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Trump presiding over low-grade simmering World War lll on behalf of...

And so Trump right now is presiding what amounts to a kind of low-grade simmering World War lll on several fronts...

Coronavirus War = Techno-Tyranny!

The coronavirus pandemic has provided a perfect excuse, under the cover of a “national emergency,” to shunt aside privacy concerns and enter an Orwellian total surveillance nightmare.

Breaking: Russian GRU Col. Vladimir Kvachkov Exposes Coronavirus NWO Agenda

"The first attempt to remove our rights was on September 11, 2001."

Human-Challenge Trials: Volunteering To Be Infected With Coronavirus

Support grows for a controversial ‘human challenge’ vaccine study—but no trial is yet planned

Documentary: Best Explanation of What Just Happened America 2020

Warning, this video contains information to We the People under the First Amendment. Any information you find offensive or inflicts any emotional response by...

US oil collapses to -$37.63 a barrel (they pay you to...

Jim W. Dean - Some big gambles are being made on grabbing cheap oil to resell later, one hell of a wild bet in my book.

Covid-19’s biggest losers: billions of children

"1.5 billion children have been affected by school closures amid the coronavirus pandemic, estimating that the ongoing crisis could be 'potentially catastrophic for millions of children.'"

Did US torpedo the entire global economy to stop China’s rise?

"If US intelligence knew that there was a potentially catastrophic pandemic developing in Wuhan, China, in November, it means US intelligence knows what’s happening in Wuhan, China, better than the Chinese do. And the only reason that that would be the case would be if the US had planted the virus there."

Draconian Punishments for Coronavirus Dissidents!

Are there enough psychiatric wards in America to hold all the people who think that way?

The Law of One Prophesy, Protocols of the Box, and...

by Steve Robertson, EvolvingPlanet7.org The Law of One Prophesy, Protocols of the Box, and The Great Awakening to Come Chapter I Once upon a time, there was...

Strategies To Deal With Isolation and Stress During Pandemic

Coronavirus Lockdown Creates Special Pressures for Thousands of U.S. Veterans Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injuries Five strategies for injured veterans – or most anyone –...

US nursing homes death traps for many

Jim W. Dean - I picked up on the dearth of nursing home, assisted living reporting early on, suspecting it was to keep the death numbers down to support our medical wonder president, Mr. "It will just go away".

The Looming Financial Nightmare

"Bazookas cannot stop coronavirus becoming a financial crisis."

Trump’s response to coronavirus pandemic ruining US reputation: Guardian

Jim W. Dean - The Trump fake leadership team did not include key private health care companies in early discussions to find out how much control they needed to have over their own respective supply chains to be able to reliably project what they could do.

PTSD & Coronavirus Support, 4-Time Grammy® Nominee David Arkenstone joins Peter...

by Steve Robertson, Founder/CEO of EvolvingPlanet7.org (EP7), ProjectPeaceOnEarth.org (PPoE) and SupportVeteransNow.org (SVN) Today, we excitedly announced that famed New Age music composer David Arkenstone, a...

Bill Gates Expresses Remorse for Unleashing COVID-19

“Woe is me! Would that I had not hired the CIA to take Event 201 live!”

What Noam Chomsky won’t tell you about COVID-19

Why is Chomsky allergic to speaking the truth about the most important subjects?

WUHAN-GATE – 1. Golden Intrigues Bioweapon-Vaccines among China, CIA, Saudi and...

Si quæris miracula mors, error, calamitas, dæmon, lepra fugiunt, ægri surgunt sani… If you ask miracles death, error, calamities, demons, leprosy vanish, the sick return...

Covid-19: There is no death free exit strategy

Unless the restrictions last forever, which they can’t, in the long term we cannot prevent almost everybody from getting infected and a portion of them dying.

FFWN: Adam Green Exposes BlackRock Takeover of Fed, Treasury, World Economy

Coronavirus is the new 9/11, orchestrated by the same high perps to bail out the same banksters.

Anthrax False Flag Expert Barry Kissin: “Romanoff’s Version of COVID-19 Conspiracy...

I think Larry Romanoff is asking good questions. Barry Kissin isn't so sure.

The Cabal, Dark Secrets of the Wizards of Oz and Your...

Part III: Wizards of Mind Control and Their Attempt at Full-Spectrum Dominance A Braveheart Article Series Hang onto your hat Dorothy, journey bravely into the eye...

I Like Icke—Here’s Why (Sorry, Ian!)

Icke did Icke really say coronavirus symptoms are ONLY or even primarily caused by 5G?!

The Cabal, Dark Secrets of The Wizards of Oz and Your...

Part II: Wizards of the Scofield Reference Bible, Israel's Trojan Horse of Christian Mind Control

The Coronavirus Breakdown and The Evolving Planet 7/ Project Peace On...

By Steve Robertson, Founder of EvolvingPlanet7.org™/ProjectPeaceOnEarth.org, SupportVeteransNow.org, and PeaceSongAwards.org One day an astute parent, upon her genius child returning home from school reframed from normally...

RIP John Prine: Here’s His Posthumous Release of New Coronavirus Song

Woke up locked down this morning, things were lookin' bad, Seem like isolation was the only friend I had

Breaking: Boris Johnson in intensive care due to worsening Coronavirus symptoms

Jim W. Dean - Johnson, not too long ago, was ignoring safety precautions, continuing to shake hands with everybody he normally would.

Pentagon Knew about Covid-19 in 2017

Despite President Trump’s repeated assertions that the Covid-19 epidemic was ‘unforeseen’ and ‘came out of nowhere,’ the Pentagon was well aware of not just the threat of a novel influenza

Trump admin waging all-out hybrid biowar on China, Iran: Kevin Barrett...

The Trump administration is waging all-out hybrid war on China and Iran...

FFWN: “Facing US Biowarfare” with J. Michael Springmann

Why are some of the US’ top scientists making a specious argument about the natural origin of SARS-CoV-2?

America’s Rubicon: RIP Republic

The coronavirus “Plandemic” was the grand finale for the former United States of America. We have come to the end of a long, drawn-out fight between the ideas of self-government and liberty and collectivism, religious dogmatism and totalitarianism.

Is Covid-19 Putin’s perfect storm?

Jim W. Dean - Russia is an organized country, with patriotic people. Its military will move quickly, as it is with building a 10,000 bed coronavirus hospital outside of Moscow.

FFWN: Coronavirus Wars Escalating

Bob Dylan's new JFK song was worth waiting 56 years for.

UAE will help Syria to fight the Coronavirus

Jim W. Dean - Will the US dare sanction the UAE for doing this, and will anyone else in the US Persian Gulf coalition step up to help Syria.

Coronavirus: Is this the Mother of all Mixed Messages?

Boris failed to close our borders 2 months ago when he should have. And he still hasn’t done it.

Trump Doubles Down: America Will Be “Opened Up and Raring to...

“Why wait for Easter? Why not be Foolish next Wednesday?” Trump tweeted.

Jared Kushner Solves the Coronavirus Problem with Free-Market Initiatives

Kushner has unveiled a new line of potentially profitable products that he says will “solve the coronavirus crisis just like I solved the Mideast crisis.”

Common Sense vs. the Coronavirus

They're giving us a terrible choice: suffer millions of deaths, or knock out the economy, or both at once. Yet there is another solution.