Deep State / Cabal / Kazarian Mafia Crash Course Series, a BraveHeart series
U.S. Police personnel and departments across the...
10 Deep State ideologues who should be hanged (Part IV)
Elliott Abrams ought to be hanged for the disasters he had helped create all over the world.
Elbe Day 75th Anniversary Conference Celebrates the Past and Presents Hope...
This April 24, a major conference took place online to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the iconic Elbe Day embrace of American and Russian...
Breaking: Russian GRU Col. Vladimir Kvachkov Exposes Coronavirus NWO Agenda
"The first attempt to remove our rights was on September 11, 2001."
The Law of One Prophesy, Protocols of the Box, and...
by Steve Robertson, EvolvingPlanet7.org
The Law of One Prophesy, Protocols of the Box, and The Great Awakening to Come
Chapter I
Once upon a time, there was...
The Cabal, Dark Secrets of the Wizards of Oz and Your...
Part III: Wizards of Mind Control and Their Attempt at Full-Spectrum Dominance
A Braveheart Article Series
Hang onto your hat Dorothy, journey bravely into the eye...
The Cabal, Dark Secrets of The Wizards of Oz and Your...
Part II: Wizards of the Scofield Reference Bible, Israel's Trojan Horse of Christian Mind Control
The Cabal, Dark Secrets of The Wizards of Oz and Your...
Part I: The Spells of a Wicked Agenda
NWO Uses Crises to Expand Its Lockdown Powers
“Stock markets may be plummeting, but that doesn't mean the spread of COVID-19 is hurting everyone's bottom line.”
How to Crush a Bankers’ Dictatorship: A Lesson from 1933
Amidst the current hysteria of the COVID-19 pandemic, talk of general chaos and economic collapse have taken the forefront of peoples’ minds.
Los Angeles: Major Chemtrail Attack, Is this how they’re planning...
Is This How They Plan To Take Us All Out?
Sanders Damn Right About New World Order Regime Change
“Occasionally it might be good idea to be honest about American foreign policy, and that includes the fact that America has overthrown governments all over the world in Chile and Guatemala in Iran.”
Vladimir Putin to New World Order: Traditional family still stands
Vladimir Putin will go down in history as one of the most interesting political figures. He has the moral and intellectual ability and skills to entertain questions for hours. In fact, he has been doing exactly that for years.
Deep State Luciferianism and the Psychopathic New World Order
False-flag terrorism is intrinsically psychopathic, and yet it is now the normal modus operandi of contemporary politics. Due to the Internet and courageous truth-tellers, many are waking up to this fact.
Worst Deal of the Century as U.S. Dual-Citizen Traitors offers Palestine...
Israel's Anthology of Palestinian Cruelty
UPDATE: Hollywood/Los Angeles Under Chemtrail Attack Again, X Marks the Spot,...
A Braveheart article series
Thursday 1/23/2020 Hollywood, CA (9:14 am) is under attack again. In plain sight, on the famed Sunset Blvd, a zombified public,...
Los Angeles Under Siege …AGAIN…DAY 6…Chemtrails, Be Concerned – VERY CONCERNED
Here we go again!!!
Los Angeles, CA is under attack again. Read below the article below, that some 10,000 plus people have already read to...
Dr. Strangelove: How I Learned to Stop Worrying about NWO Agents...
In 2005, more than 6,000 suicides took place among our soldiers serving in Iraq. By 2012, more soldiers committed suicide than died in combat, making it the year with the highest suicide rate since 2001.
NY Times: New World Order lies about the war in Afghanistan
“For me, a former enlisted Marine rifleman who served in Afghanistan in 2008, 2009 and 2010, watching the national-security intelligentsia reckon with their careers, and where they contributed to the quagmire in which the United States now finds itself, reminds me of a Pentagon press-conference transcript from March 2010."
New World Order agents want “regime change” in Iran now
“They are obviously interested in ‘regime change,’ not diplomacy, with the interests of Israel, Saudi Arabia, the Central Banks, Oil-Gas Consortiums, and Armament Manufacturers being paramount."
Putin: Have NWO Agents Published “A World Map” and “Marked All...
“At this point, the US has some kind of military presence in Afghanistan, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, U.A.E., Uzbekistan, and Yemen.”
Facts: New World order agents supported coup in Venezuela
“All of the money being diverted will go to Guaido and his faction, the memo said, to pay for their salaries, airfare, ‘good governance’ training, propaganda, technical assistance for holding elections and other ‘democracy-building’ projects.”
The New World Order in Central America
The New World Order invasion continues to this day. And Nicaragua has now descended into an economic crisis. It seems like the color revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt, Ukraine, etc.
Vladimir Putin: New World Order “hurts the US middle class”
No one can universalize the New World Order ideology because it is existentially and fundamentally incoherent. And Kant would have almost certainly thrown it in the dustbin of history once and for all.
NWO hoax ahead: “Putin threatens US with nuclear weapons”
This is not the first that that the New World Order Media is trying to provoke people to hate Russia. Last year, the New York Times declared: “Putin’s ‘Invincible’ Missile Is Aimed at U.S. Vulnerabilities.”
Mark Dankof to Western Youth: Be Ready to Fight NWO
So to the young of Iran, Syria, Russia, and every other culture and nation-state on Planet Earth, I conclude by saying this. Be informed. Be sober. Be vigilant...And be ready to do battle at every level with every fiber of your beings in the defeat of the Beast and his New World Order.
Russia: NWO agents want to attack Iran on lies like Iraq
New World Order agents have a history of summoning false flag operations in order to beat the war drum. The war against Iran is no different.
A Challenge to the New World Order
We’re faced with the ultimate choice: false security or real freedom. We need urgently to ask ourselves what the best way is to fight this system before it’s too late. Of course, most people would prefer not to fight at all; life is hard enough without additional effort. But sooner or later, what may now be viewed as a distant concern, certainly not an immediate worry, will become a personal threat.
Dear Christian Zionist: Anti Semitism Law Will Make Christianity Illegal |...
“In Jerusalem, the United Nations ... will build a shrine of the prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents…” . Ben Gurion as reported in Look Magazine, 1962.
New World Order: Killing children in Yemen is “in America’s best...
New World Order agents don’t care about precious lives in any country. They care about establishing a New World Order ideology which will allow them to do whatever they want.
NWO Mike Pompeo: “We lied, we cheated, we stole”
The CIA is still sucking the blood of virtually every nation on earth through covert activities, espionage, and deceptive means.
World War II and the Beginning of the “New World Order”
Who won World War II? The quick answer is that it wasn’t the average person in England or America or Germany or Poland or France or Italy or Japan.
Russia to NWO: So, you want me to pull troops from...
Certainly Russia will not allow the United States and other New World Order entities to create chaos in Venezuela. This means that NWO agents will more than likely receive another defeat in the region.